The War on Humanity

The War on Humanity


Gary Primo

In a world filled with so many distractions, it is difficult to see the big picture that is going on here. Believers stand the best chance of seeing it, because they better understand the true evil that is behind it all. Outside of our group, most do not even believe in or in any way acknowledge the existence of HaSatan. He is nothing more than a cartoon boogie man. And that is exactly what he wants us all to think. What more magnificent weapon than convincing the enemy that you don’t exist and believe it in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

HaSatan’s crowning glory is his ability to deceive. I don’t think he is allowed to directly kill anyone; otherwise, he would have killed the first man and woman and gained immediate glory. I believe that, as with Job, Yahuwah placed this one restriction on HaSatan. This is how HaSatan came to fine tune his deceptive genius. Instead of killing mankind directly, he deceives man into killing one another. Self-extinction by any other name.

There is at least one power above all the powers that we know today. That power is a group of very rich, elite, globalists, who virtually control and manipulate everything that goes on within the world stage. They all are servants of HaSatan (the god of this world) and gleefully do his bidding. They gather every year at a location in California called Bohemian Grove every June to worship Molech and offer him mock child sacrifices.

Today, we face possible, total global extinction from numerous different fronts – military, medical, environmental, nuclear, chemical and/or pandemic. The possibilities are simply endless. The resent scam-demic woke us all up to the reality we are living. How did it progress so far before we recognized it? We have already survived stage 1, however, this is not over yet – not by a long shot. And each new pandemic will be worse than the last.

It was announced only a couple of days ago that the Globalist organization known as W.H.O. is to take control of all medical facilities and decisions. This is medical tyranny. This move places us all directly under the control of their medical dictatorship. We have already survived forced vaccinations, what if they come up with something like forced surgical procedures or sterilization of all children at birth?

They say that foresight is better than hindsight, meaning that looking back after something has already happened is not very helpful. When we look back over the past decade, we are going to see some things that will make us want to kick ourselves in the backside for not recognizing it earlier. But now that we do know what is going on, it is time to awaken to our calling and become the Watchmen of Elohim, sounding the trumps and warning the people of impending tragedy and doom coming their way.

We are at war, folks, and have been for at least a century. That’s right, folks. The League of Nations was the first real attempt to get this idea off the ground. It floundered and fell as it failed in its initial objectives.

(PDF) Why did the League of Nations fail? (

Why did the League of Nations ultimately fail to achieve widespread disarmament, its most fundamental goal? This article shows that the failure of the League of Nations had two important dimensions: (1) the failure to provide adequate security guarantees for its members (like an alliance); (2) the failure of this organization to achieve the disarmament goals it set out in the 1920s and 1930s. Thus, it was doomed from the outset to fail, due to built-in institutional contradictions. It can also be modeled and analyzed as a potential military alliance. The results are fairly conclusive: The League of Nations did not function as a pure public-good alliance, which encouraged an arms race in the 1930s. Keywords League of Nations–Disarmament–Military spending–Alliance–Arms race

Following the failure of the League of Nations, they came up with a new organization called The United Nations.

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization whose purpose is to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It is the world's largest and most familiar international organization.

As one can see the wording of this document was much broader (less specific) and inclusive. Just about anything can be read into and included in this declaration. In this manner gauging its success is a little more challenging. However, no matter how one slices it, it is nothing less than the model for a one world government. It is not the solution to world peace, as they propose; but rather, a system that will enslave every human being that remains alive following the war, pestilence, disease and famine. The immediate future is not very rosy for mankind.

As far as pestilence and disease goes, I attempted to find some statistic for the number of new diseases in the last 100 years but came up empty. However, I know there are quite a few. Some of the most alarming are the rates of autistic children and other with severe allergies. Years ago, they were lucky to eat one meal a day, but people were generally healthier than they are today. Today, most eat like kings, however most of the food they are eating is prepackaged poison and being sick from some sort of illness today seems to be the norm rather than the exception. People today have their doctor and pharmacist on speed dial. Hypochondriacs are everywhere. It is almost fashionable to have some crippling disease. Instead of beauty pageants in the future, they might have contests to pick who got the most messed up from a medical procedure. Medical procedure lawsuits have become so prevalent that the medical association got the government to handle all cases. And, of course, all such cases are stalled, and they have an enormous backlog of cases to be heard.

And of course, the most ridiculous move they are making is to purposely create such things in the first place. The covid virus was sent to China from the U.S. for “safe” keeping. On Russian news, they have uncovered a lab in the Ukraine where Ukraine and US scientists are running a facility to develop pathological weapons (even though such experimentation was banned globally). I heard of one, that if released, would wipe out almost the entire population of the earth within 24 hours. This is absolute madness.

