Like Rats

Like Rats


Gary Primo

I first posted this topic on a blog but decided it was important enough to develop into a full article. The following is the post:

Like Rats

This simple 3 letter word belongs to one of the most hated species on earth - the rat. For the most part, rats feed off garbage, which in and of itself is a good way to get rid of the garbage. However, it is on account of that very fact that people find them so disgusting. And yet, some of my extended family member have rats for pets and from frequent visits, I have learned that they can be quite loveable as such. Now I am not suggesting that we go out and catch one, as, being wild, they are walking diseases.

However, the one thing I have noticed is that they are very adept to avoiding the traps I have been setting for them - and I am talking every trap known to mankind. I must have spent almost $200 on the things and for all my effort and expense, I only managed to trap one solitary rat. The only method that worked (depending on my aim) was the old bait and shoot method, where I bait them with peanuts and shoot them with a pellet pistol when they come for the food. However, I am still in the dark concerning how these rats became so smart at avoiding the traps.

For some reason, all this reminded me of the similarities in humans and how this all plays out on the world stage. Like rats, we survive on food and will exhaust all resources (including risking our lives) to get it. The same with water and any other life’s necessities. When those things are threatened, we will give our lives to protect them. The same thing is playing out today, with the people representing the rats and the Elite, the ones trying to kill them.

None of what is going on today is by accident, but rather, (almost) perfect design. The Elite are looking to eliminate 90% of the human race, to give themselves a more manageable number of future slaves. They have us already in a form of economic slavery where we can barely afford the necessities of life. And I expect, when it comes right down to outright killing us, they will use these necessities to lure us our into the open. The trick we need to urgently acquire is how to keep the government from knowing what we are up to. Yahuwah Bless.

When the first man and woman decided to first disobey Yahuwah, they had no idea what they were setting the rest of us up for – 6,000 years of war, dying and misery. What is it about man that he can treat his fellows so cruelly? The answer is that when rejected Elohim he instead adopted the character of HaSatan. HaSatan hates mankind and has been working feverishly to destroy us – and yet the whole world worships him. Obviously, our sins have made us mentally retarded.

What would our societies look like if no one paid any heed to man’s laws? Would we end up with a peaceful, orderly society or one of total chaos, like we have today? There is a purpose for rules and order, which is to teach us right from wrong. A life without law would be like a leaf in the wind, blowing around at the whim of the wind. There would be absolutely no peace of mind and we would be constantly in a state of fear and on the lookout for any life-threatening danger every second, 24/7.

One of my favorite pastimes (now that I am retired) is feeding the animals outside my building, which include several squirrels, a couple of chip monks, various birds and one feral cat. I watch as they all eat together and interact with one another. Most eat and leave the others in peace. However, some are a little more domineering and chase the others away from the area where they are eating. And it is not like I don’t throw enough peanuts for everyone; the bullies are just greedy – which is also the case with humans.

I next ponder how similar their interactions are to the way humans interact with one another. It is not much different. I would say that the majority of humans yearn for nothing else but to eat in peace and be safe – not a ridiculous desire. However, there is always some narcissistic moron who always wants to be “the boss” and tell everyone else how to live their lives. In other words, they wish to be seen as a god in this life. Unfortunately, there will be no glory for them in the next life.

Gen. 10:8 - Cush was the father of Nimrod, who began to be a mighty one on the earth.

9 - He was a mighty hunter before Yahuwah; so it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before Yahuwah.”

10 - His kingdom began in Babylon, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

11 - From that land he went forth into Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah,

12 - and Resen, which is between Nineveh and the great city of Calah.

Gen. 11:1 - Now the whole world had one language and a common form of speech.

2 - And as people journeyed eastward, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.

3 - And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” So they used brick instead of stone, and tar instead of mortar.

4 - “Come,” they said, “let us build for ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens, that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of all the earth.”

5 - Then Yahuwah came down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men were building.

6 - And Yahuwah said, “If they have begun to do this as one people speaking the same language, then nothing they devise will be beyond them.

7 - Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”

8 - So Yahuwah scattered them from there over the face of all the earth, and they stopped building the city.

9 - That is why it is called Babel, for there Yahuwah confused the language of the whole world, and from that place Yahuwah scattered them over the face of all the earth.

