The Prophets of Yah

The Prophets of Yah


Gary Primo

March 13, 2021

What profit is there in being a prophet? All the prophets that Yahuwah sent to Israel were killed. At last, He sent His Only Begotten Son, thinking surely they would respect and revere Him. But they did not and killed him too.

This is not a job anyone would really want knowing what their end will be. And there were a few prophets who tried to resist their calling but were soon made aware of the error of their ways. None of these prophets knew in advance that they were going to be called to serve Yahuwah is such a manor. He simply called out to them one day and gave then their instructions. Those closest to Yahuwah readily complied. They did not focus on the physical anguish but on doing the will of Yahuwah. And the one who suffered the worst manner of death was the Son Himself.

My questions are, ‘What would we do if called for such purpose by Yahuwah? Are we spiritually ready for such a calling? What would our answer be? I am sure others in the faith have contemplated these questions and questioned if they were faithful enough. The problem is that we will not know until the time comes. The Prophets (in the past) who feared what men would do to them, soon found out that what Yahuwah could do to them was much worse. Is it foolish to presume that Yahuwah would not punish us in like manner?

Numbers 31:8 - They killed the kings of Midian along with the rest of their slain: Evi and Rekem and Zur and Hur and Reba, the five kings of Midian; they also killed Balaam the son of Beor with the sword.

Yes, Balaam finally met the end he deserved. After years of prophesying false prophesies and claiming that they came from Yahuwah, his lies finally caught up with him and He was killed with the sword. He delivered these false prophesies to gain favor with the King, but it would have been much better for him if he had sought Yahuwah’s favor instead.

1 Kings 18:4 - for when Jezebel destroyed the prophets of Yahuwah, Obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them by fifties in a cave, and provided them with bread and water.)

While Jezebel represented the Kingdom of Northern Israel, Obadiah was king of Judah. While Jezebel killed the prophets of Yahuwah, Obadiah honored and protected them. Which do you suppose Yahuwah honored more?

1 Kings 18:40 - Then Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal; do not let one of them escape.” So they seized them; and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.

Well, Yahuwah certainly did not mess around in those days, concerning false prophets. The world would definitely turn on us if we were to start killing all the false prophets and lying ministers that are around today. But, if Yahuwah were to ask us to do so, we would have to obey.

1 Kings 19:1 - Now Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword.

Of course, Ahab and Jezebel did not repent and instead sought even more to end the life of Eliyah.

1 Kings 19:10 - He said, “I have been very zealous for Yahuwah, the Elohim of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.”

Elijah (Eliyah) eventually became a very great prophet for Yahuwah, but even he questioned his calling, knowing full well what end befell the prophets before him. Someday we may be called to offer ourselves in the service of Yahuwah. What will our question/answer be? Will it be, “Thy will be done”, or “why me?” It might as well be the former, because Yahuwah always gets His way.

Nehemiah 9:26 - “But they became disobedient and rebelled against You,

And cast Your law behind their backs

And killed Your prophets who had admonished them

So that they might return to You,

And they committed great blasphemies.

All the prophets wanted from the people was to return to Yahuwah – a very noble request intended to divert Yahuwah’s wrath against the people. But, of course, everyone prefers the lie to the truth. And so, they ignored the words of the prophet and killed him. And when their punishment came, they still did not repent, but instead, cursed Elohim.

As far as casting Yahuwah’s law behind their backs, what religious organization do we know today that has done the exact same thing, claiming Yahuwah’s law to be done away with? While I do not know of any case where a prophet was killed specifically by a Christian, everything else applies to them, especially performing great blasphemes.

1 Kings 19:2 - Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So may the gods do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.”

Well, this was certainly a dumb move by Jezebel, calling such a curse on herself. Read the following to find out what end she met.

Death of Jezebel (

Death of Jezebelby Jennifer L. Koosed

In 2Kgs 9:30-37, Jezebel meets her demise at the hands of Jehu, her own eunuchs, a team of horses, and a pack of dogs—it takes a lot to kill a queen. When she hears of Jehu’s arrival in Jezreel, she arranges her hair and paints her eyes, actions that are often seen as sexually suggestive. However, these acts are those of a proud and powerful queen. She arrays herself in full royal splendor and stands at the window to await the usurper. The idea that these acts are more about political power than sexual seduction is confirmed by her words to Jehu when he arrives at the gate. She throws out a taunt: “Is it peace, Zimri, murderer of your master?” Her reference is to the earlier coup of Zimri, who killed King Elah and all of the other claimants to the throne (1Kgs 16:8-14). Her statement may also be a curse meant to thwart the success of Jehu’s insurrection, since Zimri ruled for only one week before he too became the victim of political violence (1Kgs 16:15-20). Jezebel’s last words are clearly meant not to entice but to deride Jehu; her last beautifying acts can be understood in the same way.

