What is My Name

What is My Name?


Gary Primo

Of course I am talking about Yahuwah’s name, not my own (in case there was any confusion by the title). The following study focuses on the verses containing Yahuwah’s name and what he desires concerning the usage or declaration of His Name. His name is not “God” or “the LORD” or “Adoni” or HaShem. These are no more than attempts to appease the Jews and blind Christians. Yahushua both knew and used the name of His Father throughout His ministry, which was one of the reasons He was accused of blaspheme; but never once in the Scriptures is the use of the Father’s name associated with blaspheme. This was simply a man-made doctrine of the Jews and a direct contradiction of the Word.

Of course there are a number of different theologies concerning how the Name is pronounced. The modern-day tetragrammaton is “YHWH” and is generally pronounced as “Yahweh”. It is also pronounced by some as “Yahovah” or “Jehovah”. However a change occurred after the Jews were taken into captivity in Babylon. Previous to that time, there appeared an extra letter or vowel point in the tetragrammaton that altered the pronunciation from “Yahweh” to “Yahuwah”. While in captivity, the Jews decided to actively obscure the Creator’s name, to hide it from their enemies (all Gentiles - as they saw their enemies) and hog it to themselves. Even so, it was forbidden for any regular Jew or priest to utter it. Only the High Priest, and only on High Sabbaths, were allowed to utter the name. Is that what Yahuwah intended in regard to pronouncing and proclaiming His name? Is that what He commands for True Believers today? The answer is an astounding “NO”. Yahuwah ruled that we are to be declaring the Father’s name before the nations – as this study will prove.

Following Emperor Constantine’s usurpation of the Gospel message in his creating the Christian faith as the empirical religion of his empire; the Name was again changed and hidden from the general assemblies. Following this event, the title of “Elohim” was changed to “God”. The title the Lord was substituted for the name of the Father Yahuwah (Yahweh). Both of these substitutions came directly from their former pagan religions. Both “God” and “Lord” are synonyms for Baal. As for the Son’s name, it was originally “Yahushua”. Following the Babylonian captivity, it changed to “Yahshua”. When translated into English it should have been translated as “Joshua” or “Yoshua”; but instead, the English translators chose to translate from the Greek rather than the Hebrew. The Greek version was “Iesous” which literally means “Double/Hail/son of Zeus”. Of course, there are believed to be other meanings as well. Check out the following web sites:

So Yahusha is English for the Hebrew name of the Messiah (anointed King of Israel) and Jesus is the name of the Greek “good man” or Chistos. It is that simple. But what does “Iesous” mean in Greek. It has no meaning in Hebrew; as it is not a Hebrew word. In Greek, “Iesous” literally translated means “Hail Zeus”. The name “Jesus” didn’t even exist until the 14th Century and was a later derivative of the late Latin Isus.

(The author is mistaken as to the date the letter “J” was introduced into the English language. It was in the 16th century, not the 14th,)


“It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honor to their supreme deity, Zeus."

Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend

"This name of the true Messiah, Jahshuwah (Jehoshua), being Hebrew, was objectionable to the Greeks and Romans, who hated the Judeans (Jews), and so it was deleted from the records, and a new name inserted. Jahshuwah (Jehoshua) was thus replaced by Ie-Sous (hail Zeus), now known to us as Jesus."

-The Origin of Christianity

by A.B. Traina

"It is simply amazing to think that all these years, hundreds of years, mankind has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!! It's hard to give up the name of Jesus because it's so deeply ingrained in us and much has been said and done in that name."

-Gospel of The Kingdom

True Names and Title

(Satan has indeed deceived the entire world)

Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley

1931 - Ohio USA

"In the 1611 KJ New Testament the name Yahusha appeared originally wherever the Messiah was spoken of. Yahusha means “Yahuah is Salvation”. Later the Messiah's name was replaced with Iesus (Greek) which later in the 1600's it became Jesus starting with the new English letter "J" which was introduced at that time. Further, the Greek "Iesus" comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon."

-Gospel of The Kingdom

True Names and Title

Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley

1931 - Ohio USA

(This one is rather interesting.)


As I stated earlier in this chapter we are going to “reverse engineer” this name “Jesus” and when we do it traces directly back to Babylon no matter how we look at it. But what would happen if we look at the name “Jesus” as a compound English name composes (as English words are) of the Latin prefix and suffix? The prefixes “Je” and “sus”.

