The New Moon Day

The New Moon Day


Gary Primo

Oct. 17, 2013


Some of you may remember that I posted an article approximately one year ago debunking a theory that was circulating declaring that the scriptural day began at sunrise, not sunset. I received this info from a reader via email, but did not know the source at the time. You can read my conclusion to that matter on my site in the article by the name “When does a Day Begin”.

Recently I was made aware of a similar such theory in circulation (again via email from a reader), but now know the source. This new theory declares that the full moon is really the beginning of the lunar cycle (i.e. the beginning of the month) not the first visible sliver following the conjunction. Both these theories come from the same source;

Both these theories are so out of whack that I resent even having to address them. However, since apparently some are being drawn into such theology, I feel the need to debunk this one as well. If you are confident with the keeping of the month from the first sliver, I wouldn’t even waste your time reading the following. However, if you have any doubts and are leaning in the direction of this full/new moon theology, keep reading.

I don’t know where such ridiculous theories come from. I sometimes wonder if such sources actually believe what they are putting out or if they are agents of anti-Messiah striving to purposely lead Believers down a different path and cause disunity in the body of Yahuwah.

Of course, one of the lessons we are to be learning in our spiritual walk with Yahuwah is discernment between fact and fiction. In that respect this study will prove to be educational – at least.

As you will soon see, the author of this theology utilizes totally false information, word games, the twisting of scriptures and taking verses out of context to try to “prove” her case; when in reality, what she offers is not proof of anything. At least try to get through as much as you can stomach to see what I am talking about.

My comments will appear in red throughout the article starting with my initials (G.P.).


New Moon Day Changed by Formal Decree

Discover in this interlinear word study that the prophet Zechariah prophesied

that a time was coming when mankind would no longer value as precious, the

luminaries in the heavens. They would go so far as to change the New Moon

Day from one lunar phase to another, and cause the days and nights not to commence

and terminate according to the lights in the heavens.

Why might the “Father of Lights” (James 1:17) care about this change?

Subject: New Moon Day Changed by Formal Decree

Scripture Verse: Zechariah 14:6-7

Author: Kerrie French All word studies utilize two or more lexicon sources to ensure accuracy.

Strong # KJV Bible Version

Hebrew Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary

Brown-Driver-Brigg’s ry

New Restored Text

G.P. - I could not copy the tables properly and they were quite confusing; but if you wish to see them, visit the website.

The author opens with two verses from Zechariah.


Zech. 14:6 - And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:

7 - But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.

The New International Version reads;

6 - On that day there will be no light, no cold or frost. 7 - It will be a unique day, without daytime or nighttime--a day known to the LORD. When evening comes, there will be light.

Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

6. light . . . not . . . clear . . . dark--JEROME, Chaldee, Syriac, and Septuagint translate, "There shall not be light, but cold and ice"; that is, a day full of horror ( Amos 5:18 ). But the Hebrew for "clear" does not mean "cold," but "precious," "splendid" (compare Job 31:26 ). CALVIN translates, "The light shall not be clear, but dark" (literally, "condensation," that is, thick mist); like a dark day in which you can hardly distinguish between day and night. English Version accords with Zechariah 14:7 : "There shall not be altogether light nor altogether darkness," but an intermediate condition in which sorrows shall be mingled with joys.

7. one day--a day altogether unique, different from all others [MAURER]. Compare "one," that is, unique ( Solomon 6:9 , Jeremiah 30:7 ). Not as HENDERSON explains, "One continuous day, without night" ( Revelation 22:5 , 21:25 ); the millennial period ( Revelation 20:3-7 ).

known to . . . Lord--This truth restrains man's curiosity and teaches us to wait the Lord's own time ( Matthew 24:36 ).

not day, nor night--answering to "not . . . clear nor . . . dark" ( Zechariah 14:6 ); not altogether daylight, yet not the darkness of night.

at evening . . . shall be light--Towards the close of this twilight-like time of calamity, "light" shall spring up ( Psalms 97:11 , 112:4 , Isaiah 30:26 , Isaiah 60:19 Isaiah 60:20 ).

Wesley’s Explanatory Notes



In that day - While God is fighting with the enemies of his church, the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Nor dark - There shall be some mercy to allay the bitterness of judgment, and some judgment with our mercy.

One day - One continued day, no setting of the sun to make it quite night: God will always act in order to the full salvation of his spiritual Jerusalem. Known unto the Lord - The Lord knows when it shall begin, and how, and when it shall end.

I checked out several other versions as well. All allude to the same understanding which is not at all in agreement with what this author is claiming.

New Comprehensive Restored Text:

Zechariah 14:6-7

Verse 6 and 7

It shall come to pass at that time that none of the luminaries-- the sun,

moon or stars shall be valued as precious and influential. They shall

change and dismiss by a formal decree, “day one” [New Moon Day],

which was designated “to make known” by Yahuah. Neither the day

nor the night shall occur at the time required by the twilight exchange

of light of the sun, moon and stars.

G.P. - This is a total mistranslation and a twisting of Scripture. These verses are talking of the Day of Yahuwah only. It is for this one day only that this will occur. It is similar to what happened when the sun stood still so that the Israelites could destroy all their enemies. Read the context for yourself, starting from verse one.

As for this “New Comprehensive Restored Text”, I have never heard of it before – have you? The article does not list a source, say who translated it or what their qualifications were; and I can only assume that the host for this site either did the translation himself to suit his/her own purpose or found one obscure translation that suited her purpose.


None of the Luminaries shall be valued as influential

It is only in utilizing two or more Hebrew Bible Dictionaries that we can fully grasp

the weighty reality of these verses long hidden beneath the rubble of falsified

translations, Jewish fables and traditions of men (Titus 1:14).

Once again, we discover that the modern Bible translations are in great error with

regard to “time.” In fact, what the translators want us to believe is that a there will

come a “day” which will be neither day nor night, but that at evening time it will be

light. This is just another example of translator mumbo jumbo. (See below.)