Jehu responds, “Who is on my side?” Responding to his call, Jezebel’s own eunuchs throw her out the window, her blood splattering as she hits the ground. Jehu’s now bespattered horses then trample her. The image of an adorned woman at a window suggests not only royal power but also goddesses (especially Hathor, Asherah, and Astarte), who are also depicted looking out windows. In this way, the death of Jezebel is not just the death of a Phoenician princess who became queen of Israel but also the symbolic death of the goddesses she worships and represents. It is not enough simply to kill her; she must be violently expelled from the political and religious community.

Jezebel’s body mangled and lifeless, Jehu goes inside for dinner. Almost as an afterthought, he commands her burial. But while he has been inside eating, the dogs outside are feasting as well—on Jezebel’s body. Dogs are powerful symbols in Canaanite religion, especially associated with the goddesses Anat and Astarte and the god Baal. There is a deep irony here. She who was devoted to these deities is devoured by them, all to the triumph of Israel. Only her palms, feet, and skull remain. A further reference to Anat may explain why only these fragments of her body are unconsumed. According to Canaanite mythology, Anat wore a necklace and belt of human skulls and hands. The religious rituals and images of ancient Near Eastern religions are inverted, perverted, and overturned in the death of Jezebel.

Consumed by animals, Jezebel becomes an animal; her dehumanization is complete. She is a foreign woman, a powerful queen, and a worshiper of deities other than Yahweh. She is ethnically and religiously different, transgresses proper gender roles, and is therefore a danger. The death and destruction of Jezebel eradicates the Other in order to protect and preserve the proper Israelite community.

Jezebel definitely received what she asked for. Her life and self-adoration all ended in the space of minutes. Did similar fates occur with other prophet killers? It did with some, but generally it was all of Israel that suffered.

2 Kings 6:31 - Then he said, “May Elohim do so to me and more also, if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat remains on him today.”

Here is another case of someone threatening the life of a prophet of Yahuwah and having that threat thrown back at them. And what happened to this person?

2 Kings. 6:17 - Now the king had appointed the officer on whose arm he leaned to be in charge of the gate, but the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died, just as the man of Elohim had foretold when the king had come to him.

18 - It happened just as the man of Elohim had told the king: “About this time tomorrow at the gate of Samaria, two seahs of barley will sell for a shekel, and a seah of fine flour will sell for a shekel.”

19 - And the officer had answered the man of God, “Look, even if Yahuwah were to make windows in heaven, could this really happen?” So Elisha had replied, “You will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of it!”

20 - And that is just what happened to him. The people trampled him in the gateway, and he died.

This man doubted the prophet and the word of Yahuwah. He paid the price of his ignorance and doubt. And so, we should never doubt the Word of Yahuwah, or a similar fate may await us.

2 Kings 6:32 - Now Elisha was sitting in his house, and the elders were sitting with him. And the king sent a man from his presence; but before the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, “Do you see how this son of a murderer has sent to take away my head? Look, when the messenger comes, shut the door and hold the door shut against him. Is not the sound of his master’s feet behind him?”

Of course, it is the king being called the son of a murderer. And so, he was. But it was really Yahuwah that he was rebelling against, as with mostly all the kings of the northern nation. Since they could not silence or kill Yahuwah, they thought that killing his messenger would suffice. How dumb could anyone be?

2 Kings 9:7 - You shall strike the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of Yahuwah, at the hand of Jezebel.

Yahuwah will seek vengeance on any who kill His prophets. He always has; He always will. Yahuwah is the same today as He was in the past and as He will be in the future. He never changes. Only people do.

Jeremiah 2:30 - “In vain I have struck your sons; They accepted no chastening. Your sword has devoured your prophets like a destroying lion.

Oh, how true. The unrighteous do not accept chastening very well. Instead, they rebel and curse Elohim all the more. When will they ever learn? Probably never!

Jeremiah 38:4 - Then the officials said to the king, “Now let this man be put to death, inasmuch as he is discouraging the men of war who are left in this city and all the people, by speaking such words to them; for this man is not seeking the well-being of this people but rather their harm.”

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. The only way to tell a true prophet from a false one is to wait to see if their prophesies come true or not. How many false prophesies have we endured in our lifetimes? I can think of many. Of course, we cannot wait and see if it comes true or not because by that time, it will be too late. Believe Yahuwah from the very start and do His will.

