Let’s Kill God

Let’s Kill God


Gary Primo

Before you start thinking I have flipped my lid (again), let me explain. This was the subject of a recent New York Times article. “The article claims that God is responsible for “war and violence” and for “oppression and suffering,” and suggests that people stop teaching children about Him.”

You can read the NW article yourself here:

New York Times Op-ed on Holy Weekend: Let’s Get Rid of God – NewsWars

Well, I guess this proves that man has not changed much since the days of King Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. They too got it in their heads that they could kill Elohim. The Book of Jasher tells of how the King ordered his men to shoot arrows at the sky from the top of the tower, (which reportedly, took one year to climb) in an effort to kill Elohim. And demonstrating His sense of humor, Yahuwah sent them back bloodied. Nimrod and the people thought they had won a great victory – but not for long. Surprisingly, the author is a Jew by the name of Shalom Aulander (described as being dissatisfied with Jewish teachings).

Well, I also, am dissatisfied with corrupted Jewish teachings, but that is no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. He is basically blaming and condemning Elohim for the corruption of man. Not only is that narcissism at its finest, but it is also absolute lunacy. And just how does this moron propose we kill Elohim? He doesn’t say. Perhaps he is going to fire nukes into outer space.

To literally kill Elohim is not possible. He already has eternal life. NOTHING can kill Him. Just as when we gain eternal life, nothing will ever again be able to take it away. By that time, death will literally no longer exist.

No, folks, Aulander is not that stupid. He plans on beginning with the children – by “not” teaching them about “God”. If he were talking about Baal-gad, the Christian deity, I would totally agree. But he is definitely referring to the Hebrew Elohim. And I would imagine the end game to be, if we teach or children about Elohim as Yahuwah commands us to, our children could be taken away and we could be jailed (or worse).

The resent increase in evil around the globe today can mean only one thing, that HaSatan and his demons have been released from their prison. This means that from now until the Messiah returns, things are only going to go from bad to worse. This is the time, folks, that we really need to have all our spiritual armour in place, if we do not wish to be amongst the first to fall in battle.

I believe that we might be the first generation to have to deal with “thought police”. How do they know our thoughts? Easy! We blab them all over Facebook and other social media platforms. If we could only keep our mouths shut (except when with spiritual brethren). What’s the old saying, “Even a fish could stay out of trouble if they could keep their mouths shut.” “Loose lips, sink ships.” It also leads to self-incrimination. When Yahushua was on trial, he did not say a word at first. He was only capable of telling the truth, and the fools before him were incapable of handling the truth. However, Yahushua knew He was expected to suffer death, and when the foolish Jewish leaders could not even find one reliable witness to condemn Him, it was then that Yahushua opened His mouth and spoke the words that condemned Him:

Matt. 26:64 - “You have said it yourself,” Yahushua answered. “But I say to all of you, from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Who was this upstart to challenge the teachings of the Jewish Elders? He was no teacher, trained in that position; why he was merely a carpenter’s son. Then, like now, they ignored the “signs” that Yahuwah had told them were to come. And, of course, when they realize their mistake, they blame Elohim and attack true followers. We will try to sound the alarm but like the prophets of old, we will be met with anger and distain. But we must do what we must do. That’s the problem with being in the right, you must keep on charging no matter what the consequences are, because defending what is right is who we are.

In reality, there is only one way to kill Elohim. And that “way” only exists in our minds. That is to disbelieve and disobey. Just put Him out of our minds and poof, he’s gone – no longer exists. But, unfortunately, if Yahuwah no longer existed, neither would the creation. Yahuwah is the thread that holds everything together. Without Him, everything would simply fold in on itself and disappear in the twinkling of on eye.

This is a perfect example of how twisted a person’s mind can get when they reject Yahuwah. Here we have a simple-minded, know-nothing, publicly broadcasting his stupidity, and blaming Yahuwah for “war and violence” and for “oppression and suffering”.

