
Pink Marketing

Azwar Mahdi Qasim Agha


Abstract- Pink marketing is one of the 21st century marketing types. Pink refers to women, as is known in all societies. Pink marketing refers to all marketing efforts directed at or by women. The behavior of women and men is in many respects similar to the general characteristics of consumers of goods and service users, but they differ in other fundamentally different aspects. This sometimes necessitates understanding of the needs of women as clients and at other times requires them to be dealt with through a woman As in marketing to deal with them directly, to achieve more effectiveness than dealing with men, especially in some areas of women. These characteristics necessitated marketers to take care of them on both sides to enable them in economic activity and their contribution to achieving sustainable development in its third dimensions through applying the concept of marketing. It has been concluded that women influence pink. Purchasing or consumption, or as a woman marketed as having her own skills in performing her marketing duties.

Keywords-Marketing|pink|market share|integrated|consumer behavior

Date: 08/11/2018

Place: Department of Business Administration