This is all that the Scripture reveal about Nimrod. The book of Jasher reveals a great deal more. Nimrod was (perhaps) the world’s first recorded post-flood narcissist. He thought that because he possessed the (stolen) mantel of Noah (protective chest armor) that he was the most important man on earth – a god amongst men. One thing that shook his self-image was the birth of Abraham, the true man of Elohim. Nimrod knew exactly who he was and the nature of his purpose. Therefore, Nimrod saw him as a rival sought to kill him.

In Gen 10:8, it is revealed that Nimrod became a mighty one on the earth. This term, “mighty one”, generally means someone of great importance.

Gen. 6:1 - Now when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them,

2 - the sons of Elohim saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.

3 - So Yahuwah said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.”

4 - The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and afterward as well—when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown.

And here we see that the term also referred to fallen angels. Now what if the reference in Gen. 10:8 was a reference to these fallen (pre-flood) angels as well? Being so close to that age, stories about life before the flood must have been the “big news” of the day. I can see it now – all over CNN.

But seriously, I can readily see how the tendency to make gods out of men in our age progressed. Who would not want to be Elohim? We certainly do and are working tirelessly toward that goal, but at least we know we will not be fully there until reborn into the Kingdom. Plus, we know that we will attain the kingdom only by following the course that our Messiah laid out for us – bringing ourselves under OBEDIENCE to every word that comes from Yahuwah’s mouth (the commandments). To see the Kingdom, we mut become the Kingdom, pure in mind, word and action. Nothing that remains impure can enter the Kingdom.

These verses also reveal another indisputable fact, the importance of language, in particular, a universal language. No one human has all the answers. We operate best as a team and need to communicate with one another. The only way to do that is to know what each other is saying. Therefore, we can easily see why a universal language would greatly benefit our ability to progress scientifically also. The problem is that such knowledge can just as easily be used for evil as good, and since man’s thoughts are continually evil, evil will be the primary result of having a universal language. Yahuwah readily saw this and knew where it would lead; therefore, He confused the language.

We are witnessing this move toward a universal language today. The English language is the predominant language of the earth today. However, it is made up of a good number of other languages, which is why it is considered the universal language of earth. However, it was not the original language of earth, the language that Yahuwah delivered and taught to man. I wonder sometimes if perhaps Hebrew was the original language of earth because of its marvelous qualities, but always eventually dismiss it (since the\re is absolutely no way of proving it).

It is verse 4 of Gen.10 that led me to believe that there is a connection between the post-flood mighty ones, like Nimrod, and the preflood ones. Afterall was Nimrod not worshipped as an elohim? Were not all the other great emperors of history not also worshipped as elohim? And did they not demand such adoration?

Mankind knows he was meant to become elohim, he simply does not wish to do it Yahuwah’s way. He wants to do it his own way, which in reality is HaSatan’s way. However, man is vain enough to believe he did it all on his own. After all, HaSatan’s greatest victory is getting man to believe he does not exist.

The one thing that the flood did not wash away is mankind’s general attitude towards obedience. Man does not desire to live by anyone else’s rules but his own, which are really HaSatan’s. In rejecting Yahuwah, we automatically dedicate ourselves to HaSatan. When it comes to Yahuwah, mankind is from Missouri, they do not believe anything unless they see it – something like seeking a miracle.

It is this mindset that has gotten man to the pathetic state he finds himself in today. He thinks he is already elohim and therefore he does not feel like he needs to obey Yahuwah to become one; however, man does believe in Yahuwah enough to blame Him for the wrongs in their lives. Very hypocritical!

This is also the state that causes man to behave like rats. He scurries to and fro, not really going anywhere in the direction of their spiritual potential and caring only about their next meal. Man will risk all to extend this present life as long as possible. He even hopes one day that science will enable man to achieve eternal life. However, they foolishly believe that this present, physical existence is the grand finally to everything and that we must cling to it for dear life. Meanwhile, it is that attitude/belief that is leading them to eternal death, not eternal life. Man is truly, mentally retarded when it comes to knowing their purpose and working towards it. Instead, he denies his purpose and works endlessly to make sure he never achieves it. Instead, he satisfies himself by living in and eating garbage (spiritually speaking).

A rat is a scavenger. It lives off what others throw away. Man is also like this. In fact, in some countries, where poverty is prevalent, people can actually be found search city dumps for food. When the chips are down, all pride goes out the window. I have fasted for as long as 40 days before and while that is a rather long time, it is nothing like going without on an almost daily basis, 365 days a year, every year. And in most of those cases, the people have absolutely no choice. They are forced to eat what most of us would turn away from in disgust – just like rats.

