Heart Attack followup

Post date: Jan 14, 2016 10:37:49 PM

I had a mild heart attack on December 2, which I mentioned in my post from December 8. Today I had a good followup with a local cardiologist. I had refused to take the prescriptions sold to me by the doctor in Santa Fe, because one is for a statin and my cholesterol is low, the other interacts with an OTC medicine that they knew I take.

So today I got the education that (I believe) I should have received prior to discharge from the hospital. I also got a checkup and was told that my heart murmur is moderate, the leakage in my mitral valve is moderate, and I am generally quite healthy — none of which is news. He also prescribed nitroglycerine just in case I have heart pains again.

So, henceforth I will be taking three times as much prescription medication as last year. Sigh.