Father Against Son, Son Against Father

Father Against Son, Son Against Father


Gary Primo

Luke 12:53 - They shall be divided, father against son, and son against father; mother against daughter, and daughter against her mother; mother in law against her daughter in law, and daughter in law against her mother in law.

I have often pondered this verse and wondered about what sort of event would incite such an attitude. Many of us likely suspected the root cause to be religious conflict. Then, while reading the COVID-19 news this week, it suddenly occurred to me that COVID-19 and vaccine compliancy could be just such an event.

There is already a media frenzy over mandatory vaccines. Some are demanding that the entire world be vaccinated (like Bill Gates), while others are dead set against it (like me). How bad this conflict is going to become is anyone’s guess.

Even now I have friends and family forming battle lines over the vaccines. Some are totally terrified and believe everything the media is saying. The others think it is a scam. However, slamming someone over their fear is not a very righteous thing to do. Their fear is very real, and we should respect their fear and work with them to overcome it or otherwise deal with it. If the person only feels safe when all parties where masks, then do so. It won’t kill you. It is an opportunity to practice our B attitudes.

Matt. 5:2 - and he began to teach them. He said:

3 - “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 - Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

5 - Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

6 - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

7 - Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

8 - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

10 - Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 - “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

12 - Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

As Yahushua’s ambassadors we are to be doing our best to reflect Yahushua at all times. Of course, that is a very tall order. I know of no one today that measures up to the full stature of Yahushua. Such a person should be very easy to recognize. Such a person should come speaking the same words and performing the same works as our Messiah. Until a person reaches such stature, they have nothing of which to boast.

The Lying Christian ministers will tell their congregations that their “God” doesn’t work that way anymore. Well, I say their god never did. How can a non-existent god do anything?

The initiation of such a transition begins with showing the same love and compassion towards one another that Yahushua demonstrated. Would Yahushua have walked up to a crippled person and start condemning, belittling, or maligning them in any way? Of course not. Neither should we.

Now putting all that aside for the moment, lets focus on the downside to any forced vaccines. My person objections are as follows:

1 – No one knows what is in them.

2 – They were developed too quickly, without adequate testing.

3 – No one knows the full extent of any side effects. A number have already died and/or experienced serious side effects; and some have been reported contracting the virus after receiving the shot.

4 – No one knows what kind of tracking chips “Old Bill” has placed in them (Mark of the Beast). When Bill insists on global vaccinations, we can know there is nothing good about them. So far, Gates is proving to be the messiah of the globalists.

Things are going to get worse as the situation persists. Already some are calling for mandatory vaccinations for international travel. Many were expecting hospital staff to wholeheartedly accept mandatory vaccines, but a large percentage are refusing it. Certain government jobs may require getting the vaccine. Applying for jobs in the private sector may soon require vaccinations as well. All school children will likely be required to be vaccinated. People may be required to be vaccinated to receive government support payments (welfare, disability and OAS). Where it stops, no one knows. One way or another, the world governments seem intent on making everyone get the shot.

Job: 36:21 – Beware of turning to evil, which you seem to prefer to affliction.

In other words, If society is heading down an evil road, do not allow them to convince you (because of their numbers) that they are right and more knowledgeable. This is especially so when they are trying to force us to believe and accept the same things they do.

Luke 20:46 “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.

Our societal leaders are not always right; neither is the majority. The teachers of the law are sometimes corrupt. Yet, they walk around feeling all puffed up and important, demanding our unwavering respect and homage. And some readily buy into their nonsense.

Anyone truly following Yahushua would never (or should never) behave in such a way. We are to be humble and respectful of all persons, as difficult as that sometimes may be. We should check and double check our “facts” to make absolutely sure that they are correct. No lie should ever leave our lips.

Yahuwah has given us an enormous responsibility of being an example to the rest of the world. Are we doing this to the best of our ability? Does the world see Elohim when they gaze upon us? If not, we have some serious introspection to do to test our actions, whether they are of spiritual benefit or spiritual condemnation. This is not a light calling (salvation light). There is absolutely no chance that anyone is going to make it into the Kingdom by making only a half-hearted effort. That is a Laodicean attitude which will only get us “spewed out of the mouth” of Yahuwah.

I can readily see now how families and friends will be set against one another over the question of mandatory vaccinations. Vaxxers may not want antivaxxers anywhere near them. They will likely become very angry with the anti-Vaxxers and disown them as a friend or family member. This all could quickly escalate into the scene from Luke 12, “father against son, and son against father; mother against daughter, and daughter against her mother; mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law”.

People are terrified. And this kind of irrational fear can become dangerous very quickly. Irrational fear leads to irrational actions. We must not allow such fear to overwhelm us or let the fears of others dictate our actions and thoughts. We are individuals and both capable and within our rights to have individual thoughts, opinions, and beliefs.

Recently, in the US news, Democrats are clamoring for all Trump supporters to be reprogrammed, as if they have a mental deficiency. I cannot believe the nerve of them. Just because someone disagrees with them, the person is deemed either a racist, a Nazi, white supremist or have a mental disorder. In Canada we have our own issues with PM Justin Trudeau, clearly a UN flunky. And I sometimes think those who voted for him have a mental disorder too. But then, spiritually speaking, we all have mental disorders.

Everyone has the right to believe whatever they want, but until we complete the image of Yahushua in our own being, we have no right to judge. I try to do my best to get along with everyone, but that does not always jive with our commission to teach the truth. Most listen politely, say nothing and move on. Others like to argue. Doing what we have been commissioned to do is not easy by any means. But do it we must.

