
Post date: Nov 27, 2015 3:32:54 AM

I went over to the house this morning. Part of what I did was vacuum some of the dust that is everywhere. I also adjusted the springs that close the fire door to the garage. (This is required for the occupancy permit.) I also unpacked most of the remaining dishes for the kitchen: all the plates (12-15 each of three sizes), bowls, mugs, and glasses. The cupboards are getting full. They are more-or-less organized in a logical fashion, but will take some adjusting after I start to cook there.Yesterday I had hung the Osprey in the garage, which is the only room big enough for it without being a distraction in the living room. It is life size, made from a paper kit, and long hung over the stairwell in Seattle. I also hung a large steel bell outside the south patio entrance. In case someone comes in that way, it will serve as a doorbell. About 25 years ago we took a similar, but larger (this one weighs about 30 pounds), bell to La Garnacha, in the north of Nicaragua, where it still hangs outside the chapel.

I also unpacked a number of glass vases, which I put on the shelves in front of the kitchen window. I noticed that several of the vases were definitely not clean, so decided to try the dishwasher on them. The dishwasher got them sparkling, but I learned that the washer racks were made for plates, not for glass vases, so I could not get all of them in without danger of tipping.I had left the large leather sofa in Seattle, but now that I look at my living room here it seems empty. So I am considering having it shipped down. The color will go very well with the countertops, which are visible from the living room. I set chairs in the room to represent the corners of the sofa, trying to see if it really is too big. It will fit, but probably appear bulky as it is two meters long and one meter deep.

I begin to see evidence of walls in both the study and bedrooms (rather than seeing only boxes). Almost all of what remains is art, though there are two boxes of linens that await completion of the linen closet in the bathroom. The box for that is made. It needs putting in place, installing the shelves, and making doors. I must go to Española this weekend to buy hinges for all the closet doors.

I’m also making a list of all the little things that need finishing. Since I have been on the job continuously, I imagined that there would be nothing left at the end. What a fantasy! But I am thankful that the house is nearly complete.

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