Khomeini Poem

Oh Saqi! Fill my cup with wine,

So that it purges my soul from longing after fame.

Pour me the wine that annihilates me,

Destroys my chains, my lies.

Give me the wine that frees me from myself,

Loosens my reins, ruins my fame.

Give me the wine that in the haven of the libertines,

Wrecks my prostration, ravages my standing.

In the pure sanctuary of the Tavern’s flower-faced,

From every corner a flower comes to hold my rein.

I go among the bewildered elders, so that,

Their wine frees me of my crude thoughts.

Oh messenger of the light-burdened of the annihilation Sea,

Deliver my praise to the seafarer of that land:

“I ended my nonsensical letter with the ink of wine.”

Tell the Magian Elder to see my happy ending.


Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (1902-1989)