Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Religion


Gary Primo

October 3, 2015

Freedom of religion is the “battle cry” of all religions. All want to practice within an environment of peace and security. All want to practice their religion as they see fit. In some ways, this is a good thing, as we all hate discrimination and violence. But on the other hand, it has allowed the number of man-made, pagan religions to grow and flourish.

We hear a lot in the news about the war on Christianity. It is raging most hotly in the Middle East, where Christians are presently being slaughtered by Islamists (along with Jews). However, as you know from my previous writings that I firmly believe Christianity is every bit as much pagan as any other man-made religion. Even though I hate the violence, I cannot see any sense in condemning one man-made religion over another. What does one pagan religion have to gain by going to war against another pagan religion? Absolutely nothing!

The article at the center of this study comes from an obviously Christian group. They are all incensed over the ban of the names “Lord”, “God” and “Jesus” at a Colorado College. In this case, the student only intended to mention the verses, not the content; but they still banned it because of the mention of one of the banned names within those verses.

Now, “Sacred Namers”, like ourselves, may have mixed feeling concerning this. On one hand the denial of religious freedom, in itself, is offensive. One the other hand, banning names of what we know to be names of pagan deities, may seem to be somewhat of a victory for Yahuwah. However, any denial of religious freedom will eventually affect us as well.

The following is the newspaper article that this study was based on.

Colo. school fumbles: says former football player cannot include Bible reference on nameplate

School of Mines rejects ‘Col. 3:23 and Micah 5:9’ inscription because one verse refers to ‘Lord’ when you look it up

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Attorney sound bite: Natalie Decker

DENVER – Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the Colorado School of Mines on behalf of a former football player prohibited from including a Bible reference on a donor nameplate. The school offered to allow donors to the school’s new athletic facility to include an inscription of the donor’s choosing on personalized nameplates that would be placed in the new football locker room and did not provide any restrictions on content. When alumnus Michael Lucas, a former defensive nose tackle for CSM, requested “Colossians 3:23 and Micah 5:9,” the school rejected the inscription because one of the verses refers to “Lord” even though the text of the verses would not appear on the nameplate itself.

Col. 3:23 - And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to Yahuwah, and not unto men;

Micah 5:9 - Your hand shall be lifted up upon your adversaries, and all your enemies shall be cut off.

“Public colleges and universities should encourage, not shut down, the free exchange of ideas, especially in a forum like this. The school initially imposed no restrictions – or even guidelines – on the type of message a donor could include, and contrary to what the school is arguing, the First Amendment protects – not restricts – a simple reference to a Bible verse,” said ADF Legal Counsel Natalie Decker. “It’s patently ridiculous to argue that a Bible reference that doesn’t include the text of the verse is somehow inappropriate simply because someone might look it up and see that ‘Lord’ is mentioned there.”

Wanting to support his alma matter, Lucas, who graduated from CSM in 2003, participated in CSM’s fundraising program for the new Clear Creek Athletics Complex. The school offered “naming opportunities” whereby CSM would place a personalized nameplate on lockers in the new football locker room for each donor. Nameplates could include up to three lines of a personalized message or a quote chosen by the donor.

After making a $2,500 donation, the school denied Lucas’s nameplate inscription request because he wanted his quote to include two Bible references, “Colossians 3:23 and Micah 5:9.” Although the text of neither verse would be displayed, CSM officials objected because they said, after the fact, that nameplate quotes could not include the words “Lord,” “God,” or “Jesus” or make reference to Bible verses that contain those words. They claimed that to allow them would be a violation of the First Amendment; however, the First Amendment actually protects such speech. Furthermore, the school’s official policy prohibits “discrimination on the basis of…religion….”

CSM approved other requests for nameplate inscriptions that included quotes such as “Give ‘Em Hell,” “OK Gentlemen, it’s time to gird your loins,” and “Take your whiskey clear.”

“The United States Constitution prohibits the government from treating religion with hostility or from excessively entangling the government with religion,” explains the complaint in Lucas v. Johnson, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado. “The censorship of Mr. Lucas’s religious speech – while permitting similar, but nonreligious, private speech from other members of the public regarding the same and similar subject matters – also constitutes viewpoint discrimination, which is unconstitutional in any type of forum.”

