New World Order, Old World Genocide

New World Order/Old World Genocide


Gary Primo

June 16, 2012


The population of this world is simply too large for the coming New World Order to manage. Madeline Albright announced to the U.N. general assembly a number of years ago that they needed to reduce the global population by 2/3s. Today the Globalist elite have their sights set on a global population of less than one billion. That’s right; they plan to kill off over 6 billion people. How do they plan to do this? That’s easy – they are already doing it.

Hard Kill

A hard kill is where one simply pulls out a gun and blows the other person’s brains out. The primary means is through war. It is a well known and documented fact now that the CIA has been trading weapons for drugs in almost all Asian, African and South American countries where such hard drugs naturally grow. The profits are enormous. They sell the drugs to organized crime, which then makes them available on the streets of our western nations. The CIA uses the proceeds to finance their secret wars in 3rd world and developing nations while dumbing down the populations of western nations through addiction to hard drugs. They incite civil wars in nations such as Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan and currently Syria. Of course the real motive is control of the world’s oil. The weapon’s manufacturers do quite well too; as do the contractors doing cleanup and re-building operations. While this method is the most efficient and expediently effective, it is frowned on in political and social circles. However a 3rd world war is on the horizon and it will be like none other the world has ever witnessed.

Soft Kill

Our governments currently have departments set up and in place to deal with the “problem” of population control. They have set up such departments in accordance with United Nations dictates. They have already established several avenues of “soft kill” methods to set their plan into action. The three main current methods come through legalizing birth control, abortion and homosexuality.

Through birth control babies are prevented from being conceived. Our government encourages us to have smaller families. We are rapidly heading towards race extermination. Meanwhile other races are producing on average 8 children per household. 3rd world countries are going to end up taking us over by sheer numbers.

Abortion is the actual killing of a fetus. Many women without conscience are taking advantage of such laws as a free form of birth control and having multiple abortions. Who is paying for it? The tax payer, of course. In the U.S. they are talking of extending the abortion age to 3 years old. If passed there, such a sick law will likely eventually come to Canada as well – especially if the North American Union ever becomes a reality.

The homosexual movement is growing in popularity not because these people were “born that way” but because it allows more freedom of sexual expression and is considered "fashionable". Like the sexual freedom activists of the 60s and 70s that led to a 50% divorce rate and thousands of broken homes, the homosexual movement is also designed to disintegrate moral values and bring our society and the family unit to ruin. This has been the case of every world dominating society throughout history. They start off as being highly moralistic and prosperous. However, as they decline morally, their society falls into ruin and someone of higher moral fabric always takes over.

In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, every man in the city, both young and old, turned out to have their way with the two men (angels) that Lot was protecting. It was dangerous for any man to be about the city after dark for fear of being gang raped. It had become more of a sport than a sexual choice. What happened to the birth rates in those two cities? One can only guess.

We also have the example of ancient Rome where they engaged openly (for entertainment) in sexual orgies, homosexuality and pedophilia. It became fashionable for politicians to be constantly escorted by their “boy toys” – young boys who openly satisfied their sexual desires, as well as those of anyone they were commanded to.

Fluoride is another soft kill product that is forced upon us. Latest tests have positively linked it to cancer. Tap water is bad enough without adding more toxins to it as is the case with bottled water. Check the labels next time you shop. They all have fluoride added. The same goes for all toothpastes and mouth washes. It only takes one ounce of fluoride to kill you.

There is now talk in the U.S. of adding anti-depressants to drinking water and soft drinks. It will be coming here next. Why? Anti-depressants alter the brain chemistry, which is fine in people whose brain chemistry is already messed up, but for normal people it has a far different reaction. It actually makes a normal person depressed, docile, easily compliant and often suicidal. The benefits are more money for the “drug lords” (pharmaceutical companies), and a population that will be more compliant when martial law is declared and we are stripped of all our rights and freedoms.

Aspartame is another “soft” killer. This agent turns into wood alcohol after it enters the system and causes all sorts of health issues from Lupus to cancer. Yet they are adding this killer to more and more food products – especially those designed to attract young children and adolescents.