I have also found myself suspecting the Elite of being very familiar with Bible prophesy and attempting to bring it about by their own means and under their complete control. Is that not what Constantine did with the Christian faith? He created a clever counterfeit that everyone could get their teeth into and sync with their previous pagan gods. As I have stated previously, if we want to know the future, study the past, because history always repeats itself, while us stupid humans repeat the same mistakes over and over again like a broken record. (Come to think about, any new generations don’t even know what a broken record is).

Of course, I have been aware, like most, that certain governments were creating and storing chemical weapons; and that some of those included biological weapons. I remember reading one report about one of the weaponized viruses they have produced, which, if released, would wipe out all life on the planet within 24 hours. When this Corona-virus first came out, it was reported that the Chinese were storing this virus for the Americans (Bill Gates). Now it seems that the Chinese were set up by “Old Bill” (and the American government or the military). This story was quickly hushed, and the virus suddenly became the Chinese pandemic. Of course, the big question we all should be asking is, “If they are going to create something like this, why would they not be creating an antidote at the same time?” Stupid is as stupid as it has always been.

But then, how do we know that they have not done exactly that and have an antidote at the ready but simply want the virus to run its course, killing as many as possible. However, I believe that there is definitely a political master plan behind it all as well. I believe that plan is to make us compliant and ready to do whatever they say.

Well, politically speaking, we have only one Master, whose bidding we are to be doing – Yahuwah. He is the only authority over us that we need to heed.


HaSatan declared war on the human race when dealing with the very first humans. Of course, he was striving to divert all worship toward himself. Every global emperor (including the Pope of the RCC) has strived to do the same thing.

Their prime weapon is attacking the family unit and trying to destroy it, making us no better than common animals. Nothing destroys a family like the act of abortion. It is nothing more than a throw-back to human sacrifices. Every time a baby is aborted, HaSatan dances with glee.

The next favorite weapon is homosexuality. That takes us back to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. We haven’t quite caught up to their depravity yet but are definitely headed in that direction.

A true family unit consists of one (male) father, one (female) wife and whatever number of children they have. A family consisting of two same sex parents is an abomination by Yahuwah’s standards. Yet, some Christian churches are now accepting such families into their congregations and including them as normal. Of course, we cannot expect much better from the church of the Antichrist. The only time a homosexual or an abortionist should be accepted into the flock is when they have repented of those deeds and turn back to Elohim.

And we also have drunkards, lairs, adulterers, child molesters and physical abusers added to the pot, all of which help destroy the family unit as well. And, of course, all are welcome in the Christian churches, where they believe they can work with and help such individuals. However, the situation has become or is becoming one where they cast their sins among the realm of normal (believing the lie that Yahushua did away with the Law) and accept them as they are. Some even have gay and lesbian ministers.

Our generation is bent on succeeding where Sodom and Gomorrah failed. I even read this morning where the newly appointed U.S. President chastised one Eastern nation for its policies against the LGBT movement. They are not going to stop until the whole world either is homosexual or at least support homosexuality as normal. That is when the whole world is going to suffer the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah.

I grew up in what we would call a normal family situation. As hard as I tried to attain the same normalcy that I grew up with in my marriages, I failed in twice. I did not know or follow Yahuwah until half-way through my second marriage, but that fact couldn’t save the marriage when only one party was trying. Therefore, my own children grew up in the “new” family unit where there is no unity. However, I did my best to instill good family values for them and am proud of the citizens they have become. I only wish I could get through to them spiritually as well.

We really need to realize that we only get one ride on this planet and one chance at salvation. Once dead there will be no opportunity for a redo. We need to make sure we get things right the first (and only) time. We must work to correct any spiritual problems that prevent us from growing fully into the image of Yahushua. Where we begin our training is with our own families. If we cannot get that right, how can we be trusted with any position in Yahuwah’s Kingdom?

Most of those reading this article have been called out of the world by our loving, all-powerful Elohim. This is an honor like no other. Yahuwah saw something in us what no one (even ourselves) saw. No one was more surprised than I was to be called by Yahuwah. It was like my life changed from night to day. My first quest was to learn for myself what the Scriptures said and I pretty much isolated myself for about 6 hours a day while I read. It took about a year to get through it, but when I did, I found myself scratching my head and wondering “Where did we go wrong? How did we arrive at such a state of corrupted spiritual values?”

Man’s allotted time to get things right is slowly coming to an end. We may not know when, but we do know that the day is coming – and it may be sooner than we assume. There is no time left for procrastination. We must roll up our shirt sleeves and get to Yahuwah’s work. That work is proclaiming the good news of Yahushua and His sacrifice to the entire world, regardless of any consequence for our efforts.

Yes, the world is going to hate us, but then, they hated Yahuwah also (so we are in good company). Out glorification will not be realized until we are raised in the resurrection and are judged. Those friends and family members who all thought we were crazy, are going to suddenly come to their senses and realize that we were right all along. Then they will be begging us to help them get into the Kingdom. And, of course, that will be completely up to Yahushua and the quality of their repentance.

No matter how much longer this world continues in its present direction, we only have to the end of our natural lives to get it all right. And, since none of us know when that day will come, we had better be found doing Yahuwah’s work every day until the end. It does not matter how busy our lives are, we need to make room for Yahuwah in our lives – right at the top of everything else. If this were not doable, Yahuwah would never have requested it. So, let us get at ‘er.

Yahuwah Bless

G. P.