Omni-Tool Modules [Deployables]

Combat Drone [Deployable]

Price 1,500,000 ECUs; Slot Yes; Weight 0 lbs.; Usage 1 charge

Time: Standard action

Target: One unoccupied square in 30 Feet

Recharge: 4 rounds

Make a Use Computer check. You create your personal Combat Drone for an amount of rounds based on your Use Computer check.

DC 20: 4 rounds. DC 25: 5 rounds. DC 30: 6 rounds.


You can spend 5 Chakra to double the base Shield HP of your Combat Drone,

if your Omni-tool is Equipped with a Chakra Amplifier.

Defense Drone [Deployable]

Price 1,500,000 ECUs; Slot Yes; Weight 0 lbs.; Usage 1 charge

Time: Standard action

Target: You

Recharge: 3 rounds.

Make a Use Computer check. You create your own personal Defense Drone for an amount of rounds based on your Use Computers check.

DC 15: 6 rounds. DC 20: 8 rounds. DC 25: 10 rounds.

You can spend 5 Chakra to double the base Shield HP and Shield Damage Reduction of your Defense Drone, if your Omni-tool is Equipped with a Chakra Amplifier.

Recon Mine [Deployable]

Price 750,000 ECUs; Slot Yes; Weight 0 lbs.; Usage 1 charge

Time: Standard action

Target: One square within 50 Feet.

Recharge: 5 rounds.

Make a Use Computer check. You create a recon mine into a square within range. One round after being deployed, the recon mine digitally paints every enemy within 3 squares of it. Allies attacking those targets ignore any concealment and total concealment they might have, and automatically succeed in Perception checks against the targets.

After the mine has deployed you may use a swift action to detonate the recon mine. If you do so, make a Use Computer check and compare it to the Reflex defense of all creatures in a 3x3 square centered on the mine. If the attack hits, it deals 6d8 explosive damage, with half damage on a miss. The painting effect ends immediately when the mine is detonated.

Enemies may make an opposed Perception check against your Use Computer result to notice the recon mine.


You can spend 5 Chakra to increase the size of both the painting and detonation by 1, if your Omni-tool is Equipped with a Chakra Amplifier.

You can only have one recon mine in effect at a time. If you fire another mine, the previous one explodes harmlessly.

Decoy [Deployable]

Price 500,000 ECUs; Slot Yes; Weight 0 lbs.; Usage 1 charge

Time: Move action

Target: One unoccupied square in 6 squares

Recharge: 4 rounds

Make a Use Computer check. You create a holographic decoy of yourself nearby. Enemies must succeed on a Perception check with a DC equal to your Use Computer result to notice it's a decoy. The decoy cannot attack or move and only mimics your actions. It has shields equal to double your Use Computer check and a Reflex defense of 10. Once its shield is depleted, the Decoy ends.

Enemies who see the decoy being created recognize it as a decoy immediately.

Enemies within 2 squares gain +5 to their Perception check and enemies adjacent gain +10 to their Perception check to recognize the decoy.


You can spend 5 Chakra to further double the shields of the decoy, if your

Omni-tool is Equipped with a Chakra Amplifier.

Proximity Mine [Deployable]

Price 750,000 ECUs; Slot Yes; Weight 0 lbs.; Usage 1 charge

Time: Standard action

Target: One square within 50 Feet.

Recharge: 4 rounds

Make a Use Computer check. You create a proximity mine into a square within range. When an enemy moves into the square of the mine, compare your Use Computer check to the Reflex defense of the target and creatures adjacent to it. If the attack hits, the target takes 4d6 explosive damage, with half damage on a miss. Enemies adjacent to the target take half damage on a hit, and no damage on a miss.

Enemies may make an opposed Perception check against your Use Computer result to notice the proximity mine.

You can directly attack an enemy with Proximity Mine. If so, treat the power as a ranged attack and resolve the damage as normal.


You can spend 5 Chakra to increase the size of both the Dice Damage and detonation by 1, if your Omni-tool is Equipped with a Chakra Amplifier.

You can only have one proximity mine in effect at a time. If you fire another mine, the previous one explodes harmlessly.

Sentry Turret [Deployable]

Price 1,500,000 ECUs; Slot Yes; Weight 0 lbs.; Usage 1 charge

Time: Standard action

Target: One unoccupied square in 6 squares

Recharge: 4 rounds

Make a Use Computer check. You create your personal stationary Sentry Turret for an amount of rounds based on your Use Computer check.

DC 15: 4 rounds. DC 20: 5 rounds. DC 25: 6 rounds.


You can spend 5 Chakra to to grant the turret a +3 to all attack rolls and half your heroic level on all damage rolls, if your Omni-tool is Equipped with a Chakra Amplifier.

Omnitool Deployables Statistics

Combat Drone

A combat drone is a spherical tech drone that autonomously seeks out enemies, drawing fire and acting as a distraction as well as dealing damage.

A standard combat drone has the following statistics:

Defenses are equal to the owner's defenses -5. A hover speed of 3 40 Shield Hitpoints with a shield Damage Reduction of 5.

A shock attack that deals 3d6 electric damage to a single target with a range of 30 feet

In addition, each combat drone can have a number of upgrades equal to the owner's Omni-tool's Comms Level [1 to 6].

The possible upgrades are:

Defense Drone

A defense drone is similar to the combat drone, but it hovers around its owner, attacking enemies who get too close.

A defense drone cannot be attacked, but any damage dealt to the owner will be transferred to the drone first.

A standard defense drone has the following statistics:

20 shield Hitpoints with a shield Damage Reduction of 5.

A shock attack that deals 3d6 electric damage to a single target within 15 feet of the owner.

The attack activates as a reaction once per round to the first enemy that enters its radius.

A deterrent field area attack that deals 2d6 electric damage to all enemies within 10 feet of the owner.

The deterrent field can be activated by the owner as a free action on their turn.

In addition, each combat drone can have a number of upgrades equal to the owner's Omni-tool's Comms Level [1 to 6]

The possible upgrades are:

Sentry Turret

A sentry turret is a small stationary arms platform which attacks enemies autonomously.

A standard sentry turret has the following statistics:

Defenses equal to the owner's defenses -5. 30 shield Hitpoints with a shield Damage Reduction of 10.

A turret attack that deals 3d6 kinetic damage to a single target at a range of 40 Feet.

In addition, each sentry turret can have a number of upgrades equal to the owner's Omni-tool's Comms Level [1 to 6]

The possible upgrades are: