Entrance Exams, Europe plans, Wet Travel

Post date: Aug 11, 2014 2:48:10 AM

During the strike I am marking entrance exams. This represents the educational level of the civil servants in this country, altho they are being replaced by people with secondary educations. It also gives you an idea of what most people think of Christmas. Examples of compositions by applicants to secondary school, about 12 yrs old.

Describe of Christmas.

  • Christmas is the day that Jesus rose from the death and also it is a happy day for Christain [sic] to enjoy.
  • On Christmas day all people who are Christain go to many different places to enjoy. Some go to bar to drink, some travel and Some play a football.
  • On Christmas day all woman who are Christain all over the world Cook different kind of food Such as rice, bean and yams.
  • Every body all over the world who are Christain are happy on Christmas day because it is the day that Our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the death.

How Christmas is celebrated in my town

In my town the Christmas usually be on 25th Dec that day in the morning every body preper [prepare] rice both the hedans and the christian, that in the moreing every Christian proper to go to church when the church servece is over little children get out their gun and bigin to shut it this way and that way, and the women goes home to preper sup so that when their child return he may eat and goes out to play about.

On that day more masegeed [masquerade] will be seen, pushing peopel here and there The women also goes out to play about.

That is how Christmas is celebrated in my town.

"How Christmas is celebrated in my town"

The Christmas celebrated in my town is very town. In the Christmas celebrated my brothers and sisters went to the Television to go and see how it is built when we came back we sent our uncle‘s house. There are many beautiful things in his house such as radio, fan, cupboard and table for eating.

We went out to see the some beautiful Ekpo in the St George's field between Market Road and Tenant Road we saw the super man where he was carrying fifty bags of cement. When we came back we went to the Recreation Hall with my brother at the Umuahia Government College. He danced very well and he win the first price. He bought Golden Guinea [beer] for me and my brothers and sisters we drunk it.

In my Town during the time of Christmas. In the morning we will first go to -the church and pray After praying we will go home and we will be dancing playing all sorts a play and_we will be visiting our freinds brothers and sisters. And after doing all these, shall be very happy And in the evening we shall go to church again and by then people will give thanks given and we will have carol in the niegth and they will he prasing the Lord. and some parents will by cloths for ther childlren Oh! what a Joyfull the to be alife during the christmas

I have been getting Fulbright info from Institute for International Education. They are very good about it. Thank you for your offer of help, tho. I know that it will be expensive to live, that’s why I am looking for a fellowship. I hope to work as an apprentice for six months which might earn my keep. It would be great if you-all came to visit me, but if I am working I don’t know how much time I can take off for a trip to Scandinavia. Dave Dahl indicated that he might join me after a one-month organ tour in August. He is now Asst. Prof of music at Whitworth College, Spokane. He cancelled all his plans for a European trip on two weeks notice, including purchase of a VW 1500. The organ and auditorium at that college are both new—and both terrible. With all the information on auditorium design available now, there is no excuse for a ‘music-proof' hall.

I must go. The road to Item is under 1'3" of water and I must take the long way around. As I am going to Enugu in the morning, I‘ll stay overnight somewhere rather than coming back the 65 miles and repeating that muddy mess tomorrow. It will take two weeks for the river to go down. It usually floods for a month, but last year it didn't flood at all, and this year I think it is making up for lost time.

My Honda had a sticking piston pin which meant I had to replace the piston—on my living room floor. It also needs a new crankshaft—all roller bearings—but I think I better let the mechanics do that. I am not sure I have the tools [only the tools that came with the motorcycle] to dismantle the clutch. This machine supposedly belongs to the Roman Father, who lets me drive it. The new agriculture PCVs here are getting Honda 125s from the Ministry of Agric.