G.P. That’s right, it is mumbo jumbo to this author and to anyone else devoid of understanding and discernment. To everyone else it is quite clear. I don’t know why people such as these strive to read “hidden” meanings (that in no way can be proven or disproven) into verses to try to make their point. They are much like the Gnostics who claimed to possess secret knowledge and enlightenment of the Way of Yahuwah. I can only suppose that they deem themselves intellectually superior to everyone else and that this is a case of “intellectual masturbation” (stroking one’s own ego).

6 It shall come to pass in that day

That there will be no light;

The lights will diminish.

7 It shall be one day,

which is known to the LORD--

neither day nor night.

But at evening time it shall happen

That it will be light.

Zechariah 14:6-9 King James Version

Since we are living at a time when the Father is seeking to restore all things from

chaos into His harmonious “light of truth,” we can see these verses from the King

James Version above are neither harmonious nor do they represent the truth.

Rather, we find from a detailed examination of the original Hebrew that the prophetic

revelation spoken of by Zechariah around the year 520 B.C., speaks profoundly of our

very day. This prophecy was given approximately 2520 years ago, and yet Zechariah

declares in the first sentence of verse 6 that:

“It shall come to pass at that time that none of the luminaries-- the sun,

moon or stars shall be valued as precious and influential.

G.P. These verses make perfect sense to me. The Day of Yahuwah will be highlighted by a strange occurrence in the heavens – rather than the sun going down at sunset and it becoming dark, the skies are going to remain partially illuminated. This will occur on the Day of Yahuwah only! Nowhere is there any indication that this is to be a permanent change to the Calendar. Nowhere does it even mention the calendar, new moon, full moon, beginning of the month, beginning of the year or the Sabbath day. This is like comparing apples to oranges. The only similarity is that they are round. There is absolutely no connection to a change in keeping the calendar or keeping the Sabbath or annual festivals incorrectly in these two verses. The only thing that does not make sense is how the author drew any of her conclusions from these two verses.

Since this so called “New Comprehensive Restored Text” bible is the only one that renders these verses as such, in opposition to all other texts and all other skilled translators, I would be highly skeptical. Who wrote this translation? What were their qualifications?

Has this occurred? Does the world as a whole recognize today, that the sun is to commence the new day at sunrise and terminate it at sunset? Does each person comprehend the great influential value of the stars for Astro-luni-solar years and months? Do they understand and value as the “pearl of great price,” the influence of the “Full Moon” for defining lunar months, lunar dates, Feast days, and Astro-luni-

solar years unto salvation?

No doubt this has occurred, but how and for what reason could something so

mammoth be lost and forgotten by so many, especially the Hebrew people?

G.P. To settle the question of when a day begins read the article on my site by the same name. This proclamation is totally false and absurd, as I prove in the article.

The Jews have historically been the ones who were entrusted with the “oracles” of Yahuwah. They were extensively careful in reproducing the texts, giving number totals at the end of each line representing the total numerical value of each letter of each line to ensure accuracy. If the totals did not match, they would go over the line and search for mistakes.

I would not give such credit to English or any other translations. The translators exercised many liberties with translating the New Testament, but could not do so as much with the OT because the Jewish scholars would have picked up on it immediately. Of course that didn’t stop them from trying. However, where the Jewish scholars and Christian agree, there can be little doubt.

Also, the author claims that this day has already occurred. Really! I would think that if the Day of Yahuwah had already occurred, the whole world would know about it. It wouldn’t be this select group or person’s exclusive little secret. You will notice that nowhere in this article does the author explain when and how this event took place.

How has this occurred?

Indeed, all of the luminaries have lost their value as mankind has sought to replace their dependence on the heavens with artificial devices such as wall calendars, clocks and the international dateline. Ingeniously, these simulated replicas working together have unified the world according to a human master designer, which has utterly forced the Creator’s heavenly luminaries out of the time implementation equation.

Not to be forgotten is that for hundreds of years it has been proclaimed from the church pulpits that any form of following the sun, moon, or stars was an act of paganism or even witchcraft. Thus, a taboo was placed upon all the very luminaries ordained by the Creator, Himself to declare the rhythm of His corporate times for worship.

G.P. I have attended a number of different churches and have never heard such a proclamation. What this author fails to do anywhere in this article is explain how one does one establish time/day/month/year apart from the sun and moon. His claim that the Jews did/do not consider the stars in their reckoning of time is completely false.

Approximately 550 years after Zechariah’s prophecy was given, the Messiah shared

an extremely relevant truth in parable that the seekers of the “kingdom of heaven”

would be as merchants of whole round pearls. These faithful would be described as

examining these “Full Moon” pearls, ever seeking the largest and most glorious

precious pearls of influential value each and every New Moon.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful

pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price (influential

value), went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:46


All parables are meant for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. So it is that

this parable was intended specifically for us in these last days, who have been called

to restore the ancient paths of our Creator’s original time system. While both the

“Full Moon” and the “pearl of great price” are symbols of our Savior, they are

representative of each other as well.

G.P. How this person draws any connection between these pearls and a full moon is beyond me. Like with the apples and oranges, the only similarity is that they are both round, but that would be a fact whether illuminated or not. And, Yahushua was certainly not talking about full moons. What Yahushua was talking about is the fact that entering the Kingdom of Heaven is a much more valuable treasure and goal to seek than the greatest value of anything here on this earth.

Again, the author is comparing apples with oranges and is not making any sense at all.

Changed and dismissed by a formal decree

Continuing in the second sentence of verse 6 and first part of verse 7 we find the

prophet Zechariah identifies a second item relating to time that would be altered as

well. Here he declares that the first day of the month would be changed and

dismissed by a formal decree.

“They shall change and dismiss by a formal decree, “day one” [New

Moon Day], which was designated “to make known” by Yahuah.”

Here you will see that I have inserted [New Moon Day] to assist the reader. Let’s examine for a moment whether I have jumped to conclusions, by calling “day one” the New Moon Day. Can this “day one” refer to the first day of the year? Yes. But

if this was the intent, then please recognize that the “Full” New Moon is also the first

day of the year. If this was referring to the first day of the week, then please

recognize that by changing the first day of the week, it would by default change the

true New Moon Day as well.