WOW! The fool is totally clueless. The life that Yahuwah first offered man was to live in a peaceful paradise, practicing becoming Elohim. Death and suffering did not even exist. It was totally (100%) man’s choice to follow the serpent instead. Therefore, it was man who introduced evil and death to the world, not Yahuwah. They merely enacted the natural result of sin. If they had obeyed Yahuwah, the story of man would have been much different. There would have been no “war and violence” and “oppression and suffering”. There would have been only peace, love, and harmony.

Man was made to choose which Master they wished to serve in the Garden, and they freely chose HaSatan. And they have been blaming Yahuwah for their choice ever since. Yahuwah had to demonstrate a strong deterrence for their choice, else they would never feel a need to repent.

A good number of sins carried the death penalty. This is the strongest deterrent that exists in the minds of men. In a Believer’s mind the strongest deterrent is losing out on salvation and the Kingdom. And that should be the deterrent for all men. But most never give it a second thought.

Who is it that are the two number one sources of oppression and suffering in the world? Government and religion! Both teach hatred and racism. Both divide rather than unite. More wars have been fought in the name of religion than for any other reason. Religion is the tool of every government to control the people’s minds. Every world-ruling empire had its own brand of false religion. Even the Jewish faith corrupted things so bad, that faith became barely recognizable. When HaMashiyack came and exposed their corruption, they killed Him. Isn’t that what they have done to all truth tellers?

Since we cannot physically kill Elohim, we can only symbolically kill Him – which, spiritually speaking, is just as bad. In what ways can we symbolically kill Elohim?

1 – We can turn our backs on Him.

2 – We can stop believing in His existence.

3 – We can stop obeying Him.

4 - We can stop praying to and praising Him.

5 – We can call on the names of other gods to “save” us.

All such behaviors strike directly at the heart of Yahuwah. We become spiritual murderers when we behave like that. We make Yahuwah sorry He ever created us. And for the most part, nobody cares. Well, they certainly will in the end, when standing in the judgement. Most will fall on their knees and beg for mercy, but I am sure there will be some die-hards who will resist to the end and suffer the consequences.

I find it amazing that Yahuwah gives us so many chances. We are indeed fortunate that he has such an enormous capacity for love. If it were not for that, this creation might have vanished centuries ago.

Around 1600 years ago. A Roman Emperor came along who had quite a dilemma. He had a group of so-called Christians (although they never called themselves that) who were threatening to take over his empire with their religious devotion. Past Emperors had persecuted them mercilessly, to no avail. Their number only grew all the more. By the time of Constantine Believers were as tired of the persecution as Constantine was in dealing with them.

Like all Emperors, Constantine demanded that his subjects all worship the gods he worshipped. The Believers were making the emperor look the fool, performing all sorts of miracles that his gods could not mimic. Constantine offered them freedom from prosecution as long as they honored the gods he worshipped. To further appease the masses, he wrapped his pagan religion in an Israelite cloak and presented it as a new religion that would be acceptable to the emperor. It may have been acceptable to Constantine, but it was never acceptable to Yahuwah. In bringing themselves under obedience to Constantine’s authority, they literally made Constantine the god they worshipped.

Romans 6:16 - Do you not know that when you offer yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves to the one you obey, whether you are slaves to sin leading to death, or to obedience leading to righteousness?

What this verse is basically saying is that if you obey Constantine, you are making him the god you worship; but if you instead obey Yahuwah, you make Him the Elohim you worship. How can any Christian possibly honor Yahuwah while worshipping a long dead Roman emperor? It is provable fact that all world religions worship men in place of Yahuwah. And before you say, “What about the Jews?”, let me say that in placing the Talmud above the Torah, the Jews have chosen their rabbis as their chief authority over Yahuwah. In doing so, they effectively “killed Elohim”.

And then you have Christian groups, like the Roman Catholics worshipping Mary, an earthly woman, over both Yahuwah and Yahushua. This goes right back to the worship of Isis. Giving her the name of the mother of the true Messiah does not change her statis. It only makes a mockery of her by making her into an idol.

