Toward Green Life: Integrated Solution for controlling E-Waste with Moral Perspectives

Post date: Apr 18, 2020 5:32:9 PM

Professor Dr. Shihab Ahmed Hameed at the department of Computer Science gave a seminar entitled Toward Green Life: Integrated Solution for controlling E-Waste with Moral Perspectives on 17- November-2019 at 2:00 PM in Computer Science Department-building 9-9307: The rapid development in electrical, electronics, ICT technology leads to huge production of such products associated with Unwise behavior of some customers in buying products regardless of their actual needs. The result is more consumption of energy in production and operating ICT product, which lead to significant problems related to environment. Climate change, greenhouse gas GHG emission, and global warming are the key challenges facing global society since quarter of century. ICT industry has a significant role and contribution to the global economy; but on the other hand ICT is responsible for 2-3% of the global carbon footprint. ICT growth and usage increasing rapidly in the world; include many developing countries (Asia, Africa and Latin America). Improving efficiency of ICT equipment or ICT processes will lead to increase the energy efficiency directly. But we have to know that the technical solution in enhancing the efficiency of energy consumption is not enough unless it is integrated with enhancing and enriching the educational, cultural and ethical aspects of society to make people feel responsibility.