Insanity Only Breeds More Insanity

Insanity Only Breeds More Insanity


Gary Primo

We humans are living proof of this fact – insanity breeds more insanity. Humans began their existence pure and untainted, destined to become elohim. However, they chose to let corruption in, and man has not known peace ever since. Corruption is our greatest enemy. It causes us to never be satisfied with what we have and always want more. Yet, the things we seek are all material, when we should be seeking the spiritual.

Out of all the religions in the world, not one worships Elohim in total truth. Even the Jews have come to worship the writings of their Rabbis over the Word of Elohim. And yet, most of the world belong to one or the other.

The number of religions in the world is estimated to be over 4,000, although any exact number is impossible to discern.

How Many Religions Are There in the World? (

This site offers a breakdown by numbers.

What is the Largest Religion In The World 2021 - World Religions (

Why so many? Because HaSatan is the master of confusion. By creating many choices, he confused mankind all the more. And yet, they are all the same, in that they all direct our worship to the god of this world, HaSatan and not Yahuwah. And the funniest thing is that these numbers are continuing to expand and splinter into even more groups, and yet none are any closer to the truth.

Another good example of this is the former Worldwide Church of God (not that I currently hold that church any higher regard than any other). Just look at how many groups splintered off from that church? According to this site, hundreds!

Offshoots of Worldwide Church of God (

Sooner or later, someone becomes disenchanted with the faith and strikes out on their own. Usually, these breaks occur over some flimsy doctrinal dispute, that does not add up to a hill of beans as far as salvation goes. But nevertheless, they grab onto this one tidbit of information and run with it as if their salvation depended on it. Is it any wonder that we have over 4,000 different religions on the planet, and not one has a clue as to what the whole truth is?

THE ELOHIM OF THIS WORLD IS HASATAN! And the whole world has been worshipping him for almost 6,000 years.

Rom. 5:16 - Do you not know that when you offer yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves to the one you obey, whether you are slaves to sin leading to death, or to obedience leading to righteousness?

What this verse is essentially saying is, “the one to whom you give you obedience to, is the one you worship. Believers obey and therefore worship Yahuwah. Christians obey and therefore worship, Emperor Constantine. The only religion that ever existed that was established by the Creator, Himself, and truly worshipped Him, for a time, was the Hebrew religion. However, today, they obey and therefore worship the Rabbis, as if they were elohim. The Jewish religion is as far removed from Hebraism as Christianity is from Judaism.

All things start as a seed. The parable of the seeds explains this perfectly. Not all seeds grow into adulthood. Neither do ideas. Not all seeds produce fruit. Neither do all ideas. I imagine you are getting my point.

The main scriptural doctrine concerns overcoming unrighteousness with righteousness and corruption with incorruption. All the rest is simply instructions as to how to accomplish those two things. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! The unrighteous will never see the Kingdom. The corrupt will never see the Kingdom. Period! Therefore, those are the spiritual traits we need to most concern ourselves with. And the only way to establish whether a person has overcome these two things is through obedience.

What has disobedience brought us – insanity. How insane is it for two nations to go to war to settle a dispute? How insane is it that the whole world rejects the Supreme being who created them to simply worship another of His creations (HaSatan). And out of that insanity comes even more insanity. It is impossible for insanity to produce anything sane.

And, once society deems righteous what Yahuwah has condemned, then it is all over but the weeping. Two examples of this are the homosexual movement and the abortion issue. Just recently the US Supreme Court banned abortions. The whole country went nuts. “How dare you take away our “right’ to kill our babies.” Murder is not a right. It is a sin and contravenes the Law of Yahuwah. No one on the face of the Earth has that “right”. In the end, all who participated in this very tragic sin, will themselves be killed (and the ones they killed will be resurrected).

However, it is the homosexuals whom I take the greatest exception to. The only reason this sickness was legalized was because when the 25000 psychiatrists were to meet and debate the question. Barely more than 10% showed up. The ones that did show up had to face down a hoard of homosexual protestors. At the time mostly all of the doctors agreed that homosexuality was a mental disease

When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psychology Today

First published in 1968, DSM-II (the second edition of the American classiifcation of mental disorders) listed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In this, the DSM followed in a long tradition in medicine and psychiatry, which in the 19th century appropriated homosexuality from the Church and, in an élan of enlightenment, promoted it from sin to mental disorder.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 to retain it.

The APA then compromised, removing homosexuality from the DSM but replacing it, in effect, with "sexual orientation disturbance" for people "in conflict with" their sexual orientation. Not until 1987 did homosexuality completely fall out of the DSM.

