
Fantasy in Toni Morrison’s Paradise and Bakhtiar Ali’s The Last Pomegranate of the World

Rizan Nouraldin Hassani


Abstract- This study seeks to reread Morrison’s Paradise and Ali’s The Last Pomegranate of the World in terms of Žižekian theory of fantasy relation with subject formation and identity crisis.

This analysis’ focuses is that both novels share minority groups as a common point, in two different societies. In Paradise the minority group is the convent women, they are disallowed by men of Ruby whose forefathers had been disallowed many years ago. The other minority group is the marginalized teenagers in The Last Pomegranate of the World who are belonged to the Kurds’ nation, another big minority group.

Keywords- Comparative Literature, Fantasy, identity

Date: 3/1/2019

Place: Departmnet of public Administration