How to fight COVID-19 and break down chain of infection

Post date: Apr 23, 2020 5:1:47 PM

Assistant Professor Dr.Kareem Fattah Aziz Al-Barzinjy at the department of Community Health gave a seminar entitled: How to fight COVID-19 and break down chain of infection on 23-April-2020 at 11:00 AM in online Hangout Meeting: How to fight COVID-19 and break down chain of infection. Most studies indicated that it is transmitted by direct and non-direct contact the appearance of signs starts from 5 to 14 days and depends on the person’s resistance, age, and illnesses. General responsibilities of countries for the purpose of isolation and to provide methods of protection and dependence protocol or report of, WHO the purpose of combating such an epidemic and finding treatment and vaccine. Do not go to crowded places, and do not attend ceremony.