Plants for Taos

Post date: Nov 11, 2014 12:54:32 AM

While looking at the cardboard model of my house, I thought that a plant-covered trellis would look very nice on the west side of the garage, facing the street. It would break up that big expanse of stucco, add some color, and help blend in with the other vegetation. However, a west-facing wall gets very hot in summer afternoons.


Shrubs for hot afternoon sun, freezing winter temps, and drought - Shrubs Forum - GardenWeb

"Everything can get something." A drastically overused phrase in horticulture, albeit true. Having said that, here are some plants that can deal with hot afternoon sun, freezing temps and drought (and some morning shade):

  • Juniper spp. (bagworms, mites)
  • Manhattan euonymus (scale, crown gall)
  • Mojave or Yukon Belle pyracantha (painful thorns)
  • Willowwood, Juddi or Prague viburnum
  • Rose-of-Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus ("tips back" at -5 to -10 degrees)
  • Mentor barberry (thorns). NOT invasive HERE.
  • Lilacs, Syringa spp. (borers, mildew)
  • Mockorange, Philadelphus spp.
  • MANY Spireas (Spiraea spp.)
  • Gro-low fragrant sumac Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-low'
  • Pyracantha, Coccinea leylandii - OK in clay soil
  • Caryopteris, also known as blue mist spiraea
  • Juniperus sabina ‘Tamariscifolia'
  • Viburlnum opulus ‘Sterile'


Veronica liwanensis


Campsis radicans (American trumpet vine) - needs strong, stable trellis

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