
Using Halliday's and Hasan's Cohesion Framework to Analyze Trump's Speeches

Huda Yaseen Abdulwahid

Abstract- This study is designed to explore the main linguistic features of the political speeches of the current president of the United States; Donald Trump. It aims to uncover the main cohesive devices used in his discourses that he delivered in his visits to the Saudi Arabia and Jerusalem respectively. To this end, a sum of two speeches is downloaded from different web sites. The data were analyzed using Halliday and Hasan’s (1967) framework of cohesion. The analysis has showed that Trump has used cohesive devices heavily in Jerusalem while he has used them a little in Saudia Arabia. It is hoped that this study will contribute to cross cultural understanding, multi modality, and critical discourse analysis.

Keywords-Political speech, discourse analysis, cohesion, multi modality

Date: 15/04/2020

Place: Online presentation