Mappa Astra

After a few days with the locals you found yourself curious on this new world, some of the locals informed you of a catwoman who kept accurate maps of the area many of them commented that they found her strange but they respected her.

Playable Area Map

Algo System - Algo Sector

Inner System

Old Parma Asteroid Field

Planet: Motavia Station: Zelan

Planet: New Palma Moon: Azura

Planet: Dezoris Station: Kuran

Outer System

3 Gas giants - Galla, Kasur, Rhein

Planet: Rykros

Starbase: Freeport - Alpha

Mobile Locations of Interest

I.R.V. Gladiator I.E.V. Nassau

This star system was artificially created as a seal for a dimensional portal. This seal weakens once every thousand years, allowing one Dark Force to appear. The ultimate goal of each Dark Force is to break this seal, which requires destroying the planets. Once Palma was destroyed, the seal became considerably weaker, eventually failing completely at the next thousand year interval.

Only the star, New Palma, Motavia, and Dezoris make up the new dimensional seal. Rykros is actually an additional planet, meant to serve as a warning system to be revealed when the seal is about to fail. The existence of Rykros was not known until shortly before the seal failed.

There are three major civilizations in the system: Palmans, Motavians, and Dezorians, with each being native to the planets they are named after. Palmans, as the most technologically advanced, claimed rulership over all three planets after developing space travel. Palmans became the dominant lifeform on Motavia, but did not extensively settle on Dezoris