
Occupational Stress Management

Aram Massoudi


Abstract- The objective of this seminar to understand stress, stressors, and how we manage stress in our daily life. Stress is the reaction of the body and the mind when faced with challenges or threats. It is our mental, emotional, physical & behavioral response to anxiety-producing events. This results in strain, pressure, or tension. Stress has many sources such as Frustration (Failure to cope with daily demands of life), Conflict (Relationship difficulties), Pressure (too much work), and many more. Many tips that can be helpful for stress management including: Know Yourself and Accept who you are, Identify the Sources of stress, identify your negative Responses to stress, and turn them around, Seek Solutions to the problem, Develop & Maintain a Healthy & Balanced Lifestyle.

Keywords- Stress, Stressors, Burnout, Stress Management

Date: 04/05/2020

Place: Online