We must look at it that way because the true name of the Messiah was a compound name YAH (Yahuah)(ye)SHUA (salvation) in Hebrew. Supposedly “Jesus” comes from the name of the Messiah so if we break it into it component parts what does it say about “Jesus” in English. Does it identify The Passover Lamb sacrifice of YHVH or an abominable sacrifice of a pig? Does it begin to bring into focus the exact same sacrifice of The Ishtar Pig (Easter) which is the unquestioned “sacrifice” of the false religion of Christianity as well as Babylon? Let’s look at the prefix “Je” and suffix “sus” in the English dictionary.

When considering the prefix we find that “Je” is another form of “Ge” derived from the Latin/Greek word for “earth”. GE/JE is a short form of Gaia or Jee which is the “mother earth” or Roman goddess Tellus! The suffix “sus” comes from the Latin word for “pig” sous. “Sous” in Latin means pig this is where we get the pig call “soooouuuuiiii”. So in English if we examine the name Jesus as a compound name it means literally “earthly pig” or “pig of Tellus/Goddess Mother Earth”. It in no way implies or means Yahuah is Salvation. Shocking… I know.

“Jesus” literally means the Ishtar Pig

We now are coming closer to the false messiah’s sacrifice on Easter to the goddess Ishtar (a pig) in replace of The Passover Lamb. That is why we eat ham on Easter because a pig killed Ishtar’s son Tammuz later called Apollo/Hesus/Horus/Krishna then Jesus. We are taught that anyone obedient to the dietary laws of YHVH are not true Christians. So to PROVE our total lawlessness in the eyes of YHVH… we actually eat the most unclean abominable animal that is not even “food” on Ishtar day! The most abominable animal to YHVH in His Word (a pig), we eat it honouring a pagan god and then disobey all the Passover commandments. Those who commit such an abominable sacrifice in their heart on Easter and are disobedient to The Passover are not true sons of YHVH. I will prove this next when we look at “how” and “why” Passover was changed to “Ishtar/Easter” and a pig sacrificed (eaten) instead of a lamb on Passover as YHVH instructed and Yahushua confirmed. Passover is an EVERLASTING ordinance of the Living God, YHVH.

What I find interesting about his report is that (being Italian) I am familiar with a common Italian saying, “Porko Dio” which is meant as a curse, meaning “god is a pig”. The author is correct that a pig was often used in pagan sacrifices. When the Greeks ruled over Jerusalem, they offered pigs for sacrifice on the Temple alter. This eventually led to the Jewish rebellion led by the Maccabees, in which they defeated the Greeks.

When Emperor Constantine came into power, he had a huge problem to deal with. Thousands of his subjects were converting to the true faith almost daily and he seemed to have no power over the situation. He and his predecessors tried outlawing and killing True Believers. However, that only seemed to exacerbate the problem. So, Constantine came up with the brilliant, demonic idea to create his own counterfeit. In bringing oneself into this “new” religion, people (in bringing themselves into obedience to Constantine) were consenting to the worship of Constantine over Yahuwah. Constantine’s religion has, of course, survived to this day via the Roman Catholic faith. During the so-called Reformation, many Protestant religions sprang forth. However, none did much reforming. They stuck to the same dogma and names. They remained under obedience to Constantine and; therefore, continue to worship Constantine in place of Yahuwah till this day. Constantine was no different from any other worldly Emperor. They all demanded to be worshipped as gods.

Daniel, in the book named after him.

Dan. 7:25 - He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.

It was Constantine, nor Yahushua who “did away with the law”. In the 324 BC Council of Nicaea, Constantine decreed that no Roman citizen was allowed to follow the customs and traditions of the Jews. And several years later, he reaffirmed that no Roman citizen was permitted to keep the Jewish Sabbath or holy days.

So, what exactly is a “time”? The following website gives an interesting definition, which I believe to be true.