Jeremiah 38:16 - But King Zedekiah swore to Jeremiah in secret saying, “As Yahuwah lives, who made this life for us, surely I will not put you to death nor will I give you over to the hand of these men who are seeking your life.”

Zedekiah was sort of a righteous king and gained favor from Yahuwah by protecting His prophets. Instead of seeking his own will, he sought the will of Yahuwah. This must be the first choice in our spiritual lives, also.

Jeremiah 11:21 - Therefore thus says Yahuwah concerning the men of Anathoth, who seek your life, saying, “Do not prophesy in the name of Yahuwah, so that you will not die at our hand”;

The corrupt religious authorities of Jeremiah’s day forbade the prophets of Yahuwah from prophesying in Yahuwah’s name. They refused to obey, and many died. Yet, that did not prevent Yahuwah from raising up another prophet with basically the same message – do the will of Yahuwah or suffer the consequences. Who will we listen to – Yahuwah or the blasphemers? We must be careful to never stray from the Word of Yahuwah and never give way to heresy.

Jeremiah 29:21 - “Thus says Yahuwah of hosts, the Elohim of Israel, concerning Ahab the son of Kolaiah and concerning Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah, who are prophesying to you falsely in My name, ‘Behold, I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will slay them before your eyes.

Yes, Yahuwah often uses the enemies of Israel to bring about their punishment. Northern Israel was eventually carried off by the Assyrians and Judah by the Babylonians. Northern Israel never repented, and therefore, never returned to their homeland. Judah did eventually repent and returned to their land 70 years later.

Prophets of the New Testament

Did the New Testament prophets fair any better than in the OT? Of course not! Just as Yahuwah never changes, neither does man (unfortunately). In spiritual matters man is about the dumbest animal of all. Even the dumb ass (Num. 22) saw what the false prophet could not – the Angel of Yahuwah standing in his path with a drawn sword.

Matthew 23:35 - so that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.

Yahushua’s condemnation of the Jewish religious authorities was merciless. He accused them of being twice the servants of HaSatan as their fathers were. He was absolutely correct, but that fact did not dissuade the religious elite from seeking His death. In fact, they sought his life all the more.

Matthew 23:37 - “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.

Yes, Jerusalem was warned many times by the prophets of Yahuwah, but the result was always the same – the death of the prophet and no attempt at repentance. Of course, Yahushua was the greatest prophet of all. He was the Elohim of the OT. Under Yahuwah’s guidance, it was the Son who performed all the creating. He came to man in a fleshly body, so that He might convince the people of the truth. But instead, He was called a liar and murdered. HaSatan must have taken great pride in what he accomplished, but that joy only lasted 3 full days, until Yahushua rose from the grave in great glory and success.

Matthew 21:33 - “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place.

34 - When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.

35 - “The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third.

36 - Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way.

37 - Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.

38 - “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’

39 - So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

40 - “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”

The landowner represents Yahuwah, and the tenants represent Israel. The tenants do the same to Yahuwah’s Son as they did to all the other servants of Yahuwah that were sent to them – beat Him and killed Him. Now they though for sure that they had killed Elohim and were no longer required to obey Him. However, Yahushua rose from the dead and is very much alive and in total control. Of course, we still have men who think they are greater that Yahuwah and project a false image of a man-god – like the Pope. However, these men were not placed in their position by Yahuwah, and therefore, have no legitimate claim to the authority they claim to possess. They are frauds and liars who falsely point the finger at the true prophets of Yahuwah in scorn and condemnation. I cannot wait to see their faces on judgement day.

Matthew 22:1 - Yahushua spoke to them again in parables, saying:

2 - “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.

3 - He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.

4 - “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’

5 - “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business.

6 - The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them.

7 - The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.

8 - “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.

9 - So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’

10 - So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.

11 - “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.

12 - He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.

13 - “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

14 - “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

This great banquet will occur on the Day of Yahuwah. On that day, the wheat shall be separated from the chafe. Those worthy of attending the banquet will move forward into the Kingdom. Those who are unworthy will be turned around and driven into the darkness for all of eternity. There will be no place for any falsehood in the Kingdom.

Mat. 23:29 - Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous.

30 - And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’

31 - So you testify against yourselves that you are the sons of those who murdered the prophets.

32 - Fill up, then,g the measure of the sin of your fathers.

33 - You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape the sentence of hell?

