About This Site

Welcome to my web site.

This site is dedicated to finding out all truths pertaining to Yahuwah and His plan for mankind. My personal spiritual journey began 40 years ago when I read the entire Bible, from cover to cover, for the very first time. I was an atheist at the time and was challenged to do so after a friend disclosed his understanding of Bible prophesy to me and I realized what a hypocrite I was for poo-pooing a book that I had never read.

I had been brought up in the Anglican Church, but found it spiritually stagnant at an early age and quit going. I spent the next 13 years of my life in a virtually godless state, sowing plenty of wild oats. Even when I began reading the Bible, I was basically looking for ammunition to use against it in support of my atheistic views. However, something very strange happened instead. I began to hear the voice of Yahuwah through the words of the Scriptures stirring up my conscience and speaking directly to me. By the time I was finished, I had one predominant question, "Where was the church I had read about today?"

Neither the church I had attended as a youth or any that I had visited since seemed to have had any spiritual connection to that first century church whatsoever. I began by checking out the various religious programs on television and the only one that had any ring of truth to it was The World Tomorrow, presented by The Worldwide Church of God (WCG), led by Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA). Of course now I realize that HWA did not have all the facts and perhaps even suppressed much truth (either intentionally or unintentionally).

However, that church did prove to be a valuable steppingstone to where I am at today and I am very appreciative of the truths that I did learn there (especially those truths pertaining to any form of organized religion). My view of organized religion today is that they are all primarily interested in mind and money control, and that they are more responsible for spiritual stagnation than enlightenment. My advise to anyone is to focus on a one-on-one, personal relationship with YHVH. One day we will have to stand in the judgment, completely on our own, before YHVH and give account for our actions (or lack thereof). At that time we will not be able to point fingers at any church, minister or individual for our failure to learn all truths. All fingers will point directly back at us. Yahushua, in his final prayer on the Mount of Olives, asked that all his followers become one with the Father as He was. This is the sign of those whom Yahuwah really has called out as members of His own family. This is the secret to walking through the spiritual door that Yahushua opened for us.

I challenge all who read my articles not to take what I write for face value, but to search and prove all things for yourselves, just as the Scriptures command us to do. We do not know when we are deceived, or else we would not be deceived. Therefore, it is up to each individual to seek Yahuwah through the pages of His written word and "hear" what the Creator of this world has to say to us personally. The last minister we had at the WCG where I attended challenged me when I was leaving that organization, that I was not qualified to interpret Scripture because I had not been trained in the church's theological college. My answer was that neither was Yahushua. If you have enough education to read and understand the Scriptures you have all the tools you need to interpret the Scriptures yourself.

It is my hope that my writings will encourage others to join me in the search for all truth. It is my belief that this is a life-long search and that we must never rest once we learn one or more bits of truth and think we know it all. Satan has indeed woven an intricate web of deceit that extends to every facet of our lives and there are many ways in which we still serve Satan that we do not realize. Please join me in uncovering all of the lies of Satan and the workings of the Antichrist and the Beast and add your research to mine.

Yahuwah Bless

Gary Primo