It is important to determine accurately the meaning of this and similar phrases. The word "time" is, as Calvin remarks, naturally indefinite, while its use in this Prophet leads to the conclusion that it means "years." The passage in Daniel 4:16, "Seven times," is usually understood to mean seven years, although nothing can fairly rest upon this interpretation. The phrase of this verse is usually taken to mean half of seven times, and is used again in Daniel 12:7. The other passages which refer to periods of time are expressed more definitely, for instance, 2300 "evenings and mornings," Daniel 8:14-26; the seventy weeks or seven, Daniel 9:24; the 1290 "days," Daniel 12:11, and the 1335 days, Daniel 12:12. "The terms in the first four instances," says Bickersteth, in his Practical Guide to the Prophecies, edit. sixth, 1839, page 184, "are in themselves quite ambiguous and general. There is nothing to determine, respecting the number 2300, and the seventy weeks, whether years or days be intended; but analogy would lead us to suppose that all were to be interpreted on a common principle." He goes on to say, "It appears from Daniel 12:7, that the close of the three times and a half is closely connected with the gathering of the Jews; and from Zechariah 1:18-21, that the power of the four Gentile monarchies is then broken; and this confirms the extended meaning of both. God looks at the whole course of this world's history as but a few days. Daniel, when he heard the period of the times and a half announced by the angel, understood not, and on inquiry received the answer, The words are sealed to the time of the end; and an intimation is given, that even when unsealed, only the wise would understand. We thus learn that the meaning couched under this expression was purposely concealed for a time, but was afterwards to be unfolded to the wise. The promise is not of a fresh revelation, but of an explanation of a period already given. And there seems to have been a wise end in this veiling of the time, as it would have been staggering to the faith, and deadening to the hopes of the Israelites, if the whole of the interval had been openly and explicitly declared," page 186. This excellent man was an advocate of the symbolizing sense of chronological expressions; thus on the "seven times," he says; "this seems plainly to denote the season during which the Gentile dominion of the four monarchies should be corrupt and worldly, as afterwards exhibited in the four beasts coming up from the sea." Again, "the seven times" would then answer to "the times of the Gentiles" mentioned by our Lord. He also makes the following statements -- "The time, times, and half a time, the forty-two months and 1260 days, are the same interval; the time, times, and half, of Daniel and the Revelation are the same period; a prophetic day is a natural year; the three and a half times are the half of seven times, the whole season of Gentile power, and the same with the latter times of St. Paul. A time denotes 360 years, and chronos is equivalent to kairos," (p. 365.) As these assertions are not to be found anywhere in Holy Scripture, Calvin has manifested his wisdom, by expounding the text as he finds it, and avoiding all conjectural statements. As a specimen, however, of a scheme on the opposite principles to those maintained in these Lectures, we will quote one final passage on this subject, headed Particular Times, (p. 366.) "The time, times, and half, and 1260 days of Revelation are the same period. The forty-two months have a date rather later, like the two dates of the seventy years' captivity;" (yet observe the previous extract. -- Ed) "The 1290 and 1335 days of Daniel both commence with the 1260 days of Revelation, or time, times, and a half, of both prophecies; the seven times of the Gentiles begin with the subjection of Israel under Shamanezer; the three and a half times begin with Justinian's eternal code, a.d. 532-3; the forty-two months close nearly with the 1335 days; the forty-two months begin a.d. 604, or a.d. 607-8, with the re-union of the ten kingdoms, or the public establishment of idolatry; the 1335 days end in a.d. 1867-8." The arguments in favor of this theory, directed chiefly against the Futurists, are found in the "First Elements of Sacred Prophecy," from chapter. 12, page 308, to the end of the volume. Similar discussions are contained in "The Morning Watch," passim, especially one on "The Sacred numbers," volume 5, pages 273-285, London, 1832. The reader who is curious in such numerical calculations will find much to his taste in the volumes of this periodical.

In playing with the number 360 (the length of a Jewish year is 360 days), 7 x 360 = 2,520. If beginning in 324 AC when Constantine made his decree, 2520 - 324 = 2196. The current year on the Jewish calendar is 5780. Since Yahuwah only allotted man 6,000 years of self rule, that leaves 6,000 – 5780 = 220 years till the end of that time which will be 2019 + 220 = 2239. Now, knock off 5 days from each of those year to correlate with the Hebrew calendar, 5x 220 = 1,100 days, or roughly 3 ½ years (interesting number). That will bring that end date down to the year 2192.5.

Of course, this information has nothing to do with the Creator’s name or His Son’s, but I found it interesting, so I threw it in there.

