
الضمانات القانونية للمستثمر في ظل قانون الاستثمار اقليم كوردستان رقم (4) لسنة 2006



Abstract- This seminar includes the legal guarantees provided to the investor in the investment law of the Kurdistan Region. It has issued in 2006 which provides for a set of legal guarantees for the investor in order to develop the economic situation and establish the infrastructure of the Region and facilitate the investment process and the attention of the most different sectors. These guarantees include the allocation of land for the project, the ownership of the investment project, tax and customs exemptions, and the right to insurance the project, transferring profits and benefits, and the use of manpower in the project.

Keywords- Legal guarantees, Investor, Land allocation, Tax Exemptions property rights

Date: 25/12/2018

Place: Department of law