Energy Types and Shield Grid Notes


Shield Defense Types

Covariant - Thick shields, regenerates slowly

Regenerative - Thin shields, regenerates rapidly

Resilient - Similar to a Standard shield, minor improvement to Capacity and regeneration, reduced bleedthrough

Phased shields - Anti 1 of the following (Proton,Meson,Polaron,Tetryon,EM)

Tri-Phasic Shields - Anti 3 of the following (see above list, increased energy drain)

Multi-Phasic - Anti 5 (see above list, Massive energy drain)


"The energy that forms the foundation of Palman science and technology.

In Algol, Its Colony worlds and the surrounding space are rich with photons.

What most races do not know is that photons resonate with spirit energy, the palmans have strict laws on the method Photonic energy can be used, Photonic energy must be purified before being used, if its not purified before use the spiritual components begin to degrade until they become standard photons similar to what most races use in Primitive torpedo projectiles.

Palmans believe that this spiritual energy is what causes holograms to eventually become self aware if left running for extended periods of time.

Photon reactors capture these particles as a source of energy, the Reactor's output is gauged by the spiritual richness of the harvested photons.


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A nadion is an artificially-generated particle.

Among other uses, phasers and disruptors produce nadions when they are fired.

Nadions when modulated produces interesting effects like

briefly stunning people or subsystems (Phasers) and disrupting damage resistance (Disruptors)

Nadion weapons come in various colors, depending on where the focusing crystal was carved.


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Some Advanced races use Antiprotons to sweep an area to detect invisible vessels, a few races have managed to weaponize it.

Antiproton - critical damage increased.

Voth Antiproton - Proc occasionally weakens targets outgoing damage for a few rounds.

Undine Antiproton - Occasionally knocksback and deals kinetic damage.


Plasma is a type of energy that can be fired as a stream, bolt, pulse or toroid.

The primary damage mechanism of these weapons is usually thermal transfer; it typically causes serious burns, and often immediate death of living creatures, and melts or evaporates other materials.

Plasma is highly effective against mechanical targets such as droids. The ionized gas disrupts their systems.


Standard plasma - Damage over Time effect.

Caustic Plasma - Damage over time doubled, duration halved

Phased Plasma -

Range Modifier: x2, but cannot burn through hull materials.same DOT as regular plasma weapons, primarily used on stations and ship personnel weapons

Romulan Plasma -

Same DOT as plasma, with Disruptor damage resistance debuff built in.


Most races use Polaron energy for polaron sensor sweeps as they can penetrate most shields, a few races have managed to weaponize it, Polaron weapons will penetrate any shield generator classified as 'normal'

Polaron - Passes through Normal shields

Phased Polaron - Passes through Phased Shields

Ancient Polaron - Destabilizes shield matrix, reduces hardness.


Tetryons are subatomic particles that exist outside of normal space.

When brought into normal space from subspace (artificially or naturally) they become highly unstable.

Tetryons seem to be a natural anti-shield weapon as they have the ability to deal extra damage to them.

Tetryon - Shield damage Proc.

Refracting Tetryon - Shield dmg proc, 'Refracting' proc.

Destabilized Tetryon - Shield damage over time instead of all at once.

EM (Electromagnetic)

Deals a lot of damage to electronics and shields, it does very little damage physically to the solid materials,

making it very inefficient for cracking an enemy open.

Rare Damage types:

Some Experimental weapons developed by the palmans utilize these energy types, not much is known about these weapons.

Neutron Positron Tachyon

The Vorlons and Shadow vessels along with other ancient races use their own category.