
Vitamin D - Information is Beautiful

Mange hevder at de årlige sesongvariasjoner mht. luftveisinfeksjoner bunner i den årlige variasjon i solinnstråling, og dermed variasjon i hudens produksjon av D-vitamin som dannes ved fotosyntese av kolesterol til kolekalsiferol (previtamin D3).

Hypotesen om sesongvariasjoner ble først fremmet av R.E. Hope-Simpson i 1981 i artikkelen  "The Role of Season in the Epidemiology of Influenza" i tidsskriftet  Journal of Hygiene.

Artkkelen ble republisert i 2010 tidsskriftet Epidemiology & Infection

I 2010 fant den danske professor Carsten Geisler en forklaring på HVORFOR D-vitamin er nødvendig for immunforsvaret; D-vitamin styrer celledelingen av immunceller (T-celler) som kverker uønskede mikrober :

Dermed tok D-vitamin-hypotesen et langt skritt videre mot status som teori…‽

I forbindelse med korona-pandemien har det kommet massiv dokumentasjon på samvariasjon mellom D-vitamin-brist og "smitte"/sykelighet/død av Covid-19…

John Enebak forklarer: Dette er D-vitaminmangel

En grundig gjennomgang av D-vitaminets mangfoldige virkninger finnes i "Vitamin D Endocrine System and COVID-19", Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2021-11-08

D-Vitamin-entusiasten Dr. David Grimes har en fyldig oversikt "Covid-19 & Vitamin D. 2020 & 2021 : Nature and anti-nature"

I 2020 publiserte the British Medical Journal en kommentar med fyldig dokumentasjon som styrker D-Vitamin-hypotesen, men det etablerte helsekverket ser ikke ut til å la seg forvirre av fakta…‽ Man lever godt av bestikkelser fra medisin-mafiaen ved å skremme vettet av folk med hjerteinfarkt og hudkreft; for deretter å lokke med vaksine-Nirvana (som aldri kommer…)


D-Vitamin-hypotesen forklarer bl.a.:

Noen lenker

1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 modulates bone marrow macrophage precursor proliferation and differentiation. Up-regulation of the mannose receptor., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1987-11-25 (PDF

Over 200 Scientists & octors Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19 

Epidemic influenza and vitamin D, Epidemiology & Infection, 2006-09-07

The role of vitamin D3 in preventing infections, Age and Ageing, 2008-01

Vitamin D's role in cell proliferation and differentiation, Nutrition Reviews, 2008-10-01

D-vitamin er immunforsvarets batteri, Videnskab.dk, 2010-03-08

Vitamin D controls T cell antigen receptor signaling and activation of human T cells, Nature Immunology, 2010-03-07

Another reason vitamin D is important: It gets T cells going, Scientific American, 2010-03-07

Scientists find why "sunshine" vitamin D is crucial, Reuters, 2010-03-07

Vitamin D and the immune system: new perspectives on an old theme, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, 2010-05-29 (PDF

Vitamin D: Metabolism, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, 2010-05-29 (PMC

Autocrine and Paracrine Actions of Vitamin D, the Clinical Biochemist Reviews, 2010-11- (PMC

Vitamin D and immune function: Autocrine, paracrine or endocrine?, Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 2012-04-26

Sunlight and Vitamin D - A global perspective for health, Dermato-Endocrinology, 2013-01-01

The vitamin D receptor and T cell function, Frontiers in Immunology, 2013-06-18

Meta-analysis of all-cause mortality according to serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Am J Public Health, 2014-07-11

Is vitamin D deficiency a major global public health problem?, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2014-10

A Statistical Error in the Estimation of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin D, Nutrients, 2014-10-20

Vitamin D and 1,25(OH)2D Regulation of T cells, Nutrients, 2015-04-22

Vitamin D: Classic and Novel Actions, Karger Annals of Nutrition&Metabolism, 2018-01-18 (PDF

Vitamin D: Nutrient, Hormone, and Immunomodulator, Nutrients, 2018-11-03

The roles of vitamin D and cutaneous vitamin D production in human evolution and health, International Journal of Paleopathology, 2018-12-17