List of Major Religions in the World - EnkiVillage



Christianity is a religion which has been around for a long time. It is the world's largest religion.

  • They believe in a supernatural or metaphysical all-knowing and all controlling God. Jesus is savior of humanity and the Son of God

  • The number of people who follow the religion: 2,400 million people (called Christians)

  • Major areas of the followers of that religion: Vatican City, Samoa, Romania, Greece, etc.

  • Worships a Roman emperor as God and a Roman invention as a Messiah.



Islam is the second largest religion in the world. The word "Islam" means 'submission to the will of God'.

  • They believe in Monotheism—Allah in Arabic word

  • The number of people who follow the religion: 1,600 million people (called Muslims)

  • Major areas of the followers of that religion: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Maldives, Morocco, Mauritius, Turkey, etc.

  • Worship a man – “Mohammed” as their messiah/god and Allah as creator. Since this is not the name of the Hebrew Elohim. It cannot be the same deity as the one true Elohim.



Buddhism was inspired by Gautama Buddha and his act of meditation. They believe in a state of Nirvana which they can achieve through good acts in the world. They believe they can be reincarnated seven times.

· They believe that they have to worship the spirit of Buddha and hold it sacred as he is the one who discovered enlightenment

· The Number of people who follow the religion: 400 million people (called Buddhists)

· Major areas of the followers of that religion: Cambodia, Thailand and Burma

· Worship the spirit of a long dead man – Buddha.



Judaism was founded in the Middle East over 3500 years ago. They believe in one deity and they think he has appointed a certain set of people who will set an example of holiness in the world

  • The Number of people who follow the religion: 14 million people (called Jews)

  • Major areas of the followers of that religion: Israel

  • Pretend to worship the One True Elohim, yet deny His son, by whom He created all things and interacted with mankind. When the Elohim who led them out of Egypt came to dwell with them in the flesh, they murdered Him.



Among the list religions, Hinduism does not have a single founder, scripture, nor a set of agreed teachings. Foundation of Hinduism is set on polytheistic beliefs which allow the many sects of the religion to interpret it as they see fit according to the deity they choose to consider primary in worship.

· They practice polytheism and worship thousands of different deities

· The Number of people who follow the religion: 1 billion people (called Hindus)

· Major areas of the followers of that religion: India, Nepal and Mauritius

· When they cannot focus on one deity, they create many. That way they feel they have all their bases covered.



Taoism is a widely recognized religion, and it is still practiced in many Asian areas of the world.

· They believe in living with harmony with Tao who is considered to be the force behind everything in existence

· The Number of people who follow the religion: 4 million people (called Taoists)

· Major areas of the followers of that religion: Taiwan and China

· We might recognize such a “force” as the power of Yahuwah’s spirit; however, I do not believe they are thinking of the same spirit.



Atheism is a set of principles based on cold hard logic. They strive to look for answers to the universe without the intervention of a metaphysical being.

· The atheists do not believe in a God

· The Number of people who follow the religion: 1.1 billion people (called Atheists)

· Major areas of the followers of that religion: Estonia, Japan, Denmark and Sweden

· Many would not think of Atheism as a religion, but really, a religion is simply a set of beliefs common to a certain group of people. Therefore, it qualifies.



Sikhism has passionate followers but they do not have followers in large numbers all over the world.

  • They follow the teachings of the ten main gurus of the religion and believe that they are the disciples of God himself.

  • The Number of people who follow the religion: 25 million people (called Sikhs)

  • Major areas of the followers of that religion: India

  • What god? They just throw this out there. The fallen angels were all thought of as gods. Which one are they referring to? Does he have a name?



In this list of religions, Mormonism is a somewhat less recognized religion even though it is still practiced in some countries such as Jamaica or Cuba.

  • Mormonism originated in 1820s in what was called the Second Great Awakening

  • The Number of people who follow the religion: 4 million people (called Mormons)

  • Major areas of the followers of that religion: Cuba and Jamaica

  • Well, I would have guessed Utah. Am pretty sure they worship the religion’s founder, Bingham Young.