You can see each discernable step quite clearly in this quote. First it was a sin (spiritually speaking) then it was taken out of the spiritual realm and placed in the physical. This effectively removed it as a spiritual sin. Thus, the parishioners were not responsible for their sin (since they were predisposed to it from birth).

What this article fails to mention is that there were over 25000 licensed psychiatrists in the US at the time. The numbers above of those in attendance only add up to 9,664. Therefore. only 9,664 or 38.64% of the psychiatrists showed up for the conference. Out of that number, 5,854 voted to change the designation, but only out of fear for their lives because of the violent protesters threatening to kill them if they vote against it. So, according to the numbers that attended, the ones saying yes equaled the majority of those in attendance. However, regarding the total number, they were only 23.416% of all psychiatrists in the country, well below a majority. And when questioned afterword, those attendees’ admitted that they still considered the problem a mental disorder.

The homosexual movement simply exploded following this fraudulent decision. And just look at how far it has come now. Homosexual teachers have pretty much taken over our schools, colleges and universities. Homosexual politicians are gaining in numbers and are influencing government policies. Some even claim that President Obama and his wife were gay. They are even taking over our sports with gay men attempting to enter women’s sporting events. But the line in the sand for me is when they start preaching their garbage to our kids and trying to convince them that they should change their sexual orientation. This is absolutely wrong.

Can we see now why Yahuwah had to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah?

Gen 19:3 - But Lot insisted so strongly that they followed him into his house. He prepared a feast for them and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.

4 - Before they had gone to bed, all the men of the city of Sodom, both young and old, surrounded the house.

5 - They called out to Lot, saying, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Send them out to us so we can have relations with them!”

6 - Lot went outside to meet them, shutting the door behind him.

7 - “Please, my brothers,” he pleaded, “don’t do such a wicked thing!

8 - Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them to you, and you can do to them as you please. But do not do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”

9 - “Get out of the way!” they replied. And they declared, “This one came here as a foreigner, and he is already acting like a judge! Now we will treat you worse than them.” And they pressed in on Lot and moved in to break down the door.

10 - But the men inside reached out, pulled Lot into the house with them, and shut the door.

11 - And they struck the men at the entrance, young and old, with blindness, so that they wearied themselves trying to find the door.

The first thing that is note-worthy is the fact that ALL of the men of the city “young and old’ came out to have (homosexual) relations with the two strangers. We are not told how these cities developed into such a state, but the old saying. “give them an inch and they take a mile” comes to mind. It likely began with turning a blind eye to something rather small and seemingly insignificant. Then that insignificant something grew over time into something glaringly significant, where the entire society had brought themselves into a state of total corruption.

I also believe that such immorality probably plagued the times prior to the flood. And that aside from the fallen angels and the giants, rampant homosexuality could also have been one of the reasons that Yahuwah destroyed the prior world? And what do we have almost immediately following the flood? Canaan, the son of Ham, committed a homosexual act on Noah. If he acquired such a disposition from birth, then who did it come from? If Ham, then why was he allowed on the Arc, if Yahuwah’s intent was to rid the earth of all sin? I believe that this passage proves that homosexuality is an “acquired” sinful action that manifests over time, and therefore, not something a person is born into.

And from there it has just mushroomed to the state we find it in today. Here is a small sample of the most recent headlines from around the world.

Fauci Says Gay Men Should Get Monkeypox Vaccine First

Thousands join Budapest Pride march in sweltering heat

U.S. House passes bill protecting marriage equality

Judge blocks Biden admin directives on transgender athletes, bathrooms

Thousands take part in Seoul LGBT festival, protesters rally

Polish court rules that four "LGBT-free zones" must be abolished

Filipina wins transgender pageant in Thailand

Japan court rules same-sex marriage ban is not unconstitutional

As out of hand as our current situation seems, it still has a way to go before reaching the depravity of Sodom and Gomorrah. However, that is exactly the direction in which we are headed. Currently we might be worried about our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren contracting this disease. Unfortunately, we cannot do much except show them our displeasure. But do it in a way that offers room for redemption and forgiveness.

The one thing that I strongly condemn is the ordination of gay clergymen as ministers. They can be called nothing else but Ministers of Satan. At the same time, I commend such for exposing their true colors and for not hiding behind the lies of Christianity any longer. They are what they have always been, the Church of Satan.

Lev. 18:22 - “’Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

Lev. 20:13 - “’If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

By the time of Moshe, I would imagine that homosexuality was a common problem, which is why he had to address the problem. The homosexual mind reasons that by eliminating the sin, one eliminates the problem, ergo the situation with homosexual ministers today.