The main evidence in Dan. 7:25 is that the Antichrist is characterized by the changing of laws and times. Constantine did exactly that in 324 BC and thereby qualifies as an Antichrist (and a particularly important one at that). Yet the Apostle, John told us that there were many Antichrists.

1 John 2:18 - Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

19 - They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Clearly an Antichrist is anyone who teaches anything contrary to what HaMashiyack taught. (In this regard, all Christian ministers and priests are Antichrists.) However, only one, so far, succeeded in changing the laws and times of Yahuwah. That was Constantine. And, I believe that the end-time Antichrist will do the same thing (again) when he establishes his one world religion (which will again be a blending of all the world’s main religions).

So, let’s move on to what the Scriptures reveal concerning the Creator’s name:

Ex. 6:3 - And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of Elohim Almighty, but by my name Yahuwah was I not known to them.

This is a curious statement, which I am sure has been cause for much spiritual debate. Why would Yahuwah not have revealed his Name to Adam or Noah? Why wait until Moshe? That was 2504 years following the supposed date of creation. Why did Yahuwah wait so long to reveal His Name? I cannot even offer a guess.

Ex. 9:16 - And in very deed for this cause have I raised you up, for to show in you my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.

Ex. 20:24 - An altar of earth you shall make unto me, and shall sacrifice thereon your burnt offerings, and your peace offerings, your sheep, and your oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto you, and I will bless you.

Yahuwah definitely desired for His Name to be declared throughout all the earth and that it be treated with complete reverence. Not only was His Name placed on a certain people, but also on certain places on Earth (e.g. Yerusalem). When we gather in these places, Yahuwah promises to be present and bless all who come to Him in His Name.

Ex. 23:21 - Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.

Placing His Name on a person denoted recognition of authority being given that person. In this case it is talking about the Angel of Yahuwah (which some believe was Yahushua) having all authority to not forgive transgressions by the name that was in him.

Lev. 19:12 - And you shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shall you profane the name of your Elohim: I am Yahuwah.

How many times do people swear falsely in a single day. We certainly see it in courts of law all the time. Witnesses get up on the stand, swear by “God” to tell the truth and then lie their faces off. And, of course, the biggest liars of all are the politicians. When being investigated, they swear to tell the truth and tell the most outrageous lies that only an idiot would believe. And yet, when told often enough and believed by enough people, somehow that lie becomes truth. However, the author differentiates here between swearing falsely by His Name and profaning His Name. How many different ways are there to do that? The following is my list.

1) Replacing Yahuwah’s name with that of a former pagan deity.

2) Giving His Name to another.

3) Taking His Name upon one’s self and completely disobeying His words (laws).

4) Using His Name to curse.

5) Using His Name without complete reverence.

6) Using his name to insight racial hatred and violence (as with some white supremacist groups)

What are the very first 4 commandments?

Ex. 20:3 - You shall have no other elohim before me.

4 - You shalt not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

5 - You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I Yahuwah your Elohim am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 - And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

7 - You shalt not take the name of Yahuwah your Elohim in vain; for Yahuwah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

All four commandments have to do with the Name of our Elohim and how to reverence it. You will notice that I have returned the true names to their rightful places. Like I have said many times, the terms “the LORD” and “God” are both names for Baal. So replacing the true names with these pagan substitutes definitely qualifies as a violation of the very first commandment.

Do Christians make graven images of what they suppose the Messiah and their god to look like? Of course they do. How many images of Yahushua are there decorating the Christian churches? How many of the Virgin Mary (ISIS)? How about the cross (Tammuz)? All are symbols of pagan worship and are abhorred by Yahuwah. How about the long hair? That too was indicative of Tammuz worship. Tammuz was always pictured with long hair. There is no indication in the scriptures exactly how long Yahushua’s hair was; however, the style of the day was for men to wear their hair short. The Christian translators intentionally confused two Jewish terms “Nazarene” and “Nazarite”. A Nazarene is someone who comes from the region of Nazareth. A Nazarite is someone who has taken a vow (by the same name). They shave their heads at the beginning of their vow and are not allowed to cut it for the entire length of the vow. The Nazarite vow could be of any length of time. There is no mention in the Scriptures of Yahushua ever taking such a vow. I believe that the purpose for this fabrication was to make Yahushua look more like Tammuz in the minds of the Christian converts.

