Surprise Blood Moon Over America

Surprise Blood Moon over America


Gary Primo

July 11, 2015

Actually, blood moons of this sort (from smoke of forest fires) are not all that uncommon. The only unusual thing about this blood moon is that it appeared immediately following the US court decision to allow gay marriages.

The following article gives the details.

After Gay Marriage Decision: Surprise Blood Moon Displays in Sky Only Over America

· July 2, 2015 3:19 am

· Written by: Caiden Cowger

· 236 Replies

· Category: Christianity

· permalink

On June 30, 2015, a surprise blood moon appeared in the sky, that was only seen in the United States.

According to the National Weather Service, large wildfires in Canada have been burning. Due to extremely high winds, smoke from these fires have traveled into the United States.

According to NBC-Chattanooga, “the smoke should remain in the higher atmosphere and not affect air quality, it gives the moon and sun a rosy glow.

Here’s what causes the effect:

As light from the moon or sun enters the atmosphere it gets scattered by particles like water, aerosols, and in this case smoke. Green, blue, and purple colors are sent in all directions but colors with longer wavelengths like red, orange and yellow continue through the atmosphere and remain visible to the human eye.”

This ironically occurred right after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize homosexual marriage nationally.

Many Christians believe that blood moons are God’s way of warning His people of persecution, hardships or major events that have occurred or are to come. This is based upon scientific evidence that every time a blood moon has been seen universally in the sky, a major event has/will occur (in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is a negative event). You can read more about it here.

The timing of this blood moon that displayed right after the Supreme Court’s decision to redefine God’s definition of marriage is almost prophetic.


I suppose no one can say for sure, but it is still pretty eerie. In spite of all the warnings from Yahuwah, America continues to defy our Creator and emulate the evil doings of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of course America is not the only one. This is happening all over the world. So why would this warning be going out to America alone?

Being at the top of the food chain (so to speak) Yahuwah expects America to lead the world in righteousness. Instead they have led the world in unrighteousness. In doing so, they have thrown the Creator’s blessings back in His face. Yahuwah is not pleased.

America might be compared with the ancient northern nation of Israel. When they separated themselves from Judah (to the south) they also sought to separate themselves from Yahuwah. They constructed their own places of worships, created their own Sabbaths and made idols of their gods.

America has had the opportunity to follow the Way of Yahuwah, but instead have followed the way of man. They were freely given the inheritance of Manasseh which was intended to lead them closer to Yahuwah; but like all the other nations of the earth, America has come to think that everything they have was of their own doing; and Yahuwah had nothing to do with it. It is this unrealistic sense of national pride that will be America’s downfall.

Even without warning signs, the human race needs to know of the great peril they are facing in rejecting the Way of Yahuwah in exchange for the way of man. The Christian “witch doctors” continue to maintain that the laws of Yahuwah are done away and everyone can do as they please. It is lies like this that have brought us to where we are today. Is there any moral nation on the Earth? I’d be hard pressed to name one.

Yes, America is the top dog right now. And it would seem that the US is invincible. However, history has proven that no empire of man is invincible. The Scriptures also demonstrate that no nation can stand up to the judgements of Yahuwah. Therefore, the best advice I can give to American is to forget your national pride and humble yourselves before the only One that can grant salvation and eternal life.

We know from the story of Jonah that Yahuwah’s warnings, if harkened to, can lead to the calling off of Yahuwah’s Judgements (as was the case of Nineveh). Can America pull off a “Nineveh” at this late hour? Of course they can. Is that likely to happen? Of course not!

Once again, these are not your typical celestial blood moons. They are simply a phenomenon that commonly follows spectacular forest fires. Normally they would not be associated with warnings from Yahuwah. Yet, when tied to an event like the passing of the Gay Marriage Bill, it certainly makes one wonder.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what becomes of it.

In the mean time we can all pray for all our brothers and sisters in the US and abroad for Yahuwah’s blessings during the trying times ahead. The US will not be the only nation being punished.

Yahuwah Bless

G. P.