When speaking of the end of the age, Yahushua spoke these words.

Matthew 24:21 - For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

We are in the final act, folks. As atrocious as past atrocities have been, the end time is going to be worse.

Luke 21:6 - Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

What is coming is so terrible that it will cause men’s hearts to fail. Even the imaginations of today’s horror flics producers could not come up with something so terrible.

WARNING: Seven Warnings for the End Times | End Times Prophecy Report

1. Much deception (Matt. 24:4)

2. Yahushua will not return until two very specific events happen. (2 Thes. 2:3)

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

3. Men mock the return of Yahushua. (Dan, 12/:4).

4. Knowledge would increase, but not men’s understanding of Elohim’s Word. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Tim. 3:17).

5. Don’t get caught up in excesses of living or the cares of this world. (Lk. 21:34)

6. Beware of deceivers who claim to be apostles, prophets or anointed (Christs). (Mk, 13:22)

7. Believers will be hated by ALL MEN. (Lk. 21:17)

Of course, deception has been around since the beginning of man; however, with today’s means of widespread and rapid information, this situation has become even worse. In some cases, computers can help us uncover truth. However, the evil sources that exist, do not have man/s best interests at heart and are experts at practicing deceit. They clog up the internet with lies and deception to the degree that it is like pulling teeth to find any truth.

The great “falling away” has already begun and is still going on. People are leaving churches, and any form of following Elohim. They have been left high and dry by their lying ministers. Some seek the truth on their own and some just give up and walk away from it all. I feel the Christian churches will eventually fall under the weight of the lies they spread. And what will that leave us with? Naturally the Elite have a plan for that – convert the entire world to Molech worship. One world, one religion. Easy fix.

As for mocking Yahushua’s coming, me have been doing that for centuries. However, it is going to get potentially worse as the end times near. About the only thing positive in it all is that they are mocking the Roman messiah (one of their own making) and not the true Messiah.

No folks, in spite of a great increase in knowledge, man is still clueless when it comes to the ways of Yahuwah and the purpose for our existence.

We certainly have some stressful situations going on recently as far as the future food supply goes; and rest assured, the powers that be are going to make everything a lot worse. Just last week it was announced that there was a shortage of baby formula in the U.S. I never saw this one coming. I hope all new moms in the U.S. are either breast feeding (the best) or purchasing goat’s milk (one of the best substitutes for breast milk).

It was also revealed in the U.S. that farmers are being paid to destroy their crops and if they refuse will face very heavy fines. The coming food crisis is going to be blamed on Russia and the war in Ukraine, but it will all be lies. The powers that be, will be aiding those lies.

Excessive living is the big thing today. Everyone wants to live like Donald Trump but lack the $$$. So, what do they do? They borrow, borrow, borrow until they are hopelessly in debt and must go bankrupt. There are times when being poor has its advantages.

Getting caught up in the cares of this world is difficult to escape. The cares are intended to take our attention away from what is really happening. If we are so focused on resent abortion news that we don’t notice some secretive bill that was passed without notice by Congress or Parliament.

As for “deceivers who claim to be apostles, prophets or anointed (Christs)”, there is definitely no shortage of “anointed Christs” around. In some cases, they are sincere (though thoroughly deceived) but most are merely interested in the money to be made (e.g. those television evangelists).

Yes, folks there ae some who have turned religion into big business. The only ones to rightfully collect the tithe are the Levites. The apostles never took a dime for themselves. They merely accepted any food and lodging offered. Anyone who is not a Levite cannot legally claim a right to be paid a tithe or anything else. They are deceivers and liars. Even the Messiah never demanded tithes, so, who do these imposters think they are? Shortly after I left the WCG others were also leaving and trying to develop a following of their own, even demanding the tithe be paid to them. Beware of such and steer clear of them. They are liars and deceivers!

The tithe was designed to support the temple, the priesthood, and the poor. The temple no longer exists. The priesthood is thoroughly corrupt and no longer qualifies to be paid a tithe. That leaves only the poor. So, if you are looking to pay a tithe to anyone, pay it to the poor (but watch what agency you donate to). Most are only in the business of creating jobs for social workers and only a very small percentage goes to the ones needing it. If you know of an elderly person or a single mom or widow with a mess of kids, pay your tithe to them and pray for their lives to improve.

Believers are already hated by all men. In fact, we are likely the most hated of all worshippers because of our beliefs contradicting and exposing the lies of these fraudulent groups. I have tried converting devoted Christians to the truth, but they just politely listen and go their way right back to the lie. It is extremely frustrating, but all I can do is shake the dust off my shoes and carry on. We are not responsible for opening their eyes – Yahuwah is. And if He does not want then opened, they won’t be, despite our best efforts.

