World's First Computer

World’s First Computer


Gary Primo

With today’s modern science, we tend to think that we have progressed pretty far up the food chain from our ancient relatives; however, once in a while an archeological find turns up that forces us to think twice about that assumption. This story is about what they have decided is an ancient computer (of sorts). Of course, it does not resemble a modern-day computer at all, but it is still fascinating what it can do. Check it out for yourselves.

World's first computer, the Antikythera Mechanism, 'started up' in 178 B.C., scientists claim (

The mysterious Antikythera mechanism, thought by some to be the world's first computer, was first "started up" on Dec. 22, 178 B.C., archaeologists have now found.

© Provided by Live Science This 1970s reconstruction of the Antikythera Mechanism was designed by Derek de Solla Price and constructed by R. Deroski.

Discovered by sponge divers in a Roman-era shipwreck near the Greek island of Antikythera in 1901, the elaborate ancient computer, which looks like a shoebox-size contraption with gears and dials that have numerous tiny inscriptions written on them, could predict eclipses and determine when various athletic games took place, among other functions.

Over the years, researchers have painstakingly pieced together the many fragments of the Antikythera mechanism to figure out how it was created and how it would have been used 2,000 or so years ago. There are many questions plaguing the device: Who made it? Where did they live? Why create it and what start date did it have? Now, a team of scientists has determined that "turn on" date, detailing their findings online March 28 on the preprint database arXiv, an online journal where research can be uploaded before peer review.

However, scientists not affiliated with the study cast doubt on this claim, telling Live Science that the start date was probably in 204 B.C.

Finding a start date

In their new paper, the researchers specify a number of reasons why they think Dec. 22, 178 B.C. was the mechanism's start date, which is the earliest date on which all calculations made on the mechanism are based. It's sort of like the temperature absolute zero on the kelvin scale.

For one, there was a solar eclipse on that day, one that lasted over 12 minutes. Secondly, the following day, Dec. 23, was the winter solstice, an important day among many ancient peoples. They also note that the Isia festival — celebrating the Egyptian goddess Isis – was celebrated in both Egypt and Greece at this time. Additionally, the phases of the moon started Dec. 22 of that year, the team wrote in their paper.

This combination of events created a "very rare coincidence" that would make for a memorable starting day, the researchers wrote. The starting date "should be very characteristic, important and easily detected," Aristeidis Voulgaris, the lead author of the paper and team leader of the Functional Reconstruction of Antikythera Mechanism-The FRAMe Project, told Live Science in an email.

It's possible that whoever made the Antikythera Mechanism — another unresolved question, with some experts suggesting Archimedes was the engineer who crafted the marvel — witnessed this day and remembered the cosmic events, but there is no way to be certain. "Usually, in order to perform time calculations, it is more common to select a date from the recent past rather than one in the future," the researchers wrote.

This initiation date matters because it is the date in which all calculations using the mechanism would be based on. "In order to use a measuring instrument, a reference point is needed, before the measuring procedure," the researchers wrote in the paper. Like a calendar which needs a fixed date — such as A.D. 1 — whoever used the mechanism would need a starting date on which to base all calculations.

The date is one of the mysteries regarding the mechanical marvel that remains to be solved. Previous research has succeeded in deciphering many of the inscriptions and understanding what many of the gears and dials were used for. In 2021, a team of scholars announced the creation of a computer model of the mechanism that they believe is accurate.

Scholars react

Live Science reached out to several scholars not affiliated with the research to get their thoughts on the team's findings. Many were not able to respond at press time, but those who did were skeptical.

"It's not a paper that would withstand competent peer-review," Alexander Jones, a professor of the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity at New York University's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, said in an email. "There are a lot of problems with it, ranging from major issues to minor ones that nevertheless are symptomatic of lack of good grounding in the broad context of ancient astronomy and science," Jones said.

For instance, Jones pointed out that this start date would put Kraneios, a season inscribed on the Antikythera mechanism that is associated with wine, in the month of February, which is "not a particularly good month for ripe grapes," Jones said.

Two papers published in 2014 showed that the starting date was in 204 B.C., Jones added. Those two papers showed "that the eclipse prediction sequence had been computed for a unique 223-lunar-month interval beginning in 204 B.C.," Jones said. This was timed to start on May 12 204 B.C. and start and end with a lunar eclipse.

Originally published on Live Science.

What is a computer? It is an electric device that computes things. And that is absolutely what this machine can do, only without electricity. And one never knows how many more of these devises are out there. The archeologists make no mention of any.

No matter what the sceptics think, this is one amazing find. How much more do we not know about the ancient world? This story reminds me of another where they found a solid gold object from the Aztec age in South America. It kind of looked like an airplane. But the ones who found it could not believe that it could have come from that period. So, they built their own scale model and tested it out. It flew perfectly.

And then there are some scientists that believe that the ancients were even smarter than anyone living today. This might be easier to believe of the ancients (before the flood) who were taught by the angels. My personal belief is that they used a significantly greater portion of their brain, there was more oxygen in the air, both people and animals lived longer. Then the flood hit. Suddenly both man and beast lived much shorter life spans. They had to struggle and test and try everything to gain back even a portion of what was lost. I would imagine that Noah and his family retained much of the pre-flood knowledge, but whether they trusted mankind with it might have been another matter.

