Imperial Bishop


When the Imperial Bishop preaches against a particular sin, all those who hear the sermon become reluctant to carry out that sin for a number of days equal to the Imperial Bishop’s class levels x4. Anyone who wishes to commit that sin must succeed with a Will save against a DC equal to 10 + one half the character's Character level. The preaching must be to more than one person, takes at least ten minutes, and only those who can understand the sermon are affected. This ability is gained at first level.

Lesser Penance

At second level the Imperial Bishop may enforce any penance on someone who has freely confessed his sins. The penance must be commensurate with the sins committed, but otherwise the sinner has no defense; there is no saving throw and spell resistance does not apply. If the sinner fails to carry out the penance, he suffers as if under the influence of a geas/quest spell.

Greater Penance

The Imperial Bishop may impose a penance on a sinner, even if that sinner has not repented, on reaching fifth level. This ability otherwise functions as Lesser Penance, above, and may be used at will. Imposing a penance takes at least a standard action. The priest must specify the sin for which the penance is imposed; if the target has not committed that sin, the ability does not take effect.

High Mass

When the priest says Mass, the Eucharistic wafer has the same effect as a heroes’ feast spell on anyone who consumes it, including the priest, provided that they devoutly attended the whole Mass. The High Mass takes about an hour to perform,

and the wafer is consumed at the end. There is no limit other than the size of the Temple and the carrying power of the priest’s voice on the number of people who may attend. However, it takes a standard action to administer the Eucharistic wafer to one person. This ability is gained at second level.

Great Mass

The same as High Mass, except that the Eucharistic wafer also has the effects of a heal spell. When the character says Mass, angels attend and join the choir, and those present can see them. These celestial beings take no part in the proceedings other than to join with mortal-kind in praising the Great Light. This ability is gained at fifth level.


At third level the Imperial Bishop may absolve anyone who has freely confessed to him. This has the same effect as an atonement spell, but the Bishop may absolve at will, as a spell-like ability. The target of the absolution must, however, have

freely confessed, and cannot be absolved of any sins he has deliberately kept back. Sins which were honestly forgotten are absolved, as are sins which the sinner truly believed were a part of one of the sins he did confess.


The Imperial Bishop may exclude a persistent sinner from the congregation of the faithful on reaching fourth level. The target must have sinned, and refused to repent and confess. In general, the sin must be serious, but the ability affects those who are persistent in minor sins. A Imperial Bishop must try to convince the sinner to repent before resorting to excommunication, however. There is no saving throw, and

spell resistance does not apply.

In order to excommunicate someone, the Imperial Bishop must announce the excommunication publicly, typically from the pulpit or the Temple door. The Imperial Bishop must make a serious effort to ensure that everyone gets to know of the excommunication.

An excommunicated sinner cannot enter churches or other consecrated places. Any attempt to do so is resisted by a force that is slightly stronger than the force the

excommunicate is using to enter. In addition, all members of the Imperial Religion know that he has been excommunicated, and he suffers a -10 Temple penalty to all Charisma based skill checks when dealing with members of the Imperial Religion. Most will simply refuse to have anything to do with him, as dealing with an excommunicate is itself a sin worthy of excommunication.