
DON'T PANIC EVERYTHING IS FINE!!!! Don't mind the mess.
Due to Google forcing us to a new Website. We are taking this opportunity to update our Classes. Please see the progress in our newly constructed Tome of Magic.

Technique magic, this supernatural ability relies on the body's ability to manipulate Phonons or various subtypes of phonons to create various effects, using a complex network that exists within the body to regulate and carry this energy flow to various exit points, or to be used internally.

Technique Slots:

Spells are similar to skill ranks and are limited to 3+ Character level + Intelligence modifier

Rank [Complexity Rating]

A Jutsu's (technique's) Rank signifies how difficult the technique is to perform and learn. The techniques range from 1 to 14. Any technique of rank 15 or higher is considered an Epic Technique and thus has special requirements. To learn a technique, one must be the same level or higher than the technique's rank (to learn a rank 8 technique, one must be at least of level 8) and have a number of ranks in the relevant skill equal or higher than the technique's rank. Level Adjustment does not count toward the maximum rank of techniques you may learn, but some ability may allow you to learn higher ranked technique. Following the technique's rank is the complexity rating of the technique.

The complexity rating directly impacts the chakra use of an ability. (approx. 1-14 rank number x4)

Mechanics & Technique Lists:


These techniques are below-genin levels. Most shinobi are expected to have learned those techniques in their time at the Academy.

Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 1


The Genin-level techniques are still quite low-level techniques that are not expected to pack a lot of power or lethal force. These techniques are easy to come by and acquire.

Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 2


These are Chuunin-level techniques that some Genins consider as trump card. Some C-Class techniques can be quite destructive if used correctly, and constitute a large majority of the arsenal of a Chuunin-level or below shinobi.

Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 3


These are Jounin-level techniques.

Rarely seen in the hand of Chuunin, and even more so Genin, they pack quite a bit of power and often allow a shinobi to use lethal force against another.

Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 5


This rank of advanced technique is of a high-Jounin level, bordering on the Kage-level of techniques. They demand a great deal of skill to be used properly, and very few amongst the lower rank of shinobi possess them. They are otherwise known as lethal or very dangerous techniques

Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 7


Even beyond the power range of A-Class techniques, techniques of these ranks are very rarely seen, even in high-level shinobi battle. Some village may even have a ban on such level of technique, which is only removed during wartime or other similar situations.

Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 9

Super S-Class:

Most techniques of this rank are Kinjutsu(forbidden Techniques), banned for use unless the shinobi has a very good reason. Even witnessing one is a privilege that happens very rarely, perhaps as rarely as once a decade.

Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 11


Performance check bypass equals: Technique Rank + 18


This entry is, as the name suggest, the technique's name itself. The techniques' name are usually in romaji (japanese written using roman alphabet), followed by the english translation in parentheses.

Technique Type (Subtype, Requirements)

Beneath the name is the technique's type and subtype, if appropriate. All techniques belong in one of the four technique types.

A "Taijutsu (Enhancement) [Akimichi Hijutsu]" is a rank Taijutsu technique of the Enhancements subtype and an Akimichi Hijutsu.

Psionic Techniques:

If a Jutsu is marked [Psionic] then you must have a Psi-rating Equal to or greater its ranks or you cannot attempt to learn it, if you can take temporary damage via 'Mental Effort' to boost your Psi-rating high enough to meet the requirement you may learn it but you must boost your Psi-rating in this manner when attempting to learn it Via Training.