Industrial Genocide

Industry is likely the biggest contributor to many of the diseases plaguing the world. Products used for the food industry are almost all made from some form of plastic. The result is almost always some form of toxin appearing in the food. Those testing these foods tell us that these are safe levels and we have nothing to worry about. However, if the body cannot naturally eliminate these toxins, they just sit in your liver, accumulating, entering your blood stream and are delivered to virtually every organ in your body and the brain. These toxins eventually turn to cancer or other illnesses. If you rarely use such containers, you might not be affected. If you consume many different products coming in plastic containers, your risks elevate dramatically. One would be wise to purchase natural raw products first. Look for glass containers. If you are into preserving foods yourself, go back to the old fashioned method of storing such foods in glass mason jars. Freezing foods in plastic containers and bags is not safe. Plus there is always a likelihood that the power is going to go out and all your food will be ruined. Plastic, of course, is a product of the oil industry. Oil is the “new gold” as far as this generation is concerned and the oil tycoons are only interested in accumulating more money and power. These same oil tycoons are part of the global domination movement and the very same people who want to kill off 6 billion of the earth’s population.

The head CEO’s of the pharmaceutical industry are also part of the global elite and are responsible for testing products and reporting any dangers to the public. How can anyone with an ounce of smarts trust the likes of them and any product they offer the public?

While many safeguards are in place for workers in such industries, there yet remain numerous health hazards. Present safety regulations merely minimize the health risks. They do not eliminate them. What is done with the hazardous waste from the making of these products? How long will the containers in which they are stored survive the test of time and erosion? Why are tax payers and not the industries involved made to pay for the cleanup?

Medical Genocide

Now we are witnessing how extreme the government is willing to go in passing legislation denying medical treatment to the elderly. Current medical and Pharisaical institutions will be pressured into depriving our aging population of needed drugs and medical procedures to kill them off faster and save millions in medicare and retirement benefit costs. The provincial government in British Columbia is currently attempting to push through euthanasia agendas. This act (“when”, not “if” passed) will eventually reveal a much broader agenda. It will include all that are considered “dead weight” to our society as a whole. These will include all the aged and infirmed that cannot work or contribute to the global economy.

A case in point is a firsthand story I heard just this past week involving a home for mentally challenged children in our nation’s capital, Ottawa. I had the opportunity to speak to a woman who works as a care giver in one of these homes. To summarize what I was told; the problem stems from residents frequently flooding the upstairs bathroom in this home. The result is a serious mold problem that is affecting both staff and residents. Both show signs of increasing detrimental health issues such as breathing and neurological problems and increased seizures in the residents. The managers of this home refuse to fix the problem properly. As a home renovation contractor for 30 years, I had to deal with many such problems. The only way to properly remedy such a mold problem is to tear out the drywall and insulation. Spray the mold affected area with diluted bleach (1/2 water, ½ bleach) and install new insulation and drywall. The managers of this residence were trying to get away with merely painting over the mold. This might work for 3 -4 weeks but then the mold starts to reappear. The air quality control people are called in immediately following the painting and of course the air measures safe in initial tests. However, they do not come back to recheck in several weeks when the mold starts bleeding through again. One resident has already died as a result and all the other residents and staff are in serious danger. Yet dollars and cents seem to take precedence over the value of human life. Those responsible should be charged with murder and attempted murder, seeing as it is well known now what the health hazards are. I doubt very much if any such charges will ever be brought against them.

Much of the population still believes in today’s medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies. Neither are interested in curing any of the foremost “killer” diseases afflicting us today. In fact, the pharmaceutical companies may even be responsible for many of these diseases through their vaccines and flu shots. They are only interested in bandaide solutions that patients become dependent on for the rest of their lives; all the while, fattening the bank accounts of the pharmaceutical industry. Doctors get kick-backs for prescribing pharmaceutical products. There reportedly are 6 different natural cures for cancer out there. I personally know of and can verify two different cures. Yet the pharmaceutical companies won’t recognize them; and, in fact, do all in their power to discourage people from using them. The doctors are no better. When you tell a doctor about a natural cure and you have the evidence to confront him with, the most common response is. “I don’t want to know what you are doing, but if you believe it works, keep doing it”. Of course they couldn’t stop you anyway.