G.P. Again I ask, where is this author getting this garbage from? Apparently it all started with a dream that Kerrie L. French (host of site) had and embellished upon since. Kerrie was originally of the SDA and a student of Helen White.

The only way in which the Scriptures verify this theology is by adding/changing words and mis-translating what the verses are talking about. This is a typical method of all who challenge the status quo (not that the status quo is always correct) with no solid proof whatsoever. However, if telling the truth, none of this would be necessary. Like the old saying goes, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull manure”. I am sure this author enjoys a self perception of exclusivity and superiority in her “secret” knowledge of this matter. She continuously eludes that only real truth seekers can come to any kind of understanding in this matter.

She even admits to adding “New Moon Day” to the verse to “assist the reader”. The only thing she assisted with is confusing the reader by interjecting words that have absolutely no place in the verse. There is no indication anywhere in the context that suggest this day is a new moon day or even the beginning of the month. It is taking about one day, the Day of Yahuwah, and nothing else. It has nothing to do with a new moon or the changing of the calendar.

But throughout Scripture the focus of “day one” or “first day” is

synchronized to the “first day” of the lunar month and referred to

as “New Moon Day.” It is from this day alone, that the year

commences, the lunar months cycle through their phases

demarcating civil calendar dates, and also the four cycles of

weeks are counted. It is only the first day of the lunar month that

sets up all the holy appointed Feast days, both weekly and

annual. Thus, it is that the “first day” or “day one” carries the

greatest weight and influence of all as the “Full” New Moon Day

or the “pearl of greatest influential value.”

G.P. What a load! I don’t know whether to laugh or get angry at this continuous barrage of nonsense. The year and the counting of days to the annual festivals do begin on the first day of the 1st month (Abib). That day is a new moon day. However, the so called “witness” by whom this author comes to her conclusion is highly in dispute. The comparisons she makes of pearl to full moon are simple fabrication.

Yes the first day of the Hebrew month is the same as the first day of the lunar cycle. However, it makes much more sense that the month would begin at the beginning of the cycle, rather than in the middle. Both nature and common sense demand that the lunar cycle begins with the first appearance of any light and ends with the final appearance of any light previous to the dark period. I will expand on this shortly when we get into the Book of Enoch.

Furthermore, the days of the weekly cycle have nothing to do with the moon and do not synchronize with the beginning of the month at all. In the very first chapter of Genesis, Yahuwah created day and night on day one. However, the moon and sun were not created until the fourth day. Therefore, the counting of days begins with day one of creation and the week culminated with day 7. From that point on, every 7 days constituted a week. There is no indication of any sort what phase of the moon appeared on the fourth day.

Even though Genesis 2 tells us that Yahuwah blessed and sanctified the seventh day, we do not hear any more about it until we get into the book of Exodus. We have no idea; therefore, if it was kept by anyone before Moses came along.

Ex. 16:22 - And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses.

23 - And he said unto them, This is that which Yahuwah hath said, Tomorrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto Yahuwah: bake that which ye will bake today, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remains over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.

24 - And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein.

25 - And Moses said, Eat that today; for today is a Sabbath unto Yahuwah: today ye shall not find it in the field.

26 - Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the Sabbath, in it there shall be none.

Yahuwah had to tell them when the Sabbath was and show them by sending manna 6 days and on the seventh He sent none. If one were able to figure out the Sabbath by the phases of the moon, why would Yahuwah not have simply explained that to them.

This event did not occur until the 15th day of the second month after they left Egypt. So, they observed the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread before they ever kept the Sabbath; and they did not keep the Sabbath for another 45 days after that. Sounds like it may have been around the Day of Pentecost. Again, why reveal the Sabbath day in this manner rather than instruct the people (or Moses, at least) how to keep the Sabbath by the phases of the moon. It was a perfect opportunity for it.

Also, how do the weeks synchronize with the month when there are only 28 days in 4 weeks and 29 ½ days in a month? That only totals 354 days in a year. 50.57 Sabbaths. If the Sabbath only occurs 4 times in a month, that leaves 18 days (2 ½ weeks/ two Sabbaths) unaccounted for.

As a second witness, it is the second portion of this first sentence

that identifies “day one” was the very one designated by Yahuah “to make known”

and proclaim time from the heavens. This can be no other lunar phase than the full

moon for reasons we shall soon see. So while clarifying that this is referring to the

New Moon beacon of time, Zechariah is clarifying that this was to be changed by the

will of mankind in opposition and defiance to what the Creator had originally

ordained to proclaim time.

G.P. These verses do not mention “day one” in connection with a new moon or anything else. It is talking about “one day”, out of the entire history of man that the sun will not completely set or give its full light. There can be any number of reasons for this. However, it remains that Zechariah was clearly talking about the Day of Yahuwah (being like no other) and not the beginning of months or revealing any hidden secrets concerning the calendar.

So what if it is a full moon? Who cares? The verse has nothing to do with this subject.

And where is the author getting this nonsense from – “Zechariah is clarifying that this was to be changed by the will of mankind in opposition and defiance to what the Creator had originally ordained to proclaim time.” The author is totally fabricating the so-called evidence.

Stunningly, in verse 6 and 7 we find Zechariah’s prophecy

foretelling that a “change” was to be made to the “day one” (the

“Full” New Moon Day) by a formal decree. So it is that sometime

between 520 B.C. and our present day this massive change and

dismissal of the “Full New Moon Day” was transferred to another

lunar phase by the Israelites (Jews, Semites, Hebrews),

themselves. It was they whom Zachariah was speaking to, and

with whom were given the watch care of the oracles of truth for

safe keeping and for proclamation as a testimony upon the earth.

In the last sentence of verse 7 we find another revelation of time that was to change.

“Neither the day nor the night shall occur at the time required by the

twilight exchange of light of the sun, moon and stars.”

Below are two separate time systems, yet both are examples of changes that have been made and accepted by most of the world today illustrating that time is no longer demarcated by the sun, moon and stars:

G.P. To be honest, I am having a great deal of trouble dealing with this topic. I have never heard such a mess of lies and twisting of facts in all my life. This author even makes President Obama look like a saint.


