
The Regulons of Atra

Dr. Ayad Hazim Hasan


Abstract- Bacteria of the genus Streptomycin have been a rich source of antibiotics, in addition to antiphonals, antivirals and anti-tumourals. Indeed 80% of the antibiotics in clinical or veterinary use are derived from the metabolism of Streptomycin. Streptomycin coelicolor is used as a model for studying the regulation of secondary metabolism and morphological development. Previous work has identified a transcription factor called AtrA that regulates the production of actinorhodin, a pigment antibiotic. A combination of in vitro and in silico studies suggests that AtrA may control the metabolism of acetyl CoA, which is a precursor for several important classes of natural products.

Keywords- AtrA, Acetyl CoA, Streptomycin

Date: 04/05/2018

Place: Department of Biology