What is the first thing any “good” Christian does when he/she enters a church – stand before the idol of their “Jesus” and bow or cross themselves to show their devotion to this pagan substitute (Apollo or Dionysius – both represent Tammuz).

Verse 6 demonstrates how we are to show our love towards Yahuwah - by KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS. What does this say about the Christian dogma declaring that the law of Yahuwah is done away? It reveals it as a grand lie!

Num. 6:27 - And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.

When we take Yahuwah’s name upon us, we, in fact, are declaring which Elohim we do worship. If one takes the name of any other (pagan) deity that is the deity they worship. And since all the other names (god, the LORD) are all names for Baal, we only really have the two choices – Yahuwah or Baal. Therefore, it can be said that all Christian churches are really temples for Baal worship.

2 Sam. 7:13 - He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

Although it is David being spoken of here, it was ultimately Solomon who built it. However, since Solomon would have been considered “in the loins” of David when these words were spoken, he was being addressed as well. The term “house” could mean “nation” or “temple”. If one believes the claims of British Israel and other “Lost Tribes” theorists (and I do) , the line of Ephraim was continued through the British people; and the crown (following the Babylonian captivity) was carried by 12 princesses (who survived the royal lineage of King David) and was transferred to the King of Ireland (of the house of Dan) and afterward to the King of Scotland (of the house of Judah) and afterward to the King of England (of the house of Ephraim). And this is where the very crown of King David sits today, complete with the 12 points of the crown representing the twelve tribes of Yisrael. And the coronation stone is the same one used to coronate the Kings of Israel. All the kings and queens of England have both worn the crown of King David and have been crowned upon the same coronation stone (same one Jacob used as a pillow). If true, it would certainly seem that this prophesy is also true, and David’s kingdom is to be eternal.

1 Kings 8:29 - That your eyes may be open toward this house night and day, even toward the place of which you have said, My name shall be there: that you may hearken unto the prayer which your servant shall make toward this place.

The place is Israel; and perhaps more specifically Jerusalem. Yahuwah’s name not only offers blessings, but protection also. When the armies of the Assyrians sought to take Israel, Yahuwah sent confusion among them so that they became paralysed with fear and fell upon and killed one another. We are also told here that praying towards that place also has special significance.

Ps. 91:14 - Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known my name.

Well, there we have it! Yahuwah set His love on David because David first set his love on Yahuwah. David proved his love through obedience. The same goes for us! When we prove our love for Yahuwah through obedience, He promises us delivery from eternal death. (Love + obedience = delivery from eternal death). We all know enough math to surmise that if one removes any part of this equation the end result will significantly change. So is it spiritually as well. If one takes away either love or obedience, the whole equation falls apart.

Also, Yahuwah promises to “set on high” him who knows His Name (and all that goes with that). There is a lot more to the word “knowing” than most may realize at first glance. With knowing comes responsibility. Once knowing something (like the truth) we have two choices – 1) bury it to appease your piers or, 2) proclaim it to all, as Yahuwah commands us to.

Prov. 30:4 - Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? who has gathered the wind in his fists? who has bound the waters in a garment? who has established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son’s name, if you can tell?

Now let’s look at this verse in it’s entire context.

Prov. 30:1 - The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, even the prophecy: the man spoke unto Ithiel, even unto Ithiel and Ucal,

2 - Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man.

3 - I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy.

4 - Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, if you can tell?

5 - Every word of Elohim is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

6 - Add you not unto his words, lest he reprove you, and you be found a liar.

The author (Agur) admits that he is neither a learned man nor a holy one; yet Yahuwah chose him anyway to deliver this prophesy. The actual prophesy begins in verse 4 and delivers a challenge to reveal the name of the Father and the Son, if you know. I had always wondered about the meaning of this verse and only through this study realized its connection to the other verses we read attaching special blessing to those who know and proclaim his name. This challenge was being aimed at the non-believers (Gentiles/pagans).

Whoever’s name we pray and worship in, is the name of the deity that we place our trust in. Praying and worshipping in the name of Yahuwah means that we trust in Him, the one true Elohim of Israel. Using the name of any other (pagan/Roman) gods means that we put our trust in that false deity. And DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that Yahuwah does not notice.

