Is Atheism a Religion?

Is Atheism a Religion?


Gary Primo

December 22, 2018

This is a short study into the topic of atheism and whether it should be considered a religion. The answer may surprise you.

While I was an atheist, I prided myself as being non-religious. Years later, under Yahuwah’s guidance, I figured out that I had been severely deluded. Atheism is by definition just another religion. It may not officially have a god, but it definitely worships the creation in place of the creator. Let’s look at some of these definitions.


[ri-lij-uh n]

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1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered asthe creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances,and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons orsects:the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices:

Of course not all religions have the exact same sets of fundamental beliefs and practices. That is not to say that they do not all come from the same source. They all started with Mystery Babylon, and, in spite of any doctrinal differences, remain under that umbrella of mystery.

Mystery Babylon was the state religion of the ancient king, Nimrod. It was clearly a religion that was rebellious against the True Creator, Yahuwah. That makes Nimrod antichrist (or antimessiah) and his religion an antichrist religion. All the different pagan religions that came out of her were/are antichrist religions.

Jump forward some 2,000 years to the arrival of the true Messiah. His teachings set the Mid-East on fire as He revived the original Hebrew faith. New converts were being converted at the rate of thousands per day. That would be enough to infuriate any Roman Emperor. And so the persecution began – but to almost no avail. Finally, Constantine emerges as one of the most brilliant of Roman Emperors, Instead of fighting the new faith, he counterfeited it. The Christian leadership claims that they converted Constantine to Christianity; but the reality is that Constantine created Christianity to counteract the true movement; the biggest difference being that Yahushua converted by conviction of the heart and Constantine converted by military force.

Constantine perfectly fits Daniel’s prophesy of the coming Antichrist. Daniel foretold that the Antichrist would change the times and the laws. That is exactly what Constantine did in his 324 decree. Christianity therefore became the religion of the antichrist and that is exactly who they worship. .

Basically, any group espousing a like set of beliefs and practices constitutes a religion. There can only be one true system of worship and I believe that to be the original Hebrew (not the present-day Jewish) religion. All the rest stem from the same source and worship the same false deity. It started with Nimrod, and following the advent of the Messiah, was rejuvenated by Constantine. Both were types of Antichrists. One last Antichrist is coming. He will follow the exact same pattern as the previous two – conversion by force.


[ey-thee-iz-uh m]

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1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.

2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

Origin of atheism

1580–90; < Greek áthe(os ) godless + -ism

Atheism differs from the others only in the fact that they openly declare that there is no god. In diverting their worship away from the true Elohim to a false god is also a declaration that there is no god. Therefore all of the religions of man declare the exact same thing – that there is no god. They do share a fundamental set of beliefs which are as anti-elohim as any of the others. People just do not realize that anything that is not of Yahuwah is of HaSatan. Therefore, if one is not worshipping and following the True Elohim, they are automatically worshipping and following HaSatan. There is absolutely no escaping it – Yahuwah’s way or the highway, the choice is ours.

These days it seems that the elite of this world are mostly all atheists; and, naturally, they want the whole world to believe as they do. There is clearly a war against Christianity happening right now. Since I believe the Christian religion to be a counterfeit, and one that has been pushed onto an unwitting population on a global scale, I do understand the animosity towards the Christian faith by some groups, and why it is banned in certain countries. At least these nations recognize that Christianity is the false one world religion of Constantine which the government of Rome (the RCC) is continuing to try to force upon the world. While I might applaud their ability to discern the difference, I condemn their actions.

If the definition of atheism is godless, then all the manmade religions on earth are atheistic. If they are worshipping a false deity, they are worshipping “no god”. If they take the name of any other god on their lips, they are in truth worshipping “no god”.

This time of year, the Christian counterfeiters celebrate their most special time of the year. And even though this is considered a religious tradition, all of my atheist friends and relatives take part in the festivities. Is this not a contradiction of their beliefs? It certainly is; but none of those matters, they are merely keeping “an old family tradition” as Hank Jr. puts it. They feel they are making the holiday their own by keeping it their way, without any religious trimmings. Yet, it all boils down to the same philosophy the belief that “there is no god’.

In reality, Adam and Eve were the first atheists. I changing their worship from Yahuwah to HaSatan, they were proclaiming that there was no eternal-living elohim who created all things. They instead, they worshipped the creation (HaSatan/themselves). We all worship the one whose commands we follow. If we are not following Yahuwah’s commands, we are automatically following HaSatan’s. HaSatan is one of the creation, yet the whole world worships him. He is a powerful being with awesome powers, but he is not the Creator Elohim. His chief illusion is in deceiving the world that “there is no god”. This is what he taught Adam and that is what Adam taught his descendants. Atheists all!

So, to answer the original question of this study, “Is atheism a religion?” the answer is yes. Not only is it a religion, but its philosophy is at the root of every religion known to man. That philosophy is, “that there is no god”. And, for them, there may as well be no god, because the One True Elohim certainly wants nothing to do with them. Naturally I would not expect any atheists to agree with me, but such is the nature of self-deception. To those who desire deception, much will be given.

Yahuwah Bless