Jewish Time

19 Yr.


Luni-solar cycle is wholly derived from Babylon’s

crescent moon criteria and fixed to the vernal equinox

according to mathematic calculation.

Years Years are luni-solar only for the months and annual

feasts, which commence with the mathematic

calculation for the crescent moon that is closest to the

vernal equinox. It does not appear the years have any

connection to the stars any longer.

Months Months are lunar as reckoned by Babylon’s crescent

moon and calculation.

Weeks Weeks cycle without end in harmony with the modern

Roman Gregorian calendar, because in the fourth

century A.D. Hillel II changed the week to harmonize

with Rome to end the persecution.

Civil date Monthly civil calendar dates commence and terminate

at sunset rather than at sunrise.

Days Days begin at sunset and are 24 hours in length, rather

than the 12 hour “sunrise to sunset” designation by the

Creator (John 11:9).

Nights Nights have been swallowed up by the “days” and have

morphed into the first half of the 24 hour day, rather

than the last half of a civil calendar date.

Hours Hours are confused because the Jews declare the “day,”

that is ruled by the sun, must commence at sunset when

the sun is not ruling (Genesis 1:14).

Roman Time

Years Years are solar only and begin in Winter. The moon and

stars have been removed wholly from this sun based

time system. (Genesis 1:14-16).

Months Months are arbitrary in length as they are no longer

anchored to any celestial body, and are artificial because

the New Moon Day was removed. Now their time is

declared upon paper wall calendars as they have no ties

to the Creator’s Astro-lunisolar time in the heavens.

Weeks Weeks cycle without end because the “Full” New Moon

was removed as their beacon to start and stop, and has no

tie to the Creator’s astro-luni-solar time.

Days Days begin at midnight and are 24 hours in length. They

have been removed from the 12 hour “sunrise to sunset”

designation of the Creator (John 11:9).

Hours Hours commence at midnight and are no longer tied to

the “daylight” as beaconed by the sun from sunrise to

sunset (Genesis 1:5).

For the very reason that Roman crafted time encompasses most of the world today, so

does the Roman Empire. Whoever rules time rules the people. Might the result be

that all those marching to the beat of this time-system remain in Roman captivity

today? The key that unlocks your prison cell is declared from the heavens.

G.P. Genesis 1:14-16 is talking about the sun and moon being for light and “for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years “; and afterward it says, “he made the stars also” The stars have nothing to do with the setting of seasons, days and years.

Once again, this author is twisting facts and outright inventing them for her own purpose.

The Evidence

We have just seen the evidence that time on earth is no longer reckoned by the

twilight exchange of the light of sun, moon and stars, occurring at sunrise and sunset,

in direct fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy. (Have we really? I have seen a thing except a pack of lies). But what evidence do we have that the

“change” and “dismissal” of the “Full New Moon Day” has indeed occurred?

1. Today, all of Israel recognizes only the Babylonian crescent moon god “Sin,” as

their New Moon beacon. This is over 180 degrees opposite of what they were

instructed in Scripture to keep as the “Full” New Moon (#3677 kece’, keh-seh). Israel

was exhorted by Yahuah through His prophets over and over not to follow the ways

of the Babylonians, their gods, or their mixture of truth with error.

G.P. Just because the Babylonians kept their months in accordance with the moon phases does not qualify that understanding as pagan. What qualifies their actions as pagan was that they worshipped the moon as one of their gods – just as the Egyptians (and later, the Romans) worshipped the sun. That doesn’t make the sun or the moon pagan – just the people that worshipped them. It does not mean that keeping the months by the moon or the years and days by the sun a pagan practice.

2. Nowhere in all of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation is the crescent moon

mentioned in relation to the Creator’s New Moon beacon for lunar months, etc. The

only reference to the crescent is in relation to the gold ornaments worn as earrings by

the women or hung around the necks of the camels of the heathen in honor of their

crescent moon god “Sin.” Refer to Judges 8:21,26 and Isaiah 3:18 as the word

crescent is missing from most translations and Bible Dictionaries, but here again is

evidence of a cover-up as the Theological Word Book of the Old Testament states

(#7720 sa-haron) emphatically means “crescent moon.”

G.P. Neither is the full moon mentioned anywhere in the Scriptures as the beginning of the month. It was assumed that the month began with the crescent because that is what nature and common sense tells one.

This image contains a matching set of gold crescent earrings from ancient Assyria at

the time of Nimrod and the building of the Tower of Babel. This was the period

shortly after the flood and just prior to the birth of Abraham.

Notice that each crescent fixes fourteen individual amulets (moon beams representing

days) with seven tiny links, very possibly illustrating the relationship of two weeks of

seven days of waxing lunar phases commencing with the first visible crescent after

conjunction. In like manner, the other earring appears to reckon two complete weeks

of waning lunar phases that end with the last visible crescent moon prior to

conjunction. Only the dark lunar phase or phases are missing which vary from one to

two days. Thus, an entire month of visible lunar phases is depicted, while giving

special honor to the Babylonian crescent moon god “Sin.” So when an Assyrian

woman wore these, essentially she was wearing her calendar honoring her god.

G.P. So, what this author is saying is that because the Babylonians worshipped the moon and wore ear-rings symbolizing their beliefs, we are to throw out the baby with the bath water in regards to keeping the month by the lunar phases.

The author might also be interested to know that hot cross buns represent the full moon, in a number pagan cultures and that the “cross” is really a division of the bun (moon) into 4 quarters. Does that (by this author’s own definition involving the crescent) not qualify observing the full moon as pagan as well? This is just a ridiculous argument.

For the purpose of contrast I went looking online for a pair of whole round pearl

earrings to represent the Full New Moon (#3677 keh-seh). What I found was

serendipitous as the description that accompanied this earring

set states:

“These earrings feature stars that twinkle in a silver

firmament above the full moon.”