Rev. 18:4 - And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

All who are part of the Babylonish religious system (virtually every man-made religion in existence) are worshipping every pagan (mythical) god in (non)existence and totally ignoring the One True Elohim. It is Babylon (the Babylonish religious system) that we are to be coming out of and which we were all born into via the Christian faith. To come out of her, we need to first learn what all the lies are. That is the first step in learning the truth. And, when we do learn the truth (which is knowledge) we must take on the responsibility that goes with it and proclaim that truth to the world – as a witness, so that they are without excuse.

When we put our faith in the true Elohim of Israel, He rewards our trust with His protection. That does not mean that we will escape persecution, but He will help us to endure it until the end.

And, in Prov. 30:6, we are admonished not to add to Yahuwah’s word. Those who do, will someday have to stand before Yahuwah and be denounced as a liar. And, of course, no liar is going to be able to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. Yet, the Christian translators have taken great licence in making changes as they saw fit. Many started out as footnotes, but eventually made their way into the text.

Isa. 29:23 - But when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the Elohim of Israel.

Again, let us check the context.

Isa. 29:22 - Therefore thus says Yahuwah, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale.

23 - But when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the Elohim of Israel.

24 - They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

So, what did the children of Jacob have to be ashamed of? They rebelled against Yahuwah. They forgot his name and invoked the names of strange gods/demons and fed their children to the flames of sacrifice to these demons. However, in the end time, they will change their attitude and seek spiritual understanding.

The good news is that there is redemption for those who have spiritually lost their way and wish to recover their favour with Yahuwah. Those that have erred shall come back to understanding (likely under the millennial rule of Yahushua). And those who spoke against Yahuwah will learn sound doctrine. We will have one thousand years to get it right. And at the end of the thousand years, a great multitude will once again rebel. For those who are spiritually enlightened, it seems incredulous that anyone could be so dumb, but that is the way of human nature. This attitude is as unnatural as a tadpole refusing to become a frog; or a caterpillar refusing to become a butterfly. Why would anyone NOT wish to become an eternal living, all powerful, creator being?

We are to fear/respect the name of Yahuwah. Using the names of fictional, pagan deities shows no respect or fear in regards to the Father. Making false claims concerning His teachings (the law is done away) shows no respect or fear in regards to the Father. Claiming that Yahushua taught anything contrary to what the Father taught Him shows no respect or fear in regards to the Son. THIS IS A VERY GRAVE ERROR!

Isa. 42:8 - I am Yahuwah: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

What is His name? Yahuwah! Is that any more difficult to pronounce than “the LORD”, “Adoni”, “HaShem”? I don’t think so. Therefore, if you know and accept the truth of the Father’s name and that it is to be used and declared throughout all the earth, what are you waiting for? Do not give Yahuwah’s glory to any other false deity. Do not give His praise to pagan, graven images.

Isa. 48:11 - For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.

The context of this verse is revealed in the previous two verses.

Isa. 48: 9 - For my name’s sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for you, that I cut you not off.

10 - Behold, I have refined you, but not with silver; I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction.

The people of Israel did not choose Yahuwah, He chose them. If they had their way, they would have continued to worship the gods of Egypt. The rejection of Yahuwah seems to be naturally built into man’s nature; however, I imagine that change came about after Adam took a bite of that apple. Unless we are called by Yahuwah, we would not endeavor to find him either. Therefore, we are to respect, honour and fear that calling, for our eternal existence hangs in a very precarious balance.

Isa. 52:5 - Now therefore, what have I here, says Yahuwah, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, says Yahuwah; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.

6 - Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that does speak: behold, it is I.

Substituting the name of a pagan god for the name of Yahuwah IS BLASPHEME! Giving His worship to a graven image IS BLASPHEME! Proclaiming the names of foreign gods rather than Yahuwah’s IS Blaspheme! Teaching false doctrines (the law being done away with, the theory of the Trinity, Sabbath change to Sunday, keeping pagan religious holy days but not Yahuwah’s and attributing them to Yahushua is BLASPHEME.

Yahuwah’s true servants both know and proclaim His name throughout the earth. They keep all the laws of Yahuwah, including those pertaining to the Sabbath and holy days. They do their best to do all things that are pleasing to Yahuwah and are not tethered by man-made customs and traditions.

Jer. 12:16 - And it shall come to pass, if they will diligently learn the ways of my people, to swear by my name, Yahuwah lives; as they taught my people to swear by Baal; then shall they be built in the midst of my people.

