
E-QA Process at Cihan University

Nagham Ismael Yahya


Abstract- E-System is a reliable and quantifiable System, enables academic teaching staff to use his/her own platform to present the academic and scientific activities online. This will help the Directorate of the Quality Assurance at Cihan University to evaluate and score the staff scientific achievement in a transparent and efficient way. This is an advanced step towards a paperless online .

Using the E-system requires:

1. Connecting University own domain with Google Apps

2. Internet provision

3. Minor Academics awareness to Google Apps

4. Admin staff trained with Google applications

Schools and universities can set up free Google Apps accounts with their own domain name, where they can give all student and faculty access to a variety of tools, including a GMail account, iGoogle portal, Google Groups for collaboration, and Pages, for creating websites. Each user can also use their GMail account to activate other Google services, such as GoogleDocs.

Keywords- E-System, Quality Assurance, Gmail account, i Google portal, Google Docs

Date: 17/04/2018

Place: Techno-Park