The kill method with perhaps the most success is forced injections of vaccines and flu shots. Though not yet universally mandatory, they soon will be. Many different forms of affliction are the direct result of such shots. In recent news studies it was found that children who get the flu shots and vaccines are more likely to contract over 5,000 different diseases than children who do not get the flu shots or vaccines. Yet our health officials continue to maintain that they “are good for us” and safe. Like hell they are!

Overuse of antibiotics and insistence on more sterile environments is also detrimental to our health. Over-use of antibiotics creates a dependency upon such methods rather than depending on our body’s own natural defense systems. Over-sterilizing our environment also deprives our body of a chance to develop its own antibodies to whatever germs, flues and diseases. It is like that movie John Travolta played in “The Boy in the Plastic Bubble”. He could never leave his bubble out of fear on contact with any form of germ. This can also be compared to what happened with the North American Natives when they came into contact with all of the white man’s germs and diseases. Too clean, can be as bad for us as not clean enough.

Racial Genocide

One of the latest victories of the “science” of germ warfare is a race specific virus. Such viruses target a specific race only. It is peculiar that these types of viruses seem to be “tried out” in African countries first – i.e. Ebola and AIDS. With the aid of genetic research, such viruses are going to become more and more common. Calling this a “soft kill” method might be using the term loosely. Then, of course, the drug lords will have to come up with expensive treatments for such diseases – none of which will cure them but just ease their suffering. I can see the dollar signs in their eyes now.

Religious Genocide

The general religion of the New World Order is going to be philosophy, which is nothing more than a godless religion. With human philosophy nothing is black or white – only varying shades of grey. That complies with the mistake made by Adam and Eve in believing that we are already gods, capable of determining right from wrong on our own. This religion is being taught in all our schools, colleges and universities right now. If you do not conform, you will not be considered “cool” or “sophisticated”. All religions that worship some form of god will be targeted for religious genocide. Proof of this is found in the Seven Noahide Laws which have already been passed into law in the U.S. (1991 via George Bush Sr.). Although they have not been implemented yet, they soon will be. These seven laws will replace the 10 commandments, which have already been removed from some U.S. court houses and replaced by the Seven Noahide Laws. The only one exempt from these laws and allowed to keep the original 10 commandments will be the Jews. This law will target largely Christians and Messianic Believers. The penalty for not adhering to any of the seven laws will be death by decapitation. The FEMA “re-education” (death) camps already have the guillotines in place and the plastic coffins stock piled. Some traditional Christian churches are already re-educating their congregations. New “hate” laws will make it a capital crime to speak badly of a Jew, blaspheme to equate Yahushua (Jesus) with Elohim (God), say that Jews killed the Messiah, say that Yahushua was the Son of Elohim (the Messiah). Also, it will be a capital crime to assimilate any of the customs or traditions of the Jews unless one is a Jew and pronounce the name of God - "Yahweh". That means if you keep the seventh day Sabbath (as commanded by Yahweh to all of mankind in the beginning of creation), any of the annual Jewish holy days, teach from the Torah (as the apostles did), proclaim the name Yahweh as commanded in Scriptures, you will have your head lopped off.

Of course the Jews will not be exempt indefinitely. Albert Pike, head of Free Masonry in the early 19th century came up with the plan for three world wars to consume the earth. The first two world wars have already come to fruition exactly as outlined and the third is designed to eliminate as many as possible of the Jewish and Muslim religions. The one religion that will be left standing in the end will be the religion of philosophy. However, the true religion of the Global elite is Satanism and you can be sure that it will somehow be woven in with philosophy.

