Interesting Videos

Interesting Videos

The following are a collection of videos I have come across on YouTube and other sites.

The Testimony of Caiaphas regarding the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

This one is a must watch. They tested Yahushua's blood, which they retrieved from the Mercy Seat. You will be absolutely floored by how it came to be there and where they found the Mercy Seat. Believe it or not this fulfills an obscure prophecy. Also, when they tested the blood, they found 23 X chromosomes and only one Y chromosome. The 23 X Chromosomes came from Mary, and the one Y chromosome, which normally comes from a human male, was not from a human at all. One other thing, the white blood cells should have been long dead, but were still live.

Yahushua's Blood Tested

Check out this report. This new religion which supports the use of witchcraft and mediums. Apparently they have a following of some 800,000 members worldwide. It could be a dress rehearsal for the coming One World Religion that will soon be upon us, which will include all the pagan religious beliefs on Earth.

I came across the following two videos on YouTube. I believe it puts to rest any argument that Yahushua lived and was crucified.

The Testimony of Caiaphas regarding the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Pilot’s Letter to Tiberius

Check out this video by Paul Harvey - very interesting.

Ron Wyatt - Ark of the covenant.

Yahuwah bless all who are His this day

The Six Causes of Homosexuality