The role of vitamin D in the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 infection and mortality, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2020-05-06

Vitamin D and COVID-19, the Royal Society, 2020-06-18

How We Can Fix This Pandemic in a Month, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2020-06-22

Sixty seconds on . . . vitamin D - Rapid Response, BMJ, 2020-10-15

The link between vitamin D and COVID-19: distinguishing facts from fiction, Journal of Internal Medicine, 2020-07-11

Vitamin D deficiency and the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, 2020-09

Vitamin D for COVID-19: a case to answer?, the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2020-09-01

Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results, JAMA, 2020-09-03

Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020-10

Vitamin D and COVID-19: Is There a Lack of Risk/Reward Understanding Among Health Authorities?, ResearchGate, 2020-11

Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C: Perspectives for COVID-19 With a Focus on Physical Tissue Barrier Integrity, Frontiers in Nutrition, 2020-12-07


Professor Haug: –De har regnet feil om dosering av vitamin D, HeMaLi, 2021-01-14

1 in 4 COVID patients hospitalized while vitamin D deficient die – Israeli study, the Times of israel, 2021-06-17

Vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 risk: a population-based, cohort study, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 2021-07-17

COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Nutrients, 2021-10-14

Vitamin D Endocrine System and COVID-19, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2021-11-08

The Immunomodulatory Function of Vitamin D, with Particular Reference to SARS-CoV-2, Medicina, 2021-12-02

Why antibodies aren't the only defense against Omicron, Medical Xpress, 2021-12-17

BRIEFING: COVID-19: the case for supporting the human immune system with vitamin D, HART, 2021-12-17

Role of the T cell vitamin D receptor in severe COVID-19, Nature Immunology, 2021-12-20

Vitamin D Status and SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Clinical Outcomes, Frontiers in Public Health, 2021-12-22

Dr. Fedon: – Graverende at ikke vitamin D-mangel nevnes, HeMaLi, 2021-12-27


Top Vitamin D Papers in 2021, Orthomolecular News Service, 2022-01-09

Vitamin D and marine omega 3 fatty acid supplementation and incident autoimmune disease: VITAL randomized controlled trial, BMJ, 2022-01-26

Pre-infection 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and association with severity of COVID-19 illness, PLoS One, 2022-02-03

It's Official: Vitamin D Reduces the Incidence of Autoimmunity, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2022-02-17

Kan vitamin D likevel hjelpe mot koronasmitte?, NRK, 2022-02-21

Biophysical evidence to support and extend the vitamin D-folate hypothesis as a paradigm for the evolution of human skin pigmentation, American Journal of Human Biology, 2022-04

Preventable Deaths and D3.- The Ugly History of Vitamin D3 and Fauci's pro-Vaccine Bias, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-05-07

Vitamin D Status and Mortality from SARS CoV-2: A Prospective Study of Unvaccinated Caucasian Adults, Nutrients, 2022-08-09

Well Being: Disinformation Assault on Vitamin D, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-10-08

Vitamin D status and severity of COVID-19, Nature Scientific Reports, 2022-11-17

"D" já vu, Vitalraadet, 2022-11-27

Vitamin D-mangel viktig årsak til at sykehusene er sprengt, Hemali, 2022-12-29


Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalization and Mortality: Definitive Evidence from Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis, Pharmaceuticals, 2023-01-16

Nye danske studier: D-vitamin kan hjælpe mod en af verdens største dræbere, Videnskab.dk, 2023-02-25

Vitamin D Can Prevent and Treat Diabetes, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-05-02

Black cumin plus vitamin D equals a top antiviral combination, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-06-01


Desember 2020: jeg laget min egen vurdering av risiko og usikkerhet i panikkens tid; den har fortsatt gyldighet

Januar 2021: jeg gjorde min vurdering av vaksine-risiko; her undervurderte jeg risikoen litt…‽

November 2021: Jeg startet min fundering om sesongvariasjoner, og derfra kom D-vitaminhypotesen…