Agricultural Genocide

Presently in the U.S., the infamous seed company, Monsanto, that produces largely genetically modified seeds, has a majority lead on seed sales in that country -approximately 70 %. The aim of genetically modifying food is not to make it better and more nutritious, but to make it more marketable and guarantee it a longer shelf life. Also, they come out with various seedless varieties so that no one can harvest the seeds this year, to grow from next year. This guarantees that the grower has to come back to Monsanto again next year to purchase their seeds. Such seeds are lower in nutritional value to start with; and along with chemical fertilizers being used, produce fruit that is practically useless as far as delivering the nutrition that the human body needs. In states like California laws are being passed and have already been passed that stifle the growth of small home gardens and regulate which seeds can be used. In most cases, only Monsanto seeds are permitted. The size of these gardens is also regulated and monitored by air. More recently, some states are working to outlaw growing home gardens altogether. Even though not yet passed into law, inspectors are going in, tearing out gardens and charging the homeowners for their time. One lady has already launched a law suit.

Other states have brought in legislation against farm dust, a natural but annoying product of farming and leveling large fines at farmers guilty of such transgression. Naturally the small farmers are going to be the most affected by these laws and are going to be squeezed out of existence. The goal is to have only large corporate growers responsible for producing the nation’s food supply. Starving the people of the proper nutrition they need means that they will contract some form of disease and die sooner. But that’s ok as long as the big corporations continue to rake in massive profits and the government is able to cut back on health care and old age pension costs .

The ultimate goal of the New World Order in regards to agriculture is control all the earth’s agricultural land and confine the regular (slave) population in walled urban centers where they cannot “damage” the earth. Special permission will be required to leave these urban centers and anyone doing so will be tracked via locator implants and monitored via satellite transmissions. What a wonderful world our children will have to look forward to.

Meanwhile, the VIP elite will have the very best of foods to eat and every effort will be made to ensure that they live longer than the rest of the population. Research is going on right now to figure out how to preserve the human brain so they can transplant it into a younger healthier body and live on indefinitely. The person will still have all his/her memory and intelligence, just a healthier body. How wonderful for them. To ensure that they receive only healthy bodies, young men and women with be “cultivated” for this purpose. When one of the elite has need of one of their bodies, they will be sacrificed “for the greater good” of keeping the elite alive. This will likely be considered an honour as the elite will be regarded as gods.

Economic Genocide

The global banking industry is leading the charge toward an economic and corporate takeover of the world. Their primary method is to plunge a nation so far into debt that they cannot recover. This has happened in numerous 3rd world nations. Finally those nations had to bow to the demands of the bankers and turn ownership of all their natural resources over to them. This left the nation’s economy in ruins and effectively eliminated the middle class, leaving only the very rich and the very poor. In developed nations they work at getting “their people” into positions of power within the government. One only needs to background checks on all members of the American government to see how many had prior high profile jobs within the banking and oil industry. Looking at our own government will reveal the similar results. Dalton McGuinty recently added a former bank executive to his staff, giving him full reign over this province’s financial decisions. (This was in the news a couple of weeks ago and I no longer have the article and can’t remember his name or which bank). Although there is a panel under him to give the appearance of accountability, this one individual has the ultimate say. Why is this happening? Because McGuinty has racked up all kinds of debt for Ontario. The ultimate goal is the same as already proven in 3rd world countries – the complete corporate takeover of the nation, the surrender of the nation’s sovereignty and all constitutional rights and freedoms.

Looking at any typical industry today, one can readily surmise that it is a government from the top down. They are dictatorships, not democracies. While employees are free to offer input, it is the higher-ups that make all the final decisions. If you do not believe that this style of government is going to be the model for the New World Order, you had better take a closer look at the example already before us in the European Union. The leadership of the European Union is made up of a group of 30 unelected Commissioners (all former bank and corporate CEOs) and an elected parliament. Only the Commissioners are allowed to introduce new legislation. It is passed down to the elected parliament to vote on, but if they vote against it, the Commissioners have the power to overrule them. This is nothing more than a disguised dictatorship.