Any woman wearing a set of pearls such as these,

fundamentally declares that she honors the Creator’s calendar

“from one New Moon to another, including the four Sabbaths

between them and all the annual Feast days they beacon.

3. We have knowledge from the Dead Sea Scrolls that the New Moon of that era was

not the same as the crescent of the Modern Jews. It has been documented that

changes to the calendar were made by the Israelite Sanhedrin in the year A.D. 358.

The very last quote below identifies that by A.D. 358 the Jews were following the

Babylonian 19 year cycle. This is a huge revelation that Israel now utilizes both the

crescent New Moon as well as Babylon’s cycle of years to harmonize the lunar with

the solar year according to the vernal equinox in (Julian) March.

All 19 year cycles are not equal. Each 19 year cycle will yield varying results based

upon what lunar phase is utilized and its relational position to the vernal equinox or

the constellation Virgo as its starting point. Currently, we believe the Astro-luni-solar

New Year of Scripture commences when the “Full” New Moon arises at the feet of

the constellation Virgo (Revelation 12:1). To punctuate this point we have discovered

that the lunar phase mentioned as under Virgo’s feet (NT # 4582 selene) means the

brilliant moon. There is only one lunar phase that both answers this “brilliant New

Moon description and arises under Virgo’s feet in the Spring on the eastern horizon.

G.P. Not too long ago I received information that this sign in the heaven was to occur on September 23rd, 2017 (rather than the spring). It was an easy date for me to remember because it happens to be my youngest daughter’s birthday. I just checked the lunar calendar for 2017 and found that the conjunction falls on the 20th of September, which means that the moon will be a crescent not a full moon.

The following quotes serve as examples that indeed, these Jewish leaders were no

strangers to “changing time.”

“Almost the whole Diaspora depended for the legal observance of

the feasts and fasts upon the calendar sanctioned by the Judea

Sanhedrin; yet danger threatened the participants in that sanction

and the messengers who communicated their decisions to distant

congregations. . . . As the religious persecutions continued, Hillel

determined to provide an authorized calendar for all time to come,

though by so doing he severed the ties which united the Jews of

the Diaspora to their mother country and to the patriarchate.”

G.P. The Jews at no time kept the full moon as the beginning of the month. The only things Hillel changed was keeping the conjunction as the beginning of the month rather than the first crescent; and counting backwards from Tishri 1 to determine the date from the Passover. Up until that time the Jews kept the first crescent as the beginning of months. Gamaliel (the Elder), chief Rabbi of Judah during Yahushua’s day, would send runners out with tablets displaying all the different phases of the moon and they would come back and identify which phase they saw. They did this because the 1st crescent is only appears briefly and is difficult to see at all from certain places. In this way they identified and confirmed that the first crescent had indeed occurred and began their month. If they had at that time determined the beginning of the month by the full moon, none of this would have been necessary. The full moon would have been evident anywhere.

(I. Singer and S. Mendelsohn, "Hillel II,”

“In Vanderkam’s article, Calendrical Texts and the Origins of the

Dead Sea Scroll Community, he reveals that the Qumran

community followed a Jewish calendar, which is different than the


calendar that Jews use today. More crucial to the paradox, he

reveals that the Qumran community taught that the Full Moon

began the month, which would mean that Passover, which occurs

mid-month, would have occurred when the moon was dark. Thus,

if Passover was celebrated within Ancient Judaism at the dark of

the moon, rather than at the full of the moon, then it would be very

possible for a total solar eclipse to occur, simultaneous to Passover

and the Crucifixion of Jesus. Christianity Shrouded by a Solar Eclipse,

William Doehring, May 19, 2012,

G.P. I cannot find any mention of a dispute over the keeping of the calendar in relation to the Essenes. Their main difference is that while they recognized Moses, they did not recognize all the laws he taught and claim they were substituted at some point. They did not eat flesh; nor did they make animal sacrifices. In other words they did not recognize the Levitical Priesthood or its teachings and traditions. They also supposedly practiced celibacy, but then how did they manage to survive for a couple hundred years?

So what we have here is a group that preserved certain texts of Scripture and extra biblical texts, yet had certain doctrines that in no way agreed with those texts.

“Note: Hillel II, the last president of the Sanhedrin, established the

modern Jewish calendar, approximately 350 years after Jesus

[Yahushua]. Other arguments have been made as to why the

Jewish calendar may have been corrupted as well.” Christianity

Shrouded by a Solar Eclipse, William Doehring, May 19, 2012,

“Declaring the new month by observation of the new moon, and

the new year by the arrival of spring, can only be done by the

Sanhedrin. In the time of Hillel II [4th century A. D.], the last

President of the Sanhedrin, the Romans prohibited this practice.

Hillel II was therefore forced to institute his fixed calendar, thus in

effect giving the Sanhedrin’s advance approval to the calendars of

all future years.” (The Jewish Calendar and Holidays (incl. Sabbath): The

Jewish Calendar: Changing the Calendar,

G.P. Hillel’s fixed calendar had nothing to do with the changing to new moon observation from full moon observation or visa versa. The lunar calendar can only be “fixed” by making the actual conjunction the beginning of the new month. Prior to that, it was the observation of the 1st crescent that marked the beginning of the month, not the full moon. The conjunction can be accurately predicted years into the future (or past), requiring no observation. Of course, one cannot observe what one cannot see. The Jewish calendar today is; therefore, 1 – 1 ½ days off compared to the previous calendar that began by observing the 1st crescent.

“Several customs which prevailed during the age between the

Exodus of the Israelites and the resurrection of Christ had so

completely changed by the seventeenth Christian century that the

translators of the “Authorized Version” of the English Bible were

not able to perceive some important truths taught in the Greek

version of the Old Testament and the Greek New Testament.

Unseen truth would not be clearly translated into the English Bible.

The student who of necessity was limited in his studies to the

English version would not be able to see more truth than was

expressed in the English version. . .

Second—Since the Jews for more than sixteen centuries have

been observing a Saturday Sabbath, and since Christians have been

for more than eighteen centuries having a fixed Sunday Sabbath, it

is only reasonable to expect most Sabbath writers to try and

interpret all Bible Sabbath teachings on the theory of fixed

septenary cycles. But the noted Rabbi Hirsch believes and

teaches that “The old (Jewish) Sabbath had no connection with

a fixed week.

