
The new basic elements of the contract in the French civil code

Dr. Younis Salahuddin Ali


Abstract- According to the ordinance n° 2016-131 dated February 10, 2016. And came into effect on 10 February 2016, and included wide-range fundamental amendments. And the most important of which may be the addition of the article (1182) to the civil code, which determined such three basic elements to the validity of the contract as the consent, the capacity to contract, and the licit and certain content of the contract.

The content of the contract is considered as a new basic element of the contract in the French civil code, after the which the French legislator introduced as a reform to the civil code of 1804, and particularly to the contract law and of the obligations’ general and evidence rules.

Keywords- content of contract, basic elements,

Date: 13/12/2018

Place: Department of Law