German Wedding, German Jazz, Texan

Post date: Aug 14, 2014 2:45:32 PM

16 July 1966

Here it is the middle of summer and we’ve had nothing but miserable weather for a week and a half. It is now pouring with occasional strokes of lightning.

In spite of the bad weather I’ve had a busy week. I left Dave Dahl in Amsterdam, which, by the way, I don’t think is as nice as some of the smaller cities in Holland, and drove home alone, getting here in time to help prepare a “wedding news sheet” for a wedding this week. On Wednesday was the party, before the wedding in German tradition (like a bachelor party but for everyone) which didn’t last too long (about 2am) because the next day was a work day. There were 50-60 people, crammed into a small apartment. Friday at 3:30 was the church wedding (a typical time) and quite a few were there, too. The couple is from the hiking club and were sort of charter members from long past. The bride is 27 and looks 18. [Groom owns a jewelry business.]

Friday evening we went to an organ dedication at the teachers’ college where a 28-register organ from Göttingen was just installed. Here many high schools have pipe organs in the auditoria! After that we heard some very way-out, but rather poor jazz in a local jazz club. There are lots of “beat” groups and at least three or four coffee houses and such where a half-way good group can earn $160 for an evening performance once a week—they go right out and spend it on new instruments or make payments on the old.

This morning I managed to sleep until 9am! First time for months I’ve even had the chance. Even with that luxury I worked 5 hours on my demonstration organ.

Until July 30th I’ll be in Dusseldorf installing a 26-register organ. Then from the 2nd of August to the 18th I’ll be in England and Holland with my organist friends from Frankfurt. I have to be here on the 18th because an organ tour group from the States comes and Kleuker would like me to help explain.

We have another American working with us. He is an organist from Texas and can’t speak a word of Deutsch. Quite sharp tho, and catches on fast. I gave him my German books so he can study up. He speaks very good Spanish [Spain is a favorite—inexpensive—vacation spot for Germans], as do others in the shop, so he’ll get along.

Out of 650 DM pay I only take 500 DM home. The rest goes for taxes, etc. All my travels have to come out of my savings, which I’m spending (lately) with great joy.

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