
Life after COVID-19

Assist.Prof.Dr.Kareem Fattah Aziz.


Abstract- Kishore, a researcher at the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore said that the openness of China to the world during the past few decades has resulted in an economic recovery and enhanced the confidence of the Chinese people in their culture. The Chinese have come to believe in their ability to compete anywhere in the world and even compete American economy. Who writes history for success against Corona? John Allen, director of the Brookings Institution, expected that the success in the war against the COVID-19 would be able to write history as it is common in human history. He said that all countries are suffering from the societal stress resulting from the spread of the virus in new and powerful ways, and the countries that have good political, economic and active health systems, will success over countries that have different negative results in their war against the COCID-19.

Keywords- COVID-19,crisis,Life

Date: 02/05/2020

Place: Online