Networking for Professional Growth:LinkedIn

Post date: Apr 14, 2020 5:38:45 PM

Lecturer Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli at the department of Translation gave a seminar entitled Networking for Professional Growth:LinkedIn on 4-February-2020 at 1:45 PM in Hall:105 Department of Translation :The advent of internet has created this new digital world, which is increasingly inhabited by netizens who are used to e-mail, e-commerce, instant messaging and whatsapping as mere life routines. Each user, including organizations, has an online identity, which needs to be cultivated and managed skillfully. In tune with the present times, the present seminar focuses on the topic ‘Networking for Professional Growth: LinkedIn’. The seminar does not only endeavor to refresh and refine the participants’ existing knowledge on the subject but also underlines the best practices for creating an engaging and robust online identity for oneself on LinkedIn.

· LinkedIn or locked out – Why LinkedIn matters

· Why and how to power your professional growth

· The nitty-gritties of creating an engaging and potential profile

· How to stay away from the usual pitfalls while creating your profile