Lazy Day

Post date: Aug 29, 2015 10:41:38 PM

Today is Saturday, so the construction crew is not around to inspire me. So I only spent 2 1/2 hours this morning plastering mud on the drywall. These were mostly pretty thick areas, so having a couple of days to dry will be helpful. I went up to the mechanical room to see if it is ready for mud, but there are still a few drywall panels to install, so I procrastinated.

Every Saturday a group of 3-5 singers gathers at a local coffee house. Mostly they sing ballads, but today they were practicing Taize songs for a new meditative service at the Episcopal church in Taos. Since we sang these for thirty years in Seattle, I was familiar with them. They are simple, repetitive, and meditative. Here is one example from YouTube.