Esper Wizard



Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +1 Chakra Point Die: 1d10

You dress oddly, speak calmly, and don't hesitate to use your powers in ways

that make you look more mysterious.

Esper's Specialize in Manipulating Nei, the ancient Terran Force Technique arts, long forgotten. Rather than develop abilities through study and training, an Esper manifests her incredible powers by instinct and sheer willpower. An Esper's power is nearly as much a part of her as her flesh and blood, and the ease at which she can call it forth exceeds that of any other manifester. Force related techniques are your single favorites, as nothing impresses the commoners more than always seeming to know things they don't or that you shouldn't know. Telekinesis and Elemental related techniques help at doing all kind of flashy things and to prove to aggressive peasants that you're not just an all-talk. The Primary Stat of an Esper is Charisma but a High Wis or Int (or all three) is suggestible as they are able to access all three spheres of the supernatural; Force psionics, Arcane jutsu and Divine jutsu.

Class Requirements: Psionic Entity Diety: None Required Allegiance: Psi-Core

Cannot Multiclass -> Esper Guardian/Defender & Technomage

The Esper's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are

Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Climb(Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int),

Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str),

Treat Injury (Wis). Chakra Control (Wis), Fuinjutsu (Int), Genjutsu (Wis), Ninjutsu (Int), Taijutsu (Str). Autohypnosis (Wis), and Telekinesis(lv7) (Int).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:


    • Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Slasher, Nanopulse Technology

Core Ability: Generous

May spend 5 Control Points to reroll the failed roll of any teammate and ally within verbal or visual contact just as if rerolling one of his own so long as he's within line of sight or can speak directly to them throughout their turn, radio communication is valid. When this ability is used, the Esper's class abilities, modifiers and other character options that affect the die in question supersede those of the target

Class Features:

Nei Grip:

At 2nd level, the Esper gains the ability to adhere to solid surfaces using the Force, allowing him to climb and travel on walls or even traverse ceilings. His hands and feet must be bare to use this ability. He may climb at half his move speed. Using this ability costs no vitality or chakra points. Someone who wishes to pull the esper off the surface to which he is clinging can attempt a Strength check opposed by his Intelligence check (for those attempting to physically displace him) or an opposed Telekinesis check (for those using the Force). Additional weight carried by the esper slows him down, but cannot detach him from the surface.

Nei Shroud:

At 4th level, the Esper can summon darkness about himself. The darkness obscures all sight including darkvision, beyond 30 feet.A character 30 feet away has one-half concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance).

Characters farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target.Creating this darkness cost 5 control points; maintaining it costs 1 Hitpoint per round. The field of darkness moves with the esper and endures until he ceases spending hitpoints to maintain it.

Force-Based Nanopulse Combat Training: I, II, III

Benefit: Passive - Nanopulse Damage Increase

As a Esper gains levels, the amount of damage he can deal with his lightsaber or other nanopulse weapon increases. Each time the Esper gains, the weapon’s damage increases by +1d8. (+1 die)

Benefit: Active - Nanopulse Deflection

A Esper learns to deflect blaster bolts and other projectiles with his lightsaber, thereby providing a dodge bonus to Defense against such attacks. You must be carrying an active lightsaber to use this special ability.

Deflecting an attack is a reaction that costs the Esper a move action in his next round. The Esper must indicate he is using Deflect (Defense) when an opponent declares an attack against him, but before any attack rolls are made. When used in this fashion, the Esper gains the dodge bonus against all ranged attacks directed at him in the round.

For example, if Sen Udo-Mal uses his activated lightsaber to deflect any number of blaster attacks in round three of combat, in round four Sen Udo-mal loses a move action to account for the effort expended to deflect the attacks in round three.

Each time the Esper gains Force-Based Nanopulse Combat Training, it provides a +1 dodge bonus to Defense when he uses his lightsaber to block ranged attacks. Nanopulse Deflection can be used in conjunction with total defense for even greater protection, providing the dodge bonus for deflecting the attack and the +4 dodge bonus granted by using total defense. In this case, Nanopulse Deflection isn't a reaction; it’s an attack action used in a round when the Esper expects to come under heavy fire.

* Unlike Jedi, Espers never learn have the time to learn the precision to reflect energy weapons at opponents, just deflecting them away from themselves, which is why they do not possess the Reflection ability

Telekinetic Special:

At 7th level a Esper has a 25% chance to gain the Telekinesis skill as a class skill, Normally Telekinetics require a implant.

Force Flight:

At 8th level, the Esper learns to float or fly by manipulating the Force. He can make a Telekinesis (Move Object) check (DC 20) to travel at 30 feet per round, (or 20 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load). It can ascend at half speed and descend at double speed, and its maneuverability is Average.

At 14th level, he can increase his speed, traveling 60 feet per round with a successful Telekinesis (Move Object)check (DC 20). Using this ability requires that the Esper spend chakra points as per the Telekinesis (Move Object) skill.

The Esper can carry additional weight if he is willing and able to spend additional chakra points. For each order of magnitude of additional weight (50 kg, 500 kg, and so on), the costs doubles. The DC for the skill check also increases by 5 for each additional order of magnitude of weight.

Closed Mind:

A Esper and their Guardians master several techniques to guard his mind against unwanted mental intrusion.

He gains an insight bonus on Will saves for every level after 10 (max +10) to resist mind-influencing and Force abilities that allow Will saves.

Nei Sight:

A Esper has trained himself to see the weakness of others and knows how to exploit them to his advantage.A Esper may make one additional attack of opportunity per round.

Nei Crafter:

Nei Crafter: at Level 20, the Esper Wizard learns to infuse mundane items with nei, conferring them power of their own.

Enchanting a Item with Nei Enchantments takes massive amount of time, 24 hours for each 1,000 Energy Credits in its price.

Some nei items incur extra costs in material components or Rare Experience stones as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item's base price. The character must pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one.

Nei Enchanted Items must be repaired By a Esper who has the Nei Crafter Ability, other Schools do not have the understanding to repair such intricate works

(some NPC exceptions exist).

Enchanted/Enhanced items that are further enhanced with Nei Enchantments can pick up unusual quarks due to the blending of magics, two known results exist, see lore)

Nei Enchantments do not take up the slots of regular ones, allowing espers to 'overenchant' an item without causing enchantment breakdown to occur

Starting Energy Credit Units: 1000