Indeed, there is no escaping Yahuwah’s punishment. It is as sure as the spring rains. These particular group of priests were filled with self-glorification, which did not amount to a hill of beans as far as Yahushua was concerned. Their claim was that if they had lived in the days of their fathers; they would not have murdered the Prophets. Apparently, they were not familiar with (or conveniently forgot) the passage concerning the sins of the fathers and how their punishment would be carried over to the 3rd and 4th generations. This meant that the punishment would be visited on that person’s future generations.

Of course, Yahuwah operates exactly the same today as He did in the past and will be in the future. His plan was laid out before the creation began. He cannot change or ignore His own playbook. The only way anyone will escape condemnation is to turn to Yahuwah with all one’s heart, mind, and soul. Nothing or no one that is unrighteous in even the smallest matter will continue to exist. End of story!

Acts 7:52 - Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become;

The Jewish authorities of old times killed the prophets who prophesied of the coming of the Righteous One (Yahushua), and Yahushua’s generation killed the Righteous One Himself. No, man has not changed at all over the past generations; but continues headlong in their efforts to erase Elohim from the equation. They prefer the man-gods who tell them what they want to hear – “Come on in, you’re fine just the way you are”. That is wrong! We are not fine just the way we are. If we are not doing our utmost to take on the nature and righteousness of Yahushua, we are not fit for the Kingdom. If we focus on that one outcome, everything else should follow neatly into place.

1 Thessalonians 2:15 - who both killed the Master Yahushua and the prophets and drove us out. They are not pleasing to Elohim, but hostile to all men,

False prophets are of no value to anyone. When their prophesies fail, the words are carried by the winds until they completely disperse and disappear. There was never any weight or substance to them.

I would hazard a guess that there are likely more false prophets today than there has been at any other time in history. Today’s computer technology has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. Yes, it has opened the door to a vast amount of information that was never available to past generations. But that information is only as good as its interpretation. Sadly, there are some, even amongst the True Believers, who, rather than search for Elohim’s truth, only search for proof of their own manufactured truths. And, unfortunately, they tend to draw more followers that actual truth seekers. Finding truth is as rare as finding gold and should be treasured above all else.

Revelation 11:7 - When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them.

This is talking of the two end-tine witnesses, which will be the last prophets of Elohim sent to deliver the final warning. Their allotted time will be 3 ½ years. Yahuwah will protect them from being killed until their allotted time comes to an end. Then they will be killed. The world will rejoice. Then they will rise from death to eternal life, right before the eyes of the entire world (via TV and satellite transmission). Their deaths will mark the halfway point of the Tribulation and is followed by the third woe (the last 3 ½ years).

Revelation 16:6 - for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.”

Blood is precious to Yahuwah.

Gen. 9:4 - But you must not eat meat with its lifeblood still in it.

5 - And surely I will require the life of any man or beast by whose hand your lifeblood is shed. I will demand an accounting from anyone who takes the life of his fellow man:

Lev. 17:10 - If anyone from the house of Israel or a foreigner living among them eats any blood, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from among his people.

11 - For the lifec of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for your souls upon the altar; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.

12 - Therefore I say to the Israelites, ‘None of you may eat blood, nor may any foreigner living among you eat blood.’

Is It Safe to Drink Blood? | Live Science

The strange fact is, blood, when drank, is toxic. When confined to places where blood is supposed to be — such as the heart, vessels, and so on — it is essential for life. But when ingested it's a very different story. Of course, all toxins have doses, and just as a tiny bit of poison won't necessarily harm you, the more you eat or drink, the greater the danger.

Because blood is so rich in iron — and because the body has difficulty excreting excess iron — any animal that consumes blood regularly runs a risk of iron overdose. While iron is necessary for all animals (and indeed most life), in high doses it can be toxic. This condition, called haemochromatosis, can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver damage, buildup of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous disorders.

Even so, blood-feeding in humans seems to be more common than one might expect. John Edgar Browning of Georgia Tech, who has researched the practice, suggests in a BBC article that thousands of people across the United States drink blood for various reasons. Some of these people say the oxygen- and iron-enriched substance gives them energy, and none of the drinkers interviewed by Browning have had any ill effects from their behavior, so perhaps they didn't overdo the blood meals: "No vampire I’ve interviewed has complained of any medical complications as a result of consuming blood," Browning said, according to BBC.

Unlike humans, the bodies of animals that digest blood have adapted specialized digestive mechanisms. According to Katherine Ramsland in her book "The Science of Vampires" (Penguin Putnam, 2002) the vampire bat, "requires an enormous intake of iron, which helps make hemoglobin for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. Yet the iron intake is generally higher than what the bat needs, so it has a special process for secreting the excess. When ingested, the blood goes through a tract that's adapted for extracting nutrients. Research on this system suggests that bats have a mucous membrane along the intestinal tract that acts as a barrier to prevent too much iron from getting into their bloodstreams."