G.P. The system of weeks has been counted since the first day of creation. Since there is no way to prove that someone did not lose count, it is assumed that mankind observed the seventh day of the week as sanctified since the time of Adam. Even if they didn’t consider it sanctified, they certainly knew what day it was. How else did Noah know what month and day the flood came and when it receded?

Six days shall you work and the seventh is sanctified to Yahuwah. There is no mention anywhere of a 1 ½ day period that does not count as a day when setting the calendar month. As I mentioned previously, you end up with 18 days a year that are unaccounted for. The system of weeks therefore has to run in a continuous 7 day cycle. Any other suggestion is complete lunacy.

Third—The passing out of sight of the old Bible lunar calendar

and the now almost universal effort to interpret the Bible upon the

basis of solar calendars. . .

G.P. The Jews still calculate their holy days by the ancient Hebrew lunar Calendar, not the Roman solar calendar. However, one cannot reset the beginning of the week every month to satisfy the beginning of the month. You will always lose that 1 ½ days each month.

Sixth—The losing sight of the use of uncounted days in the

Bible calendar. . .

Because of the failure to note the above mentioned difficulties it

has become quite difficult so to write or teach as to be clearly

understood about the Bible Sabbaths.” Sunday the World’s Rest Day, The

Sabbath—The Lord’s Day, by Rev. Samuel W. Gamble, D.D. p. 81-82.

Published for the New York Sabbath Committee, Doubleday, Page and

Company, New York, 1916.

G.P. It is a concept that is difficult to write about or teach because it makes absolutely no sense at all.

“...the Passover was always celebrated in (Julian) March, the month

of the spring equinox, without regard to the Palestinian rules and

rulings. To preserve the unity of Israel, the patriarch Hillel II, in

A.D. 358/359, published the “secret” of calendar making, which

essentially consisted of the use of the Babylonian 19-year cycle

with some modifications required by the Jewish...” Calendar

Chronology, The calendar in Jewish History, Hillel II (Jewish Patriarch),

[Emphasis mine]

G.P. The equinoxes are only generally used to determine the changing seasons. The Jews also used observation of the 1st crescent and green ears of barley or whatever to determine when the 1st month of the year actually began.

Anyone, whether Jew or Babylonian, can plainly observe the moon and all the lunar cycles. The problem never was with the Babylonian keeping of the lunar calendar, but worshipping the moon and a host of moon gods.

The following did not appear in this article, but another from the same site. I am only including it to further demonstrate the ridiculousness of their argument.

Enoch 78

Enoch 78:10] .... And Uriel showed me another law: when light is transferred to the moon, and on which side it is transferred to her by the sun. 11] During all the period during which the moon is growing in her light, (1) she is transferring it to herself when opposite to the sun during fourteen days her light is accomplished in the heaven, 12] and (2) when she is illumined throughout, her light is accomplished full in the heaven. And (3) on the first 13] day she is called the new moon, for on that day the light rises upon her. She becomes full moon exactly on the day when the sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night, and the moon shines the whole night through till the sun rises over against her and the moon is seen over (setting) against the sun. 14] On the side whence the light of the moon comes forth, there again she wanes till all the light vanishes and all the days of the month are at an end, and her circumference is empty, void of 15] light. ....

A Scriptural month does not end in darkness, only light and full light at that. Only a conjunction moon methodology starts and ends in total darkness, while a sliver moon methodology starts and ends with the minimum amount of light possible.

With a new full moon starting the month it commences with full light and ends in the same manner as well. Both a conjunction and or sliver moon (partial light, and the minimum amount of light at that) methodology starts and finishes in "darkness" rather than light.

G.P. The following is what is actually written in Enoch 78, minus what this author has “added” for her own purpose.

6 And when the moon rises (at the beginning of its cycle) one-fourteenth part appears in the heaven: (1st crescent = 1/14 of a full moon) (7) [the light becomes full in her]: on the fourteenth day she accomplishes her light. (Full moon) And fifteen parts of light are transferred to her till the fifteenth day (when) her light is accomplished, (Still a full moon) according to the sign of the year, and she becomes fifteen parts, and the moon grows by (the addition of) fourteenth (8) parts. And in her waning (following the full moon) (the moon) decreases on the first day to fourteen parts of her light, (notice that Enoch is now counting backwards because the moon is waning) on the second to thirteen parts of light, on the third to twelve, on the fourth to eleven, on the fifth to ten, on the sixth to nine, on the seventh to eight, on the eighth to seven, on the ninth to six, on the tenth to five, on the eleventh to four, on the twelfth to three, on the thirteenth to two, on the (9) fourteenth to the half of a seventh, and all her remaining light disappears wholly on the fifteenth (at the end of the cycle the moon is once again dark). And (10) in certain months the month has twenty-nine days and once twenty-eight. And Uriel showed me another law: when light is transferred to the moon, and on which side it is transferred to her by the sun. During all the period during which the moon is growing in her light, she is transferring it to herself when opposite to the sun during fourteen days [her light is accomplished in the heaven, (12) and when she is illumined throughout, her light is accomplished full in the heaven. (14 days after the beginning of the cycle the moon is full) And on the first (13) day she is called the new moon, for on that day the light rises upon her (The sun begins to shine its light on the moon with the 1st visible crescent following the conjunction). She becomes full moon exactly on the day when the sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night, and the moon shines the whole night through till the sun rises over against her and the moon is seen over against the sun. On the side whence the light of the moon comes forth, there again she wanes till all the light vanishes and all the days of the month are at an end, and her circumference is empty, void of (5) light (This is both the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next).

G.P. I don’t know how anyone can misconstrue these verses so badly. She has the meaning turned totally around and has her (full) new moon starting at the halfway point of the cycle. I cannot figure out how anyone can agree with her and follow this line of reasoning; but apparently they have. How did they not pick up on this?