The context of this passage is Jeremiah prophesying about the Jews returning to the promised land from Babylon. When they were returned they were not to return to their old ways and their old teachers. They had taken on the worship of Baal and had even began sacrificing their children to pagan idols. They were to cease from all types of spiritual blaspheme and return to Yahuwah. And they did for a time; but by the time Yahushua arrived on the scene, Things were all messed up again. They were again placing their own man-made traditions above the commandments of Yahuwah.

Jer. 16:19 - O Yahuwah, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto you from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.

20 - Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods?

21 - Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is Yahuwah.

There definitely is not any profit in lies and vanity. I am sure we have all lied about something in our life-times. I know I have; and I also now know that lies and vanity eventually catch up with us and we are found out. We create an image of ourselves that at times can be quite deceptive and we become vain in our imagined comfort. We falsely believe that there is no room for improvement. We do not feel the need to search and prove all things because we are confident that we already know everything. I have been through it all and know without a doubt that it is indeed true that “the wisdom of man is foolishness to Yahuwah”. And even after I was called, I still was confused by my religious upbringing and sought a man and a church to lead me to the truth. Now I know that there is only one High Priest and Teacher, Yahushua HaMashiyack. I also now know that the Scriptures are the only source of truth and that through thorough investigation, the Scriptures will eventually reveal all truth.

“Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods?” Good question! A Greek fellow that I was doing some work for once said to me, “God did not create man, man created God.” At the time I thought he was delirious but over time, I realized how right he was – from a worldly perspective. Every religion in the world has created their own god. Even the Jews, in abandoning the name of their Elohim and substituting pagan titles, have placed themselves in the same category.

When we witness a miraculous event, we are naturally curious and like to attribute the event to something or someone. In the early days of Israel, they all knew that it was Yahuwah who was responsible for all the mighty wonders He demonstrated before them. However, they later turned their hearts away from Yahuwah and towards their former pagan deities and attributed all their blessing to those gods. In the millennium, the entire earth will know and proclaim the name of Yahuwah. .

Jer. 23: 25 - I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.

26 - How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;

27 - Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.

Is this not exactly what Christianity did? Forget Yahuwah’s name for Baal? What I never understood was, did these false prophets actually believe what was coming out of their mouths, or were they consciously deceptive? I’m going with the former. I mean, why else would anyone act like such morons in front of huge crowds of people (dancing around hysterically and cutting themselves with knives)? I know I would have to be pretty deceived to do any of those things.

Verse 26 verifies this, “they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart How true, how true! Instead of seeking Yahuwah and allowing Him to fill their hearts, they allowed deceit to creep in and consume them.

Verse 27 says it all, “their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal”. Baal came to be worshipped under a number of different synonyms.


Associated Biblical names

♂Abi-albon אבי־עלבון

♂Ashbel אשבל

♂⌂☀Baal בעל

⌂∩Baalah בעלה

⌂Baalath בעלת

⌂Baalath-beer בעלת באר

♂☀Baal-berith בעל ברית

⌂Baale-judah בעלי יהודה

⌂Baal-gad בעל־גד

⌂Baal-hamon בעל המון

♂♕Baal-hanan בעל חנן

⌂Baal-hazor בעל חצור

⌂∩Baal-hermon בעל חרמון

♂♕Baalis בעליס

⌂Baal-meon בעל מעון

♂☀Baal-peor בעל פעור

⌂Baal-perazim בעל־פרצים

⌂Baal-shalishah בעל שלשה

⌂Baal-tamar בעל תמר

♂☀Baal-zebub בעל זבוב

⌂☀☁Baal-zephon בעל צפון

בעל צפן

♂Baladan בלאדן

⌂Bamoth-baal במות בעל

♂Bealiah בעליה

⌂Bealoth בעלות

♂Beelzebub Βεελζεβουλ

♂☀Bel בל

♀⌂Beulah בעולה

♂Bildad בלדד

♂Eshbaal אשבעל

♂♕Ethbaal אתבעל

⌂Gur-baal גור־בעל

♂Hannibal חניבל

♂Jerubbaal ירבעל

⌂Kiriath-baal קרית־בעל

♂Merib-baal מריב בעל


Notice the ninth one, Baal-gad. In English it would be difficult to make the connection; however, in some places it is also pronounced “Gaud”. In the Hebrew, gaud is pronounced the same – i.e. god. So, in referring to Yahuwah as “God” were are diverting his glory onto another. In other words, we are committing blaspheme.

