
Contemporary economic housing in Erbil (Characteristics and evaluation)

Saba Ebrahim Taha


Abstract- "The efficient housing environment is characterised by its ability to provide a balance between the physical, social and psychological needs of the inhabitants (as individuals, families and residential groups) and within the possible economic limits of the community. Many of these goals are achieved only through a set of basic planning rules and standards that regulate the relationship between man and his environment within the boundaries of the dwelling or its surroundings within the residential neighbourhood, and affect at the same time on the design standards of the dwelling. Building density is a sign of the rate of utilisation of residential land to meet the needs of the resident within the economically acceptable limits. The seminar discusses the development of the residential style in the city of Erbil during the recent period and how it affected the increase of building density at the social, functional, psychological and environmental level of the residential environment. The seminar aims to put recommendations and treatments to achieve an acceptable residential environment"

Keywords- economic housing,Building density,human needs

Date: 19/12/2017

Place: cihan university,building no.9,hall no.9106