The common European currency (the Euro) is having a bit of a rough ride at the moment. The economies in countries such as Greece, Spain and Portugal are teetering on the brink of collapse. The future of the union itself is in question. Giving weaker nations bailout after bailout is not the answer to solving this situation. The goal of the bankers is to put them further and further into debt. Dept = power. The further in debt they get the more control the bankers wield over the nations. This will eventually lead to forcing such nations to “give up” their sovereignty (something which none of the EU members are willing to do as of yet). However, eventually the bankers will see to it that this option will be the only avenue open to them to save them from economic disaster. They will be made to see that sacrificing their sovereignty is the best thing to do for the global good. If worst comes to worst, they will collapse the entire global economy. Then meeting the demands of the global bankers will be seen as mankind’s only avenue to financial salvation. However, such salvation will come at a huge cost. When it comes to “crimes against humanity”, the bankers and top corporate CEOs involved should be at the top of the hanging (or beheading) list.

Financial collapse leads to chaos, confusion, anarchy and civil war. The nation will do anything to prevent such a situation from happening. The International Banking cartel was every nation in the world by the financial balls and they know it. They plan to squeeze ever harder to ensure their firm grasp continues. The threat of a complete global economic meltdown is already a reality today. The ramification of such a meltdown will be enormous. Multiple millions around the globe will starve to death or be killed by marauding bands desperately searching for food. Fearing total global anarchy, the nations will accept the only solution available to them, which will the abandonment of individual sovereignty and the acceptance of a unified global government. The international bankers, of course, will be seen as the heroes for saving the planet from global collapse (even though they were the ones who caused it in the first place). Any nation refusing to comply will suffer the consequences and be used as an example to other dissenting nations. We are nothing but ponds in a global chess game. The chess masters are the global bankers and large corporate CEOs. The game is heavily stacked in their favour.

When the New World Order is finally realized, there will be one global monetary system consisting of debits and credits. There will be no actual money exchanging hands debit or credit cards. One will have a chip implanted in their right hand or forehead. It will contain all that person’s credit information. This will effectively eliminate any underground economies. No one will be allowed to buy or sell without such a chip. All income and expenses will be monitored and recorded. Everything you eat and drink will be regulated. They are already working on a chip that reads a person’s mind and records their thoughts. In the future they will also be able to place thoughts in the brains of these individuals. Actually they are already doing this though subliminal advertizing. This implanted chip is the “mark of the Beast” talked about in the Book of Revelation – 666. Those who refuse the “mark” will not be able to work or purchase anything. They will be forced to abandon all modern comforts and return to the forests and jungles to survive. Then they will be hunted down and killed for violating environmental laws.


In the future the NWO will be hailed as a democracy. The (enslaved) citizens will be given a sense of self-worth by being allowed to vote, but their votes will mean nothing. The elite will have the ultimate say. Dissenters will be charged with crimes against humanity and put to death. It will be like a sci-phi movie at its worst.

Population control and selective breeding will be the norm. Your mate will be pre-selected for you. You will be genetically modified at birth. Some will be specially bred and groomed for highly intellectual jobs and the others for the common (expendable) work force. You will not be allowed to simply marry the one you fall in love with. The family unit will be a thing of the past. Your children will be taken away at birth and raised by some government agency. They will be brainwashed from birth, genetically altered, sexually and physically abused, micro-chipped and ready to live a life of total dedication to the Order. The general human population will be of no more value than cattle.

I can understand and appreciate how difficult it is for most people to accept the truth of this report. After all; do we not live in a modern society? Are we not further removed from our barbaric ancestors than that? However, it is already happening and the agenda of the New World Order is about to accelerate at a dizzying speed. The UN (NWO) is pushing its agenda onto all its 190+ member states. The leaders of any nations failing to comply, will soon be dragged before a world court, presided over by world judges, tried and punished for “crimes against humanity” for which the punishment is death. The vast majority (approximately 80%) will sit back and do nothing. The promoters of the New World Order are counting on this statistic to bring about their ultimate goals. Perhaps the most vigorous resistance is going to be coming from the United States, where they are already gearing up for a civil war. The citizens of the U.S. are going to be used as an example to the rest of the world as to how useless it is going to be to resist.

