

Nagham Ismael Yahya


Abstract- The rapid urbanization, a climate change and political instability, cities and its citizens are facing new and amplified challenges, most cities are confronted with a range of disasters, natural and human-made.In order to cope with these challenges, the global community is increasingly realizing that we need to build resilience into our cities

This presentation is one of two parts that aim to clarify this new notion in the field of architecture, and throughout the session, the presenter will try to answer several questions regarding this topic and as following:

1. What is the meaning of resilience as a term?

2. Why the term entered the field of architecture?

3. What is the difference between resilience and sustainability?

4. What is the resilience aspects in architecture?

5. What is the resilience scales in architecture?

Keywords- Resilience, climate change, natural disasters,human made disasters, sustainability

Date: 13/04/2020

Place: Online seminar