Hedge Witch


While the realms of the divine, the arcane, and the earth itself are all quite different

from one another, there is a small area where all three overlap. Those individuals who

find themselves at home in that intersection of worlds can do wondrous things —

they can cast spells normally accessible to only clerics or wizards; they can commune

with the creatures and flora of the lands; they can see into the past and ahead into the

future. These multitalented — and often misunderstood — people are hedge witches.

Their magical power is divine in nature, but it has many aspects in common with

arcane magic.

Witches can take their magical gifts and focus them to follow various paths, or traditions.

Many hedge witches feel most in tune with their own power when they are skyclad (nude),

and perform as many as their tasks and rites as possible in this state (though it is not by

any means required for their magic to work).

Many people wrongly assume there are only two types of witches: those who practice evil,

or black magic, and the rare few who practice good, or white magic. In truth, while hedge

witches can be of any alignment, far more are good than are evil, and there are five distinct

traditions that a hedge witch can follow. Most hedge witches are women, but more than a

few males take the hedge witch's path. Male hedge witches are called hedge witches,

not warlocks as some people mistakenly believe. Warlock is the term for a hedge witch,

male or female, who has broken the sacred oaths of the coven and has been outcast.


While hedge witches are not highly skilled in physical combat or offensive spells,

the magic and abilities they do possess serve them well. The role of the hedge witch varies

depending upon which tradition she has chosen, so she may play many roles in a party, from

healer to scout to defender. Regardless of their tradition, all hedge witches are strongly

connected to nature and the chakra weave.

Where priests and others nearly always have a single patron deity, hedge witches always have

two, a god and a goddess. A hedge witch's god and goddess must have some commonalities in

their dogmas. Work with your GM and the deity list to select an appropriate god and goddess

for your hedge witch to follow.

A hedge witch may be of any alignment, so long as she is within one alignment step of both

her deities.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +2 Chakra Point Die: 1d10

The Hedge Witches class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are

Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Climb(Str), Diplomacy (Cha),

Disguise (Cha), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int),

Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str),

Treat Injury (Wis), Chakra Control (Wis), Fuinjutsu (Int), Ninjutsu (Int),

Skill Points at 1st Level: (5 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 3 + Intelligence Modifier



Cast Circle [SP]:

At 1st level, a hedge witch can perform the rite to cast a circle. This is the basic rite that all hedge witches learn first, regardless of their tradition. The circle acts as a protection from evil/good spell up to one full hour. The circle's duration increases by one hour at 3rd level and every two levels after, that to a maximum of 10 hours at 19th level.

The hedge witch uses her athame (a special knife with a blunt edge, used for ceremonial purposes only, never for actual cutting) to draw the circle, praying to her god and goddess as she draws. Casting the circle requires one full minute of time, and the hedge witch can cast her circle a number of times per day equal to 2 + her Wisdom bonus. The hedge witch's circle is a 5 ft. radius circle at 1st level,progessively increasing as seen on the chart above. Once cast, a faint glow — red if protecting from good, blue if protecting from evil — reveals the boundaries of the circle. The glow is visible to all, without the aid of magic.

    • At 5th level, the hedge witch's circle also acts as a nondetection spell in addition to the protection from evil/good.

    • At 10th level, the circle also acts as a protection from spells spell. Both effects have duration equal to the duration of the hedge witch's circle.

If the hedge witch is forced out of her circle before the duration is up, the circle is broken and all effects immediately end. Anyone within the circle with the hedge witch must remain within the circle for its duration or until the hedge witch breaks the circle; leaving the circle breaks it and ends all effects. Likewise, any creature outside the circle that enters it automatically breaks the circle and ends all effects. The hedge witch can break her circle and end its effects voluntarily at any time; the circle is not required to exist for its full duration.

If the hedge witch's circle is broken by someone other than the hedge witch, the spirits and powers the circle holds at bay can harm the hedge witch. The hedge witch must make a DC 20 Will save or suffer 1 point of temporary Wisdom and Charisma damage.

In addition to these powers, each hedge witch also gains a special power to her circle based on the tradition she chooses to follow at 2nd level.

See the Tradition descriptions for details on each.

Class Features:

Witch Traditions:

Core Ability: Object of Flight

Hedge witches dedicated to the true path are bestowed with a Object of flight from their god and/or goddess, usually a broom but items have been known to be used....

A hedge witch can use her object of flight to fly through the air. Her object of Flight only works for her (or another hedge witch of 6th level or higher);

anyone else attempting to do so finds the Object does not respond. Even supernatural class abilities or magic cannot make the Object fly.

This Object is able to fly through the air and grants a +4 on Fly skill checks for up to 9 hours per day (split up as its owner desires). The object can carry 200 pounds and fly at a speed of 40 feet, or up to 400 pounds at a speed at 30 feet. In addition, theobject can travel alone to any destination named by the owner as long as she has a good idea of the location and layout of that destination. It flies to its owner from as far away as 300 yards when she speaks the command word. The Object of flight has a speed of 40 feet when it has no rider.

Discern Falsehood (Su):

At 6th level, at a cost of 10 Chakra, an Hedge Witch knows if the target creature within 30 feet is deliberately and knowingly speaking a lie unless the creature makes a Will save (DC 10 + Hedge Witch level + Wisdom modifier). This does not reveal the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessarily reveal evasions.

This lasts for 1 round per Hedge Witch level.

Shineland Cunning (Ex):

At 11th level, a Hedge Witch gains trap sense as a thief of equal level, and in her favored terrain, she immediately receives a Perception check to notice traps within 10 feet.

In addition, and every two levels thereafter, she may choose one combat maneuver, and gains a bonus equal to her trap sense bonus to her CMD against that maneuver.

Shineland Fortitude (Ex):

At 16th level, a Hedge Witch gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against disease, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, and poison. When she is in her favored terrain, she instead applies her favored terrain bonus on such saving throws. She also recovers from ability damage, exhaustion, and fatigue at twice the normal rate.

Moment of Prescience (Su):

At 20th level, at a cost of 40 chakra, an Hedge Witch is able to perceive her surroundings in relation to herself. This ability lasts for 10 rounds.

She receives an insight bonus of +10 bonus, to one of the following abilities of her choosing:

  • Attack rolls,

  • Defense rolls,

  • Skill checks or opposed ability checks,

  • Saving throws.

Starting Energy Credit Units: 1250


More then just a Simple Broom

Prerequisties: Must have Object of Flight [Broom]

A hedge witch's broom is more than just a simple housekeeping tool and a convient way to travel...

    • A hedge witch can use her broom to cast housewifery (prestidigitation cantrip).She can do this once per day per 2 hedge witch levels.

    • A hedge witch can use her broom to protect her dwelling from evil or good (depending on her alignment).

The hedge witch must spend 15 minutes sweeping the floor of her home, shop, tent, inn room, etc. At the end of this period up to 3 different entrances (doors, windows, fireplaces, etc) are protected as if by a protection from evil/good spell. The number of entrances a hedge witch can protect increase by 3 every 3 hedge witch levels (6 at 6th level, 9 at 9th level, etc). A hedge witch must spend another 15 minutes sweeping for every 3 entrances she protects. The protection lasts for 1 hour per 3 hedge witch levels.

    • At 10th level, a hedge witch can use her broom to “sweep away” outsiders. By making a melee touch attack against an outsider while chanting or intoning prayers and words of power, the hedge witch can banish (as the spell banishment) an outsider of X HD or less. The hedge witch can use this ability once per day. X equals Hedge Witch levels so a 20th level hedge witch can banish 20 HD.