
"All such tales of gods and their miracles are false. Those who would lead prefer that history suit their needs, and rewrite it to see that it does. And why shouldn't they? The fault lies not with them. The reeking masses yearn

for gods and miracles. It is their opiate, and they consume it greedily. The people do not endeavor towards

greatness, but rather mire themselves in their petty strife - shackles on the feet of man. Their leaders give them

no more than that for which they clamor. It is history's oldest and most oft-repeated tale. Do men exploit this

weakness to dominate their fellows? Mayhap they do, but they succeed only because the people are eager to

know such dominion. Gods are only illusions born of man's fear. It is they who see this charade for what it is

and join in the pageantry who are to blame." - Wiegraf Folles


Aristocrats represent the ruling elite of a race or government. they include members of upper-class families, elected officials, nouveau riche' merchants, business executives and the like. they only common denominator is that they have risen to the top of their society and wield influence accordingly.They are generally well-bred, well-dressed and possess excellent social graces. While they have many areas of expertise, they excel in negotiation, diplomacy and politicking.

Patricians or also known as Aristocrats are often born into their role, based on their social status and the expectations placed upon them by their society or culture. their motivations vary, many feel that they owe a certain loyalty to their people, those who have empowered them. others feel that their position is their right. some Patricians have lost their status and seek to reclaim it through guile or military might. some purse honorable goals, while others are egocentric, seeking only what is best for their own welfare.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +2 Chakra Point Die: 1d8

The Patrician's class skills (and key abilities for each) are

Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nobility/royalty) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:


Core Ability: Stipend

Stipend - Patricians generally come from wealthy families or have some sort of economic retainer, every other level beginning at 2nd, the character receives a stipend worth 2 to 12 times his level in Energy credits for example at 6th level the character would receive (2d6 x6) x100, this stipend has no strings attached, the character may spend it as he sees fit., after 20th level the Stipend becomes monthly of equal strength(2d6+6)x500

Stipend Chart:

Grand total maximum(if rolled max every time) from leveling only: 660,000 After level 20: Monthly: 2d6+6x500 = 9,000

Class Features:


At 3rd level the Patrician gains the ability to command ordinary people to perform small tasks for him, if he makes a successful Charisma check (DC 15) he may not ask the targets to risk their lives or even seriously disrupt their day (the task may not require more then 15 minutes to perform) but he could for instance walk into a busy spaceport and command the nearest person to carry his luggage, if the charisma check succeeds the person will dutifully carry the patricians luggage for the next 15 minutes( how far this ability is up to the GM (or if used during standard roleplay the player of the target)

Presence does not work on people close to the Patrician (like other PCs) or those who spend a great deal of time around him or her, In addition Important NPCs are immune to this effect, the DC can also increase depending on the scope of the take or the target of the presence use, for example attempting to make the mayor of a city carry your luggage would likely be a DC of 20 or 25)

At third level the +2 modifier to Presence check, every other level after they gain add't +1 to the Charisma check for using Presence

An Old Debt:

An Aristocratic character gains this ability at 6th level, when this character is in a serious situation in which an old friend or contact could logically help him, he make make a check to call in an old debt, this test can only be made with the permission of the game master and the GM will determine if the check is successful, Note that his normally doesn't solve the problem but may assist in is resolution, this allows the character and his friends the freedom to investigate the crime that may have imprisoned the aristocrat to begin with so they can get his named cleared, this ability can only be used once every few weeks ingame, it is suggested that players develop the background of this contact, providing a reason why he or she may show up to help the player character.

Turn on the Charm:

Beginning at 8th level, a Patrician may expend 5 control in order to gain +4 to his Charisma based skills for the period,

this ability affect other class abilities of the Patrician.

Starting Energy Credit Units: 1500