“Public colleges are supposed to be a marketplace of ideas,” added ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer. “We hope CSM will end the need for this lawsuit and revise its policy so that it affirms the constitutionally protected freedoms of all alumni, regardless of their religious beliefs.”

Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

The two Biblical verses at the heart of this controversy are:

Col. 3:23 - And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to Yahuwah, and not unto men;

Micah 5:9 - Your hand shall be lifted up upon your adversaries, and all your enemies shall be cut off.

What is it about these two verses that offended the University officials? The verse from Colossians simply directs a person to do all things towards fellow man as you would do towards Elohim. The verse from Micah merely promises Elohim’s protection and victory in our battles with our enemies. About the only thing that I understand to be offensive is the term “the Lord” for which I substituted the name “Yahuwah”. Of course we all know the origin of the term “the Lord”. It comes from “Baal Gad” (pronounced the same as the English “God”). It literally means the “god of good fortune”. He was also known as Lord Baal.

Therefore, should we be offended or take glory in the fact that these pagan names are being banned? The answer is no and yes respectively, obviously. But what applies to one, in regards to religious freedom, applies to all. Sooner or later, we will come under attack.

We have already studied into what the 7 Noahide laws will mean for true Believers. They will be no different from Constantine’s edicts. We will be forbidden to Judaise (meaning we will be forbidden from following the customs, traditions and spiritual teaching of the Torah). We will be forbidden from keeping the 7th day Sabbath and any of the annual set apart days. If we claim, in any way, that Yahushua was the Messiah, or the Son of Elohim, or that the Jews murdered him, we will be in violation of the 7 Noahide Laws. Eventually, the punishment for violating any of the 7 Noahide Laws will be death by decapitation.

Rev. 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahushua, and for the word of Elohim, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with HaMashiyack a thousand years.

This will leave us only two choices. Either we give in and obey the worldly authority (thereby saving our physical lives), or we remain true to Yahuwah and risk losing our physical lives, but gaining eternal spiritual life. This will, indeed, be a true test of our spiritual condition. Spiritual salvation or physical salvation! These are the only two choices we have; and we cannot have both. Since everything physical ends in death anyway, what is the point in striving to saving our physical lives to begin with?

So the connotation, “religious freedom”, does have a great deal of relevance for True Believers as well as the various other religions that we would consider pagan. And, again, it is not like we are any better, or more deserving, or got to this stage by our own power, wisdom or righteousness. If not for the “grace” of Yahuwah, we would still be where they are – concealed by the darkness. We have absolutely no cause to boast or look down on any other group or individual. We, ourselves, are still seeking spiritual perfection.

Of course, we may likely achieve true spiritual perfection; at least, not to the same degree that Yahushua did; but as long as we are faithful through to the end, our faith will be accepted as righteousness; and we will be considered fit for the Kingdom.

Because of our belief that Yahushua was/is indeed the Son of Yahuwah and the Messiah, we will be lumped together with other Christians as well. Because we follow the Hebrew customs and traditions, along with the set apart days, we will be even more hated. Again we are faced with only two decisions; either we hide our light under a bushel, or we pick this time to let our lights shine and stand up for Yahuwah.

Yahuwah is going to be looking for righteous examples to use for His purpose. Being chosen for martyrdom is not a shameful thing, but a glorious one; for there is no other test that will prove our faith beyond any doubt. Therefore, when our test comes, we should look upon the examples of HaMashiyack and His apostles and mimic those examples. And, if given the opportunity to speak, do not waste our time trying to defend our own lives, but use the opportunity to glorify Yahuwah before our tormentors.

So, perhaps by now you understand what I mean about the term “religious freedom” being a two edged sword. It all began with Adam and Eve, and was later further developed by King Nimrod. Adam and Eve used religious freedom to freely choose HaSatan over Yahuwah to worship. Again, following the flood, Nimrod rejected Noah as the true King and High Priest over all the earth to freely establish his own brand of religious (emperor) worship. Since that time man has continuously sought his own form of worship.

Naturally, we might often ask ourselves why we feel that we are right and the rest of the world is wrong. There is nothing wrong with testing our faith and spending some time introspecting. How else can we assure ourselves that we are walking the true path? For myself, my test was reading the Scriptures for the first time. I began as an atheist, studying the Scriptures merely to look for evidence to support my atheist views. However, Yahuwah showed me the true path instead.