It is my belief that much of the dark arts that exist today, came from that era; especially what the Elite practice. The human race is really in a lot of trouble.

One peculiar behavior I noticed regarding the recent release of the Mark of the Beast (the vax) is that this event, which believers of all sorts have been looking towards for 2,000 years, came and went with barely a whisper. How is that possible? I was expecting absolute resistance from 2 billion Christians. NOTHING! They all simply rolled up their sleeves and complied, like good little sheep. Perhaps this is where my natural rebellious streak was a blessing. (lol).

The Mark of the Beast

Rev. 13:16 - And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

17 - so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 - Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.

This is the problem with following a man. This is the mistake they have all made. They should have instead focused on their personal relationship with the Father and let the Father (via the pages of His written law) personally instruct us. That is what He is there for. Man is there just for himself (for the most part) and oh how he loves to rule over others, as if already a god.

There is absolutely no way Yahuwah could allow us into the Kingdom in our present spiritual state. He would have to “put us down” as with a wounded horse – for our own mercy. There is not even the remotest possibility that we are presently fit for the kingdom. The Law is not “done away”, and we are under it until we become it. I hope everyone understands what I mean by that. Obedience has to become as automatic as breathing – a natural instinct. If it were not possible, He would not have asked it of us.

John 10:34 - Yahushua replied, “Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are elohim’?

35 - If he called them elohim to whom the word of Elohim came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—

36 - then what about the One whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world? How then can you accuse Me of blasphemy for stating that I am the Son of Elohim?

These statements support that of Genesis, that we were created in Elohim’s image; therefore, we are elohim. And if the scriptures call us elohim, they cannot lie. If it was not blaspheme to call the Messiah Elohim, then neither is it blaspheme to call ourselves sons of Elohim.

Another thing to consider is that living the long lives they did, the ancients must have gained a great deal more knowledge than we could possibly have time to absorb. Just think about the vast amount of knowledge that we have gained in these physical shells from toddlers to seniors. Then multiply it by ten. Then multiply it by infinity. The equation is simple, more time =more knowledge and with eternal life, we will be eternally gaining in knowledge (i.e. we will never be bored). We’ll be eternally learning new things. We will be walking, spiritual computers.

Therefore, I am not at all surprised by this find. And I would expect there to be many more such discoveries before the end of the age. In fact, I greatly look forward to it.

One thing I am not looking forward to is the shutting down of the internet. (My own internet has been down since last night. Bored, I went to bed at 10:00pm and awoke at 12:30am for some reason. The internet was still out, and I just began typing, making notations of which verses I wished to paste later). When the satanic Elite lower the boom, that will be one of the first things to go, along with electricity, telephone and water. Bingo, we are at their mercy. They have been conditioning us to be so, for untold decades and even centuries. It is HaSatan’s pinnacle move making us dependent on Big Brother.

And to think that this has been going on for almost 6,000 years, is simply astounding. And the fact that at almost every funeral there is someone crying and blaming “god”, demonstrates how we have a natural gravitation to attempt to deflect blame and responsibility. It is 100% man’s fault that death exists at all. And, that defect has been a major contributor to our current spiritual condition (or lack thereof).

I am sure I am not the only one a little worried if our efforts have been adequate. Did any of us expect to see the “Mark” in our lifetimes? I didn’t. Time to wake up the Watchmen, folks. The end may indeed be coming quickly. If we haven’t already, it is time now to shift gears, from Laodicea to Philadelphia (in all sincerity).

The “Mark” is introduced in chapter 13 of Revelation. This is following the seventh trumpet blast. So, does that mean it is part of that trumpet blast, and we are at that point in the prophesies? Have the first 6 actually already occurred?

What are the seven trumpets of Revelation? (

Trumpet 1: "… hail and fire, mixed with blood

Trumpet 2: "… a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood"

Trumpet 3: "… a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water"

Trumpet 4: "… a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night"

Trumpet 5: "They were allowed to torment them for five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone"

Trumpet 6: "So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, were released to kill a third of mankind"

Trumpet 7: "There were loud voices in heaven, saying 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever"

Nope, I’d say not. So, if this particular prophesy does not appear in any chronological order, does that mean that none of the others do, either? An interesting point to keep in mind.


Well, I guess I have been a bit of a bummer for any know-it-alls, but it is true; the amount we do know is infinitely small. We have absolutely nothing to boast of. However, we have a great deal to look forward to. It amazes me how people can flip it all away so casually.

Yes folks, technology has come a very long way. A little over 100 years ago the main industry was farming. Now that has all been industrialized too. However, with a global population of 8-9 billion, I suppose it is necessary.

Of course, technology is not all bad and some of the things coming out are pretty cool. The advances in communication are particularly impressive. Via computers, the world is pretty much of one language again. And, as in the days of Nimrod, we are again getting “too smart for our britches”. Soon we will all be shooting arrows at the sky in a lame attempt to kill Elohim. We have already killed Him intellectually.

We are quickly approaching a prophesied “dark period” of man’s history – likely the darkest ever recorded. It is time for that final burst of energy to get us over that finish line. If it were not achievable, Yahushua would not have asked it of us. This is what makes an athlete a Gold Medalist – that extra push.

Yahuwah Bless