Miniature drones equipped with the latest of sophisticated weaponry have already been developed in advance of this certain civil war. Other robotic vehicles and infantry have already been developed and are ready for use in the follow-up “ground war”. The death camps are ready. The guillotines are in place. The plastic coffins are waiting. The catalyst will be when the federal government of the U.S. incites a race war and declares martial law on the nation to disarm all citizens. This may come as early as before the next federal election in November of this year. They have already been exercising “test runs” using the military for law enforcement in various states. According to the U.S. constitution, the U.S. military is NOT to be used against U.S. citizens. However, with their nation debt running at 14 trillion dollars, the U.S. is the most indebted nation on the face of the earth. Being in such a situation gives the bankers almost complete control over the nation and its government. It is the bankers, through the United Nations, that are now dictating policy to the government. Barrack Obama has already announced that he no longer abides by what the congress and people of the United States want, but what the U.N. dictates. Gun sales have doubled in recent months in the U.S. Most other countries already have disarmed their citizens. They will be sitting ducks for what is about to come upon them. If the U.S., with all its weaponry, cannot stand up to them, how can any other nation do so? It is going to be the biggest bloodbath in human history – a time of tribulation such as the world has never before seen; just as predicted in the Book of Revelation almost 2,000 years ago. .

I know that most are not going to believe me at this time. That’s ok. I didn’t expect you to. However, you have been forewarned and at some point in the future you will recall my words and the words of my fellow “watchmen” around the globe. Of course, by that time it is going to be too late.

The ultimate outcome of the New World Order is going to be a global communist state and an enslaved population with absolutely no rights or freedoms. Only those with any messianic beliefs will refuse the mark of the Beast and have any sense of hope. Theirs is a hope that extends beyond the present and the grave. In fact, the New World Order movement is so solidified at this moment, that about the only thing that will defeat it is an all powerful returning Messiah. You may not be a believer at this moment but many who survive the coming tribulation are going to become believers in the end. It will be the only hope available to them.

According to prophesy, the power of the Beast is only going to last 7 years. The last 3½ years will be the worst of all. The sign of the beginning of this seven year period will a covenant entered into by all nations of the earth with the Beast – i.e. the establishment of the New World Order and the stripping away of the sovereignty of all nations.

The signs of the beginning of this final 3½ year period will be the erecting of some idol (object of universal worship) on the temple mount in Jerusalem; and the appearance of the two end-time witnesses (Rev. 11) to prophesy against the Beast power. The object of worship may well be the Owl of Enlightenment presently worshiped by over one thousand world leaders in attendance with the demonic Bohemian Grove rituals held every June in California. According to the Book of Revelation, the two end-time witnesses are prophesied to exhibit supernatural powers given them by the Creator. They will give the command that it shall not rain upon the earth for the entire 3½ years of their prophesying. The Beast will try to kill them but will not be allowed to harm them until the 3½ years are finished. Then they will be killed and the population of the earth will rejoice over their deaths. However, that rejoicing will be short lived and after 3 days they will be resurrected and join the returning Messiah in the air as He descends to conquer the Beast.

At one time there was quite a distance between prophesies of the Bible and the teachings of modern-day science. Today that gap is rapidly closing. Wisdom in judging any matter comes from examining both sides of the coin. Those branded as conspiracy theorists today are really the end-time watchmen. Most other media sources are in collaboration with the globalist bankers, corporate executives and politicians. If they do not comply, they risk losing their broadcasting licenses and bankruptcy. The mainstream churches are no better. If they do not teach what the government tells them to, they risk losing their “tax-free” status and will be destroyed financially by being made to pay millions in back taxes. One needs to go straight to the source (the Scriptures) for the truth. The Creator of this universe cannot and will not lie.

Those who wish to resist the corporate takeover of the earth must start today. The time remaining is very short. We are all going to be part of the history books tomorrow. If we don’t stand for something today, those history books will have little choice but to record that we stood for nothing; and that like blind sheep, we simply gave all our rights and freedoms to the globalists.

What would you like those future history books to say about you?