All I can say is that this woman is totally devoid of discernment. I would like very much to hear from the readers who have read this entire document to hear your reaction.


It appears that each of Zechariah’s prophetic applications have been fulfilled to

the minutest detail. (Really? All I see is a lot of hogwash) So the question remains, why might this matter to the Creator Yahuah and His Son, the Messiah?

The reason this carries such significance is that all the holy appointed Feast days, both annual and weekly are inseparably synchronized to the rhythm of the true “Full” New Moon Day. It was ordained at creation to forever link earth with heaven for the purpose of worship and honor to our Creator and Savior. These Sabbaths and holy days do not belong to the Jews alone, but are bequeathed as one of the grandest and noblest gifts to all of mankind that we may be synchronized with the movements and purposes of our Creator and Savior along with all of heaven. And although we have become separated by sin, it is by our Savior’s merits alone that we can come boldly before the throne of grace and receive pardon. All of this is revealed in the prophetic patter and rhythm of the Temple model. Thus it is that the “Full” New Moon is a symbol of our abiding hope in the restoration work of our Savior as the Lamb, the High Priest, and returning Deliverer.

G.P. Sorry! Don’t buy it. You are going to have to do much better to sell me on this load of nonsense. It is a concept so foreign to what nature plainly tells us that it can only make sense to the most abstract mindset.

It is these Feasts that mark out in Astro-luni-solar time the step by step prophetic movements of the Lamb/High Priest in the work of restoration for sinners in the heavens above. This will all culminate in the second coming of our Savior. Having the correct accounting of time is the basis for each event. Those who choose to ignore the relevancy of the Creator’s calendar, so grandly displayed in the heavens, will by default be indicating who they serve.

G.P. That’s right. By keeping the Sabbath and the annual holy days one does indicate who they serve. Your word games, fabrications and twisting of scriptures have done nothing to alter my choice, and, in fact, have done more to cement my beliefs than doubt them.

In light of this study, and for the very reason the crescent lunar phase is kept as the

New Moon today by the Jews, there remains only one option for the original New

Moon that has been changed and dismissed from mankind’s knowledge base.

There is no record of any culture in antiquity that adhered to the dark lunar phase for

New Moon, not even in Scripture. All places referring to a covered moon have been

found to mean “covered with light.”

G.P. Poppycock! The word covered in scriptures always means hidden – as in obscured, hidden in darkness, covered with a bushel as with the conjunction. How can anything that is fully illuminated be considered covered or hidden?

Today, only a handful of folks recognize the Full Moon as New Moon. (Really? How odd!) Ninety-nine percent adhere to the crescent and some follow after a dark moon that gives no light whatever. (Just as nature suggests) As a result, the whole world is off track with regards to the worship rhythms for annual Feasts and the weekly Sabbaths. (Everyone but you, right?) In times of ignorance the Father winks, but not when we have had opportunity to know the truth, but refuse it. At these

times we inadvertently place ourselves at the door of judgment.

G.P. Is the author not making a judgment right now – judging all who disagree with her theory as ignorant, devoid of truth and headed towards eternal destruction? Right back at you?

Today, He is calling His faithful to arise and repair the breach that has destroyed the

knowledge of His worship rhythm on earth, and restore these ancient paths that others

may find their way back to the Father.

G.P. What breach? When did it happen? Where are the details? Where are the facts? Where is the evidence? Nothing presented so far is proof of anything.

“And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou

shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be

called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in.”

Isaiah 58:12

Will you join us in raising up the foundations and restoring His ancient paths?

G.P. The problem was not that they were keeping the Sabbath on the wrong day, but how they kept the Sabbath, as a weekly duty (chore) and not as a delight before Yahuwah.

Additional Scriptural Support for the “Full” New Moon

Presented below are thirteen diverse Scriptural supportive evidences for a “full”

New Moon. Each of the following studies is best read in their order, as they build

upon one another. Simply click on each link below.

1. Luke 23:44-45 – The Sun was Darkened From the Sixth to the

Ninth Hour. According to Luke, a solar eclipse occurred on the

day of the Messiah’s crucifixion between the sixth and the ninth

hour. This was a fulfillment of the prophecy of Amos. This can

only happen during the dark conjunction lunar phase, revealing the

true New Moon is the “full moon.”

G.P. Since when does a solar eclipse last 3 hours? Everyone I have seen lasts only minutes. If this event was indeed a solar eclipse, it was the most unusual ever witnessed. Also, since no one really seems to know which year the Messiah was crucified, how can it be determined if a solar eclipse occurred at the time or not?

2. Amos 8:9-11 - Amos Prophesied a Darkened Sun to Occur at the

Messiah’s Death. This O.T. prophecy given 800 years prior to the

crucifixion declares a solar eclipse was to occur at noon on the day

of the Messiah’s death. Three gospels confirm this as fact. A

solar eclipse occurs only at the time of a dark lunar phase, as a

result the evidence supports the “full moon” as the true New Moon

G.P. Again there is no mention that this was a solar eclipse. Even if it was there still would have been a ring of light around it, and it would have only lasted a few minutes. Amos’ description says it will be like the sun going down at noon on a clear day; a complete and total absence of light.

3. Matthew 24:27 - All Ruling Luminaries Shine from the East unto

the West. Each heavenly luminary shines from east to west when it

is both visible and ruling time. The only lunar phase that does this

is the “full moon,” making it the true new moon of Scripture and

the temple services.

G.P. Give me a break. Because of the rotation of the earth all heavenly bodies shine from east to west - not only the full moon.

4. Job 26:9 - He Apportions the Face of the Full Moon. The Creator

apportioned and formed time on the face that declines and turns

back to the “full moon” as the seat of authority, distinctly

separating it according to its covering, as an ordained statute of set


G.P. Where is this woman getting this garbage from? One can read Job 26 in its entirety and not find one mention of the moon (new, full or otherwise) or the beginning of a month. Job could just as well be talking about the sun as being the “face of his throne”.

5. Revelation 22:2 – The Tree of Life is Regulated by the New

Moon. Did you know there is a moon in heaven? The tree of life

yields twelve fruit, one each month according to the measure of

the New Moon.