Sometimes people think of the laws of Yahuwah as harsh. These lovers of sin are precisely who the Law was created for. The law does not apply to the righteous. However its purpose is not only to condemn but to offer a way to repentance and redemption.

Lawsuits among Believers

1 Cor. 6:1 - If any of you has a grievance against another, how dare he go to law before the unrighteous instead of before the saints!

2 - Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases?

3 - Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!

4 - So if you need to settle everyday matters, do you appoint as judges those of no standing in the church?

5 - I say this to your shame. Is there really no one among you wise enough to arbitrate between his brothers?

6 - Instead, one brother goes to law against another, and this in front of unbelievers!

7 - The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means that you are thoroughly defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?

8 - Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, even against your own brothers!

The issue here was regarding settling disputes amongst the church members. Some were taking their cases before the local officials instead of the church elders. This was like airing their dirty laundry before unbelievers, which should have made them ashamed. It says here that such individuals are already defeated (by their attitude). Also that it is better to be cheated and robbed yourself than to do it to others.

If ordaining homosexual ministers who are in eminent danger of feeding the fire themselves, how can they save anyone else? These are all lumped with all the other sexually and spiritually immoral practices. All any produce is unrighteousness, corruption and immorality.

1 Tim. 1:8 - Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it legitimately.

Sometimes the law is not used legitimately. Yahushua knew this fact well and often called the elders on their misuse of the law.

9 - We realize that law is not enacted for the righteous, but for the lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinful, for the unholy and profane, for killers of father or mother, for murderers,

If not for those mentioned above, we would have no need of the law. Righteousness begins in the heart. When we are taught the law from an early age, and when it is taught in the proper manner, it is much easier to create a righteous heart. But most are not taught true righteousness and therefore never develop any. Only when (if) Yahuwah calls them out of the darkness, can they see their true spiritual state.

10 - for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave traders and liars and perjurers, and for anyone else who is averse to sound teaching

11 - that agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed Elohim, with which I have been entrusted.

When we know the truth but do the opposite, that is called STUPID! People who know the law, but disregard it are STUPID! If we are smart, we obey the law and every doctrine of Yahuwah. Its really a no brainer. However, an entire planet has been overwhelmingly duped.

Jude 1:7 - In like manner, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, who indulged in sexual immorality and pursued strange flesh, are on display as an example of those who sustain the punishment of eternal fire.

The gospel has gone out to the entire world. Some have accepted it, some have not. And of those who did accept it, most have not followed it. It has never taken root in the hearts of most.

Yahuwah has never beaten around the bush. He spelt out the way things were from the very beginning, and man had only one simple, little responsibility – TO OBEY! And he just couldn’t get that right.


Have you ever started a building project where everything went wrong, and in the end, you got frustrated and smashed everything to pieces? Well, that is how I imagine Yahuwah feels right about now. I mean, come on, we have given Him nothing but grief up till now. What human parent would put up with what we have forced Yahuwah to put up with. Everyone has their limits. All Yahuwah has to do is swing His huge spiritual fly swatter and that will he the end of all life. That is how fragile our existence is.

I was reminded of this just last week. A neighbor, in my building was killed crossing at the main intersection about ½ a block away. He was dragged about 20 feet and a number of heroic bystanders rallied to his defense and lifted the car completely off of him, but to no avail. He died on the way to the hospital. My point is that I had seen him outside walking his dog earlier that day, having no idea that it would be the last time I was going to see him. And the next thing, I was being told that he was dead. That is exactly how fragile our lives are.

We have got to get things right while we yet have the opportunity to do so. And I know how challenging it is to do so in today’s reality, but remember, this is all about our salvation and we must expend all our energy and resources to get there. And when ever you start thinking that you have learned enough, remember the story of the turtle and the rabbit. Our very existence is one that was meant to be a learning experience. And that will not stop even when we are spiritual beings. In fact, it will only be the beginning.

The immediate future before us, certainly does not look very promising. If not for Yahuwah, we would have no hope at all. We must cling to Him more tightly than ever and work ever harder to make ourselves over into His image. Look in the mirror right now. Whose image do we see? If we do not see HaMashiyack in that mirror, we have not finished the race, and cannot afford to become lazy.

What is coming is going to seem totally insane. It is going to like we are in the middle of a zombie movie. And, as we have already established, sanity cannot ever come out of insanity, only more and greater insanity. The end result will bring man to the brink of total self-destruction. The only place of safety will be in the arms of the Father. And He is waiting to receive us.

Yahuwah Bless
