Erbil as Translation Zoneost

Post date: Sep 05, 2021 12:51:58 PM

Lecturer Dr. Sirvan Aminzadeh at the Department of Translation gave a seminar entitled “Erbil as Translation Zone” on 15th April 2021 at 11:30 AM. The seminar focused on the modern-day, translation can happen among inhabitants of metropolises which are the home of people of different languages and cultures. For instance, Erbil is turning to a cosmopolis with polyglot people. There, inhabitants get unavoidably accustomed to translate to communicate with townspeople of other languages and cultures. According to Cronin and Simon (2014), in a translational city (e.g., Erbil), there are spaces of intense interaction across languages- Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish, English-, cultural communications, and polymorphous translation practices. Here, elements of the translational city of Erbil are explained and exemplified, and the merits of translation in the city are argued.

Seminar keywords: Translation, Translation Zone, Erbil, Communication