2 Tim. 3:1 - But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come.

2 - For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

3 - unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good,

4 - traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Elohim,

5 - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

Is it any wonder that Yahuwah withholds His blessings from mankind? We are not even worthy of this life much less than eternal life in the Kingdom. Rather than seeking the attribute of Yahuwah, we seek the those of HaSatan instead. Yahuwah’s hope for mankind is that we all graduate to full elohim. HaSatan’s hope is to extinguish us from the universe entirely. Why would we be so willing to follow the one determined to kill us off, rather than the One offering us life eternal? Are we crazy? Yes, I’m afraid so!

Most think the Elite don’t know the plan of Yahuwah. That is simply not so. They know it and are attempting to weave it into their own plan. His would give their plan more legitimacy. They are currently working to extend the longevity of man. Their hope is to bring everlasting life to a temporary physical existence. However, what they are hoping for is physically impossible. The physical realm was never intended to be eternal. At best, it is intended to only endure for 7,000 years. Almost 6,000 of them have already passed. We have approximately 200 yeas left till the end of the age of man (according to the Hebrew calendar). A lot is going to happen in the remaining years.


All of this time we have been grateful to live in such a time of relative peace. We had no idea that war had been declared on us. If we did, we would have tried to defend ourselves and would have not allowed ourselves to be deceived. Or, at least, that is what we would like to believe. However, we are grossly underestimating the cunningness of our adversary and overestimated our own intelligence.

However, the way to defeat HaSatan and ensure his eternal destruction is to faithfully follow Yahuwah and His Only Begotten Son. HaSatan has already been condemned to death. We are the only things keeping him, alive. We were told from the very beginning what we must do to set everything back the way it was (originally). That way is to completely put sin out of our lives for 3-4 generations. To this date, we have not even been able to accomplish that solitary, simple request.

And HaSatan has recruited the best of the best to promote his agenda. The richest, most intelligent and successful, that is who HaSatan is recruiting. At some point their riches went to their heads (E.g. Bill Gates and Oprah Winfried) and they began calling for the reduction of the earth’s population by 90% “to save humanity”. What kind of salvation do we call that? The Devil’s kind, that’s what! The only thing I have to say to them is, “You first”. I’d bet that Melinda would have plenty to tell about what goes on behind the scenes. But Old Bill likely bought off her silence. All I know is that I would never poke anything in my arm that Bill Gates concocted.

Meanwhile, the United Nations continues to coerce and manipulate the 192 nations that presently exist to form into 10 regions under the flag of the New World Order. The first of those regions is the European Union. There are presently 27 nations that make up that union. While they do have an elected Parliament, their “senet” (The Commission of 30) is appointed and have the final say as to what gets passed and what does not. This is the complete opposite of what we have in Canada or the U.S. where Parliament/Congress has the final say, which presumably is the will of the people. In the EU, the will of the people is of absolutely no consequence. The will of the elite is all that counts. If that sounds a lot like a communist state, that is because that is exactly what it is. And that is exactly what they want for the entire planet. They have acquired so much power, it has driven them insane.

And today, we have yet one more pony in the race. Russia and China have formed their own Eastern alliance, into which I am expecting more eastern nations to flock to. They are sick of all the interference from the West and are presently mounting a resistance (prelude to WW3). They wish to be on the top for a change instead of on the bottom. I do not know if this will delay the NWO or exacerbate it, but certainly nothing good is going to come of it.

There is also a lot of talk about financial collapse coming. Well, that should have been expected eventually. I don’t know where they came up with the idea of printing paper money instead of using gold and silver. Sure, it does not weigh the pocket down so much, but it is absolutely worthless. The only winners of this crisis will be the ones with the gold and silver (which currently is Russia and China – which is likely why the elite are failing to devalue their currency.

Meanwhile, Canada’s Idiot in Office, sold off all of our remaining gold reserves, further devaluating our national currency and raising inflation. His loyalty to the New World order is so obvious, its sickening.

No one knows what happened to the U.S. gold. A number of foreign nations had deposited their gold reserves in the U.S. for safe keeping. When Russia asked for theirs back, they were only given about 5% of what they had deposited. The excuse was 9-11. All the gold had been destroyed. (BS) Gold cannot be destroyed, only reshaped. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for the staged 9-11 attack, to cover up for the missing gold. It will likely be years before we know for sure.

The one thing we can know for sure, is that things are going to get much worse before they get better. However, things will get better afterward and Yahuwah and Yahushua will have their glory.

Yahuwah Bless