G.P. Are you kidding me? This author is talking about a moon in heaven. Does she not even know that Yahuwah Kingdom will be established on earth? The only thing mentioned in this verse concerning the month is that the fruit will grow every month (of the year) as opposed to the growing season that we know today. No mention is made of a new moon. Nor does it mention that a separate fruit will appear every month but all will appear every month. See for yourself:

Rev. 22:2 - In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

6. Revelation 21:21 – Twelve Gates are Twelve Pearls. The twelve

gates of the New Jerusalem are twelve whole, individual pearls,

representing twelve “full” New Moons.

G.P. Again, I have no idea where she gets this notion from. Nowhere in the Scriptures are these twelve gates compared to full moons. All I can say to her is “prove it”. What these 12 gates represent are the twelve tribes of Israel.

7. Psalms 118:18-24 - The Open Gate and the Stone Rejected are

Symbols of the Full Moon. The open gate and the stone rejected

are related terms to the work of the “full moon,” which itself is a

symbol of the Messiah, “the light of the world.”

G.P. Again there is no mention of a full moon or new moon or any relevance to what is talked about in these verses. The open gate is merely an open invitation to all who wish to enter and the Chief Cornerstone is speaking of the Messiah – no new or full moon mentioned anywhere.

8. Revelation 12:1 – A Great Sign Appeared in the Heavens

Announcing New Year’s Day. Discover that the great sign in the

heavens of the woman clothed with the sun, depicts a “full moon”

under her feet, with twelve constellations symbolized above her

head. Remarkably, this image is revealed in the heavens one time

each year, occurring only on New Year’s Eve in the spring of the

northern hemisphere.

G.P. Again, this verse does not say what phase the moon is under her feet. However, since this event is supposed to appear in the sky on September 23rd, 2017, three days after the conjunction, it will definitely not be a full moon.

9. Psalms 81:3 – Blow the New Moon Shofar on the Full Moon.

Blow the New Moon shofar on the “full moon,” the processor of

time for all the holy Feasts (chag).

G.P. All this verse says is – “Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.” Everything else this author claim is pure fabrication.

10. Hosea 2:11 – I Will Cause Your Mirth to Cease on “Chag.”

Reveals that “chag” can represent one feast or seven, not simply

the pilgrim feasts occurring on the 15th, as a result neither the term

“chag” nor the “full moon” can be fastened to the middle of the

lunar month.

G.P. The following is this verse in its context:

Hosea 2:10 - And now will I discover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers, and none shall deliver her out of mine hand.

11 - I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her new moons, and her sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts.

12 - And I will destroy her vines and her fig trees, whereof she hath said, These are my rewards that my lovers have given me: and I will make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.

13 - And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim, wherein she burned incense to them, and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers, and forgat me, saith Yahuwah.

G.P. Again, where is this author getting this nonsense from? As anyone can plainly read, these verses have nothing to do with new moons, full moons or the beginning of months. It is merely saying that because of Israel’s constant backsliding into paganism, a day is coming (the day of Yahuwah) when they will regret their choices.

11. James 1:17-18 - Yahuah is the Father of Lights. Discover which

lunar phase is the only lunar phase that can represent the Father of

lights with no shadow from its turning orbit in it.

G.P. If any heavenly light represents the Father, it would be the sun. Since the moon is a reflection of the sun’s light, it would represent the Son.

12. Proverbs 4:18-23 – The Pathway of the Righteous as a Start and

Finish Line. This study illustrates the pure and perfect light of the

“full moon” is metaphorically represented as the finish line for the

righteous seeker of truth. As the light of this lunar phase has come

full circle, might it also be the starting point, as in the New Moon?

G.P. What a load of garbage!

13. Psalms 89:35-37 – The Full Moon is “First” Among the Lunar

Phases. This study reveals that the full moon is “first” among the

lunar phases and is set apart for sacred use in the appointed times

of the Sanctuary. As a result of this “new light” the call can be

heard: “Babylon is fallen, is fallen . . . come out of her my people,

lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”

G.P. The following is what these verses actually say:

Psalm 89:35 - Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.

36 - His seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before me.

37 - It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah

These verses are talking of the promise made to David that his seed and throne would endure forever, just as the moon, which is a faithful witness in heaven. There is no mention of any particular phase of the moon or the beginning of a month. Again it is like comparing apples to oranges. It cannot be done and it is ridiculous even to try.

14. Genesis 15:12, 17 - The Night was Dark 430 Years Prior to the

Exodus to the Very Day. Yahuah’s Covenant with Abraham was

made on a night identified as “dark.” This “dark” night is the

foundation for identifying the correct time of the month for Israel’s

miraculous Exodus from Egypt 430 years later to the very day and

by implication, the true New Moon.

G.P. The following is what these verses actually say:

Gen. 15:12 - And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.

13 - And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

14 - And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.

15 - And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.

16 - But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

17 - And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.

G.P. Is it not dark every night after the sun goes down? Is it not obvious that Abram was in a deep sleep when the a great darkness (symbolic of fear and dread) fell upon him. How does this woman come to a conclusion involving the conjunction, a new moon, full moon or the beginning of the month?

Kerrie French

Freelance Writer/Photographer

My Conclusion

Like I said in the beginning of this study, this is the second time I have had to deal with the utter garbage coming from this website and I hope it is my last. For my two cents I would have to say that Kerrie French is completely devoid of any spiritual or scriptural understanding; and that some other spirit than the spirit of truth is guiding her understanding and words. I would caution all my readers to not only disregard her claims, but avoid her site altogether.

To any who have been taken in by her compilation of utter nonsense, I would advice that they get on their knees and pray to Yahuwah for guidance, understanding and discernment; because this woman is completely devoid of all three.

I consider this exercise in ridiculousness to have been an absolute waste of my time. I have said my piece and refuse to debate the matter any further. If anyone disagrees with my findings they are on their own as far as this matter is concerned. However, I do hope that they will eventually find their way back to the path of truth.

Yahuwah Bless
