
Analysis of "He" A Short Story by Catherine Ann Porter. Barthesean &Darridean Approaches

Suhair S.Al Faris


Abstract- Roland Barthes, a French structuralist , philosopher and linguist, in his book S / Z (1970) described and demonstrated methods of literary analysis. While analyzing Balzac’s story ,‘Sarrasine’, he identified five his well known codes, i.e. hermeneutic code, proairetic code, semantic code symbolic code and cultural code. These codes reflect a network that forms a capacity of meaning that the text runs through. Adopting the concept of ""Plurality"", the present study uses two theories of analysis;1- Barthes's five codes to identify and analyze ""HE"" the short story to see how far the theory is applicable and relevant in a different social and cultural context. 2- Barthes's five codes to show how much language is more slippery and ambiguous than we realize. Derrida argues that language has two important characteristics, its play of signifiers continually defers (postpones) meaning. The meaning it seems to have is the result of the differences by which we distinguish one signifier from other.

Keywords- signifies , Barthes's five codes, "Plurality",

Date: 25/11/2020

Place: Department of Business Administration