Jer. 29:23 - Because they have committed villainy in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbours’ wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, says Yahuwah.

There will be two irrefutable witnesses when we stand before our Creator in the judgment – Yahuwah and Yahushua. Either one will be able to gaze upon our hearts and know if we have spoken lying words in His name. It will be senseless to lie to them, or attempt to pass the buck. The buck starts and stops with us and what we do with the truth that has been revealed to us.

Jer. 34:16 - But you turned and polluted my name, and caused every man his servant, and every man his handmaid, whom ye had set at liberty at their pleasure, to return, and brought them into subjection, to be unto you for servants and for handmaids.

The context of this verse surrounds the 7th year rest, when all debts were forgiven, slaves freed and property restored to its rightful owner, etc. The audience He was addressing had failed to follow Yahuwah’s instructions and had therefore polluted His Name.

Jer. 44:25 - Thus says Yahuwah of hosts, the Elohim of Israel, saying; You and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: you will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows.

26 - Therefore hear you the word of Yahuwah, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by my great name, says Yahuwah, that my name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, Yahuwah Elohim lives.

27 - Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good: and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them.

Taking the name of any other elohim besides Yahuwah brings on a cure, not a blessing. And, having once known and worshipped that name, then to have turned away to another, is even a worse curse. Yahuwah is more or less saying, “You want to worship these other elohim who are not elohim at all, then let’s see them save you!” He not only removed His protection from Israel, but He also removed His Name from their lips. They did not deserve to know His great Name, nor where they worthy to utter it.

Ezek. 20:22 - Nevertheless I withdrew mine hand, and wrought for my name’s sake, that it should not be polluted in the sight of the heathen, in whose sight I brought them forth

I doubt that many people would knowingly pollute Yahuwah’s name? Not if they paid the same reverence to His name as they do the names of their pagan impostors. What you don’t know, you don’t know, right? Well, I believe that if we are serious about gaining salvation, we should make it our business to know. Ignorance is no excuse; especially with all the internet tools we have available to us today.

Zechariah 3:1 - And he showed me Yahushua the high priest standing before the angel of Yahuwah, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

I have heard some claims that the Yahushua spoken of here is the same as the Son of Man, but I believe the context surrounding this verse denies that claim, although he bears the same name and title (an earthly one).. I believe it is the special angel known to us as the Angel of Yahuwah that is the Son of Man.


It is certainly comical to hear any one of the worldly, man-made religions calling each other pagans, when in reality, they all are. That’s right, Christianity is no less pagan and brutal than Islam. HaSatan has indeed deceived the whole world – into worshipping him under a host of different names and religions and believing we’re worshipping the One True Elohim. COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE!

What has this study shown us?

1 – The Creator Elohim has a name; and that name is Yahuwah.

2 – The Creator desires us to know, pray and worship in His name, which is above all names.

3 – Special powers and blessings are invoked by using the name of our Elohim.

4 – Special blessings are invoked on the land in which the name of our Creator is used.

5 - Those that do not rightly use the name of our Elohim will be cursed and the name will be removed from their lips and hidden forever from them.

6 – Those who teach, worship and pray in His Name will receive blessings.

Is knowing and declaring the true name of our Creator a salvational issue? You had better believe it is! I believe that this study has more than proved that. Is your salvation important enough to you to do this study due diligence and blot out all the pagan names you have been using up till now? I certainly hope so!

With knowledge comes responsibility as to what one does with that knowledge. Now that we have the knowledge of the Creator’s True Name, we have the responsibility to use it in our prayers and worship and to proclaim it before the entire world. We are the end-time witness’s folks. If we shirk our responsibility, it will not bode well for us with Yahuwah. We need to be like the apostles of old, who converted thousands in a single day. When we get it right, the power that that worked in those apostles will work in us as well. Both Yahushua and his apostles used, prayed and worshipped in the Father’s name. It was the power of that name that empowered the apostles to perform miracles and convert great crowds of people at the same time, to turn towards Yahuwah. I believe that this same power should work the same with us, in these last days. Again, I have to ask how many have any of us converted in a single day? How about ever? If the answer is “none”, then we had better roll up our sleeves and get to work being about our Father’s business.

Yahuwah Bless
