GMO Labeling

GMO Labeling


Gary Primo

Dec. 8, 2012

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. This means that scientists have genetically modified the seeds of various food items, generally to add longer shelf life to the products or to help them grow in soils that would not normally support them. Most of the genetic food items are found in prepared or processed foods. The problem with these foods is that they lack the nutrition our bodies need and actually cause a host of health problems. The other problem is that various companies that either produce or distribute these products are fighting tooth and nail to not be forced to labeling their products to inform consumers that they contain GMO products.

Why would any corporation take part in producing such products? Naturally the number one reason is money. They produce items such as corn, wheat, barley, etc. that can resist drought conditions. Many seedless varieties of vegetables and fruits have been genetically modified. In states such as California, laws have been passed that force farmers to use only genetically modified seeds. The farmers face huge fines for not using GMO seeds.

Recently the cry went up from the public demanding that GMO foods be properly labeled as containing genetically modified foods. They had a vote in California and surprisingly (and unbelievably) the GMO food producers won. The only question I am left with is, “Why would the majority of the population be so stupid as to not want to know what foods contain GMOs?” This development stinks of vote tampering, but the votes are not all in yet. Since the GMO producers spent $45 million to fight against labeling, I can only imagine that they must have bought the vote somehow.

Of course the next question would be, “Why are they so afraid to label GMO content if this food is so good for you?” What do they have to hide?

Some years ago(under the Clinton administration), while addressing the UN, then Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, made the startling pronouncement that one of the goals of the UN should be to reduce the world’s population by 2/3. That amounts to 4,620,000,000 (four billion-six hundred and twenty million) people that need to die. Why? The real reason is so that the New World Order (UN) would have a more manageable population to work with. The following is a brief bio of this woman. For the more complete bio, go to the website provided below.

Madeleine Korbelová Albright (born May 15, 1937) was the first woman to become the United States Secretary of State. She was appointed by US President Bill Clinton on December 5, 1996, and was unanimously confirmed by a U.S. Senate vote of 99–0. She was sworn in on January 23, 1997.

Albright currently serves as a Professor of International Relations at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service. She holds a PhD from Columbia University. She holds honorary degrees from Brandeis University (1996); the University of Washington (2002); Smith College (2003); University of Winnipeg (2005); the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2007), and Knox College (2008).[3] In May 2012, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President Barack Obama.[4] Secretary Albright also serves as a Director on the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations.[5]

Albright is fluent in English, French, Russian, and Czech; she speaks and reads Polish and Serbo-Croatian as well.[6]

Yes, the UN is behind GMO food production. What easier way to kill off over 4 billion people than to contaminate their food supply? GMOs are effectively killing off multiple millions of people by drastically reducing their life expectancy through all the side effects from consuming GMOs. GMOs alter our genetic blueprint and these mutated genes are passed on to our children. You may have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” This saying is so true. Currently there are over 900 different diseases that could be virtually eliminated through proper nutrition. But you will almost never hear that fact from a medical doctor. Why? The doctors get paid by Big Pharma to promote their poisonous products.

Go to the following link to see 50 of the adverse side effects caused by the consumption of GMOs.

The following is a list (and phone numbers) of just some of the main companies using GMOs in their prepared foods. We can voice our opposition to their use of GMOs by calling and letting them know that you will no longer purchase their products. These are the main companies that fought to prevent having to label GMOs.


Safeway 800-723-3929

Frito-Lay 800-352-4477

Kellogg's 800-962-1413

Nestle 800-452-1971

Heinz Foods 888-472-8437

Healthy Choice 800-323-9980

Kraft 800-543-5335

Hershey's 800-468-1714

Coca Cola 800-438-2653

Nabisco 800-862-2638

Quaker Oats 800-367-6287

Starbucks 800-782-7282

McDonald's 630-623-3000

General Mills 800-328-1144

Pepsico 914 -253-2000

Some of the GMO produce is also resistant to mercury, aluminum and other heavy metal contamination that are present in the Chem. Trails being sprayed in our skies. These Chem. Trails also contain barium, thorium and selenium. Why? It has been revealed that all but the genetically modified foods can survive the toxins spread by these Chem. Trails. The obvious reason for spraying this poison over agricultural lands is to kill off all non GMO crops and force farmers to use their products.

Go to the following links to learn more about the connection between Chem. Trails and GMO production.

Do we care about what we eat? Are we concerned about what we are feeding our children?

Go to the following link to sign a petition demanding an end to GMO food production.