In virtually every age since the beginning, man has demonstrated a propensity toward the brutal and barbaric. They have mercilessly slaughtered one another and have come up with the most horrific methods of torture. Is this any way for future elohim to behave? Wow, what a scary thought for any of us to advance to the Kingdom while in such a state.

The result in any war that one can name has been the removal of freedom/introduction of slavery, hardships and death. The victor shows no more concern or mercy than he would for a rat.

Dan. 11:15 - Then the king of the North will come and build up siege ramps and will capture a fortified city. The forces of the South will be powerless to resist; even their best troops will not have the strength to stand.

What happens when someone attempts to escape a besieged city? They usually die. However, in desperation, this happens all too often. The enemy simply has to sit and wait until someone comes out in the open to kill them. This is the same method I found best for solving my rat problem. I would set some food out for them (in the open and a distance from any cover) and nail them when they came into site. Even then one only has a second or two to aim and take the shot before they vanish. They have become very adept at learning quickly how to avoid all the traps. We must become equally adept at avoiding the traps of the Elite.


So, is rat-like behavior the ultimate conclusion of sin/disobedience to Yahuwah? I would say, absolutely. Yahuwah’s desire was for us is to ultimately become elohim. Instead, we prefer to remain physical, like the animals we share the planet with. We think we have come far intellectually, but it is all a grand farce. We have not advanced more than any other creature and take on the traits of a creature that we basically despise more than any other, instead of taking on the nature of Yahuwah, which would definitely launch us into the Kingdom. How is that for ironic?

However, the most ironic thing is that in the past 6,000 years we haven’t learned a thing and are still stiving to attain an eternal future apart from Elohim. Like I said, we are all mentally retarded. What does an idiot have to boast about? NOTHING!

What we can boast about is the fact that Yahuwah called us out of our idiocy and turned it into wisdom via His holy spirit. We alone have the power of Yahuwah behind our efforts to achieve the otherwise unachievable. We have been chastised and humbled. We have been changed from physical to spiritual (although yet in embryo) and are free to advance into a Kingdom, which under the Old Covenant was not available to man. Yahushua had not yet redeemed them.

As we near the end of the age, the behavior of non-believers will become even more rat-like. They will become like zombies, scurrying about searching for any means to continue their existence, including committing robbery and murder. Meanwhile, there really is no intelligent reason to continue their existence since they are all facing eternal death anyway.

A rat’s life is no life at all. It is merely living to exist and serves no other purpose than to clean up garbage. And that is all a rat will ever be. There is no avenue for redemption or change. A rat will always remain what it now is – a rat. And so will unbelievers if they fail to seek out Yahuwah.

As Believers we can (now) see what Yahuwah sees when He looks out on His creation and feel His disappointment and wonder, “How does He put up with us?” As far as unbelievers go, they think if they refuse to believe in something (or someone) that it (they) simply do not exist. Boy, are they in for a shock when that glorious day comes! The thing that they did not believe in suddenly appears bigger than life. It will be the end of hope. There will be nothing else to hope for. The only opportunity for hope will be for a speedy and painless death. The opportunity for eternal life will be gone – forever.

Amos 3:6 - When the ram’s horn blows a warning, shouldn’t the people be alarmed? Does disaster come to a city unless Yahuwah has planned it?

The ram’s horn is blowing right now and has been for 6,000 years. Man is simply too spiritually deaf to hear it. The few men that Yahuwah chose to sound the alarm met with only indifference. Nobody cared – until the disaster came. Then they blamed and cursed Elohim.

And it will be the same at the end of the age. Man will not have changed a bit. They will only grumble, complain and curse Elohim all the more.

Ancient Israel is the best example of living under Yahuwah that was ever given to mankind, And yet, even with this dubious honor, they stayed the course of disobedience. Even going into captivity twice and being occupied by various enemies, the Israelites still couldn’t get it right. And that reality is true, even today.

So, folks, as horrible a comparison as it sounds, rat-like is about the only way to describe non-believers. And their ends will be similar also. And all I can wonder about is why Yahuwah ever chose me. There is only one thing that is different about us – we may be actual descendants of one of the Israelite tribes. The restoration of the 12 tribes was one of the reasons for Yahushua’s coming. And Yahuwah’s will, will be done in spite of HaSatan and unbelievers.

We can aspire to a much greater status than a rat. We have been called to be the first of a new class of elohim – ones that came directly from the physical into the spiritual. All we have to do is overcome all things.

Yahuwah Bless