Other major religions in the world

  • Juche (19 million followers)

  • Spiritism (15 million followers)

  • Bahá'í (7 million followers)

  • Jainism (4.2 million followers)

  • Shinto (4 million followers)

  • Caodaism (4 million followers)

  • Tenrikyo (2 million followers)

· I have no idea who or what these groups worship, but if not Yahuwah, then it is likely a man. So many religions, so many differences of opinion. How can it be that not one is correct? Easy! They all worship HaSatan, the god of this age.

As far as the world is concerned, there is no one supreme deity or messiah. Whoever the individual decides to obey or whoever society tells him to obey, that will be the god he worships. Meanwhile, the only true religion is not even listed here. As far as the world is concerned, we are simply another whacky religious cult. We will be safe until we get too big to ignore.

And, of course, Man got his chance to kill elohim when Yahushua manifested Himself, and true to form, he carried through with it. However, Yahushua proved one all important factor of eternal life – one can kill the body but not the spirit.


Yes folks, the day is coming when man will have no choice but to acknowledge the existence of an all-powerful Elohim and recognize that He has only been trying to help/save us all along. Many of us would have given up on man long ago. Fortunately, Yahuwah has a great deal more patience than we do.

I envy those who have had any king of religious upbringing. At least it is a start in the right direction. However, at some point one has to search and prove everything that we have been taught by other men. Their understanding of truth does not in always jive the Yahuwah’s. We cannot allow any man to take control of our efforts to gain salvation. I still know those clinging to the teachings of HWA, through whichever splinter group that came out of the WCG. All are really worshipping the man who qualified himself as an apostle of God. And since they demurred when the question of the sacred names arose, Armstrong was the apostle or servant of the one he (we) worshipped all along – Baal-gad. Herbert went to his grave having completely wasted his life serving Baal in stead of the One True Elohim.

Since all religions came out of Babylon, all worship Baal. Everyone hails the USA of being the bastion of religious freedom. However, since all worship Baal, it is really the bastion of Baal worship. And other Western Christian nations are no better. The goal is to merge and mix until no one can discern any difference. Then the world can come under the control on a one world government and a one world religion.

This is what the satanic governments of this world have been planning since the beginning of civilization. Knowing that would not live long enough to see the materializing of their plan, they formed secret societies (like Free Masonry, Illuminati, etc.) That would endure the tests of time and ensure the continuation of their master plan. The word “quit” is not in their vocabulary. They are masters of the black arts and openly worship and serve HaSatan. They think of themselves as already gods. These have held the place for the demons until they returned from their imprisonment. Now they are free as in the days before the flood, to wreak havoc and destroy mankind.

We have been privileged to witness the degradation of the Christian church these past few decades. From welcoming homosexuals and even making them ministers, to abortion and just about everything in between. Whats coming next for the Christian churches – openly worshipping HaSatan, performing human sacrifices, serving up virgins to bulls. Where does man’s depravity stop? Only with the return of Yahushua. On his own, man will only succeed in self-destruction.

There is so much symbolism involved in the life of Yahushua that volumes of books could not contain it all. But like numerous biblical topics, one must seek if one is going to find. The spirit cannot die. That is a scriptural fact. We are presently both physical and spiritual, but only the physical part of us dies, like a caterpillar shedding its body and becoming a beautiful butterfly. That’s it. There is nothing to fear.

We have a wonderful and glorious future ahead of us, folks. The only thing that can deprive us of it is ourselves. In the days ahead we will need our spiritual armour in place 24/7. We are the Watchmen. We are responsible for the salvation of the human race. If Yahuwah is to succeed, we must succeed. We must prove ourselves worthy of salvation, just as Yahushua had to. There can be NO DOUBT that we are absolutely, 100% incorruptible.

The physical body can and will be destroyed. It is up to us what happens to the spirit.

Yahuwah Bless
