
Moodle-based E-learning environment

Manaf Basil Raewf


Abstract- E-learning platforms may add to the continuum of teaching and learning, provided incorporation takes place within the context of appropriate teaching methods. Implementation of personalized e-learning programs places high demands on software, programming skills, and resources. The delivery of courses within learning management systems can be an answer to that. Another such program that has progressively gained popularity across the globe is Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), an online learning course management framework. Moodle is an "open source" and allows developers to adapt the program to their individual needs. Moodle's design is based on pedagogy based on socio-constructivism. That means its aim is to provide a set of tools to support an online learning approach based on inquiry and discovery. It also aims to create an environment that allows students to engage collaboratively as stand-alone or traditional classroom instruction in addition.

Keywords- Moodle, E-learning, Teaching

Date: 06/02/2020

Place: Cihan Academy