Later, the discovery of the imbedded codes within the Scriptures verified my faith. No other book (especially religious ones) have these codes imbedded in them. And, obviously, they were only intended for the end time following the invention of computers.

Lastly, it was fulfilled Scriptural prophesy that also confirmed my faith along with answered prayer. In regard to the later, Yahuwah was answering my prayers before I ever knew the set apart names or the law; therefore, I believe that Yahuwah judges the heart not whatever degree of knowledge and perfection we may have achieved. (I am sure this is the hope we all have).

If anything, the computer age has made the world a much smaller place with few places left to hide. Computers are capable of and are being used to store vast amounts of information on each and every one of us. Anything we put out there can and will be used against us. For some this fact is cause to withdraw and hide their light under a bushel. But I say that this is precisely the time to allow our lights to shine the brightest. Fear not what the world can do to you, but rather, fear the One with the power to grant eternal life.

The term, “religious freedom” is about to be regulated into extinction. The coming New World Order will be accompanied by a state-sponsored, one world religion. Just like when Constantine invented the Christian faith, it will comprise all the pagan customs, traditions and beliefs. Again, the Jewish faith will be exempt. The Jews will again collaborate with the powers that be to protect their faith and ensure exclusivity. But eventually, they too will come under persecution.

This is the time for those strong in the faith to stand up and be counted. This is the time of the great harvest, when the wheat is going to be separated from the chaff. Just as the chaff is barely distinguishable from the real thing, so will be the people of Yahuwah. Even among those who know and follow the Laws of Yahuwah, as well as those who know and used the set apart names, there is some chaff. These are those who make the same mistake the Jews did in worshiping the law instead of the Lawmaker; and worshiping the name in place of the One to whom the name belongs. This is a natural human trait – to worship the creation instead of the Creator. How many are still looking toward a human leader, or a human teacher. We have only one King and one Teacher; and they are both one and the same person – Yahushua HaMashiyack. We have need of no one else. It is His example alone that we are to emulate.

Having full knowledge of the Law or the set apart names does not guarantee anyone salvation. If so, the world would have had no need of a Saviour. The central purpose of the law was to build the character of Yahuwah in us. It taught us what righteousness is and was intended as a stepping stone to perfecting Yahuwah’s character in us (never having any thought to sin enter our minds). If we stop at the law and do not progress to the perfecting of Yahuwah’s character in us (worshipping the Law instead of the Lawmaker) we will be no better off than the Jews.

Therefore, our prime focus is to be on perfecting that character in us and learning to love all of Yahuwah’s creation as He does. All of the Law revolves around this one emotion – LOVE. If we truly have the love of Yahuwah in our hearts, we have no need for the Law. We will be obedient by nature.


Freedom of religion is of monumental importance to all faiths. It is something we demand of our Western governments. It does not exist in all nations. Freedom of religion has basically only existed since the founding of the United States of America. It was religious freedom that the Pilgrims and other such groups came to America for. Since that time, of course, every manor of religion has found its place in America, and indeed, all Western nations. It has been both a blessing and a curse.

Even though freedom of religion sounds good, it is not really free. Those seeking tax-exempt status must “sell their souls to the devil” (government) to gain that status. That is why so many are embracing the concepts of homosexuality and abortion. Any group outside of such a contract with the government is still open to persecution. The Worldwide Church of God found that out when the government tried to force them to reveal their books. David Koresh found that out when he founded his brand of faith. Freedom of religion is only free when the government says it is.

We are all free to follow Yahuwah, or not. Yahuwah created us with this freedom. The hope, of course, is that we will freely follow Yahuwah. That is the only path that leads to salvation. All the other faiths are frauds and intended to lead us away from Yahuwah rather than to Him.

The world is going to attempt to take our freedom from us. To protect our freedom, we may need to flee to the wilderness. But when our trial comes, we must take advantage of the opportunity to glorify Yahuwah with our very lives. It will be our turn to emulate the lives of Yahushua and His apostles. Whether we succeed or fail will depend totally on our faith and our refusal to denounce that faith.

It is my hope that each and every one of us will be able to stand in confidence before the Almighty Creator in the day of judgment and have Yahuwah say to us, “Well done, you good and trustworthy servant.

Yahuwah Bless