You, however, are not a vampire bat. Because humans did not evolve such an iron-extracting mechanism, drinking blood can kill us.

How much more valued is the blood of Yahuwah’s prophets, apostles, and saints? Woe to the ones who shed their innocent blood.


I would hazard a guess that there have been more false prophets than true prophets of Elohim. If one includes all priests, ministers, etc., of all the worldly, man-made religions that exist today, there are literally hundreds of thousands of them. There are two ways to tell a false prophet from a true prophet – wait to see if the prophesy comes true or compare what they are prophesying against the Word of Yahuwah, as it is found in the Scriptures. My preference is not to wait.

We know of at least one False Prophet that is prophesied to come, and he will be the grand daddy of all false prophets. He will perform great miracles mimicking those of our own Messiah. Yet, his words will reveal who he really is. They will not match up with the Word that Yahuwah delivered to us.

So, we do not have to “wait” to see if his prophesies will come true or not; we merely have to compare his words to those of Yahuwah and we will readily recognize him. However, I would be willing to bet that a number of True Believers who are weak in the faith, will end up following after this false prophet, too. This will be one of the final tests for True Believers. Will we believe Yahuwah or HaSatan? Are we prepared to give our lives in the service of Yahuwah? Will our natural fear of death win out, or will we stand courageously on the front lines ready to perform Yahuwah’s will?

The way of Yahuwah is definitely not for the weak and cowardly. We must overcome our weaknesses and fears and do the will of Yahuwah. Remember the prophets of old and what happened when they tried to resist. Learn from their mistake – do not repeat it.

I am sure that we all like to believe that all True Believers are solidly sold on the truth. However, I am sad to say that has not been my experience. While in the WCG, an elder in the congregation whom I had highly respected, suddenly quite the church because of the changes the Tkatch regime was trying to force on us. At the time, I was beginning to question the changes myself. So, even though the minister at the time ordered us not to have any communication with him, I did anyways. And for a time, we fellowshipped together and were progressively moving in the right direction. You can imagine my shock when the gentleman one day announced to me that he had joined a Pentecostal group that spoke in tongues and flopped around on the floor, like a fish out of water, when they had hands laid upon them. It sounded crazy to me, but I attended one service just to make my friend happy, and it scared me half to death. I got out of the place as soon as I could.

I believe the reason this man abandoned Yahuwah to return to the vomit, was on account of a dream he had had. He thought the dream was a vision from Yahuwah. In the dream he was preaching before a very large audience. While attending Sabbath services with him we never had more than half a dozen or so attendees. I think he grew impatient with Yahuwah to deliver him this very large audience and stuck out on his own to find it. I cannot describe how sad and disappointed I was at this turn of events; however, I do still pray for the man and hope he returns to the truth.

And, of course, I know of other former members of the WCG that went in all different directions. Some just quit altogether, while other chased after one corrupted doctrine after another. I believe most we merely looking for another man-god to follow. There is only one being worthy of following and that is Yahushua HaMashiyack, the only true High Priest and King of Yahuwah’s Kingdom.

There is only one source of truth and that is the Scriptures. But even that is not the end all. We must “search and prove” all things. We do that by amassing all the verses we can find on any given topic and examining them for harmony. If they do not harmonize, we are likely interpreting them incorrectly. We must allow scriptures to interpret scripture. Any other method leads to false interpretations based likely on previously held beliefs.

Being a prophet is an unthankful job. A prophet is usually ridiculed and mocked, sometimes assaulted and almost never believed. Their attackers torture them in hopes of getting them to recant their prophecy. However, they do not have the power to recant the words Yahuwah has spoken. Even if they did recant it, the prophesy would remain, just as Yahuwah said it would.

Instead of resisting the spirit in becoming a prophet of Yahuwah, we should relish the opportunity. What greater servant is there? What greater reward is there? We all have to die anyway; what more glorious death is there than to die in the service of Yahuwah?

Of course, not all are called to be prophets, and that may be a relief for many. However, if Yahuwah does choose us for such a purpose, we must not resist the call. Yahuwah sees a quality in those He chooses as prophets that we do not. He knows what talents they have, and that they will succeed in delivering His message. While it is natural to doubt our own abilities, we must never doubt Yahuwah. He alone knows the end from the beginning. His word alone can be trusted.

Yahuwah Bless
