
Quality Assurance Score System

Dler Hussein Kadir


Abstract- Quality Assurance Score System This presentation is entitled ""Quality Assurance Score System"". The aim of the presentation is to make lecturers familiar with the way of applying quality assurance’s procedures at Cihan University-Erbil. The procedures are under the guidance of Ministry of Higher Education (KRG). The presentation sheds light on the three parts of quality assurance which are continues academic development (CAD), teaching assessment portfolio (TAP), and student feedback (SF). It also focuses on how to obtain the grades and explaining how to pass the levels. The presentation lays emphasis on the committee evaluation as well. The relationship between quality assurance score and promotion is also presented.

Keywords- Quality Assurance , Score , CAD , TAP , SF, evaluation, promotion

Date: 10/04/2018

Place:V.I.P Hall